HomeTopography and religion in the Ancient World

HomeTopography and religion in the Ancient World

Topography and religion in the Ancient World

Analyse topographique du fait religieux

Comparing methods and results

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Published on Monday, January 13, 2014


Appel à communications pour le colloque international « Analyse topographique du fait religieux » organisé par le Centre de recherche en histoire européenne comparée à l’université Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne, à la fin de 2014 (octobre/décembre). Il s'agira de réfléchir aux apports de l’analyse topographique dans l’étude des faits religieux de l’époque archaïque à la fin de l’Antiquité tardive.



We are calling for papers that explore various aspects of a topological approach of religion in any area of the Ancient World, from archaic times to Late Antiquity. Themes might include:

  1. Surveys, databases, inventories in relation with topography and religion.
  2. Monograph study of religious places in a precisely defined place (region, city, part of a city...), study of a specific monument as long as the topography matters.
  3. Thematic approaches of religion (principles of location of sanctuaries, building, transformation or destruction). Besides sanctuaries, any place used for religious purpose or seen as sacred place might be taken into account.

Submission guidelines

Please send before January 3Ist 2014

an abstract of no more than 250 words, along with a short academic biography in the third person, to silvia.milanezi@u-pec.fr or claire.sotinel@u-pec.fr

Papers should be 20 or 40 minutes in length (precise in the abstract), and may be delivered in English, French, German or Italian.

We hope to be able to get enough funding to pay travel and accommodation expenses for speakers.

The final list of speakers will be established before the end of February 2014. We look forward to reading your proposals.

Scientific committee

  • Bryan Ward-Perkins
  • Françoise Prévot
  • Vinciane Pirenne Delforge
  • Franz Alto Bauer
  • François de Polignac
  • Paulo Liverani
  • John Scheid
  • Claire Sotinel
  • Virginie Mathé
  • Nicolas Laubry
  • Kevin Trehuedic
  • Silvia Milanezi


  • 61 avenue du Général de Gaulle
    Créteil, France (94)


  • Friday, January 31, 2014


  • Antiquité, topographie, religion


  • Silvia Milanezi
    courriel : silvia [dot] milanezi [at] u-pec [dot] fr
  • Claire Sotinel
    courriel : claire [dot] sotinel [at] u-pec [dot] fr

Information source

  • Virginie Mathé
    courriel : virginie [dot] mathe [at] u-pec [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Topography and religion in the Ancient World », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, January 13, 2014, https://doi.org/10.58079/p4l

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