

  • Cycle de conférences - Histoire

    Midi-histoire de Bercy (2024)

    Les Midi-histoire de Bercy sont des conférences organisées par l’Institut de la gestion publique et du développement économique (IGPDE). Elles proposent des thèmes historiques variés, souvent en lien avec l’actualité immédiate afin de contribuer à la compréhension du temps présent.

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  • Evora

    École thématique - Histoire

    As Inquisições Ibéricas: fontes e desafios

    Curso de verão

    As Inquisições Ibéricas sempre despertaram o interesse. Quer tenha sido nos autores que com elas coexistiram, quer na literatura, quer na historiografia, as Inquisições ibéricas marcaram indelevelmente os quotidianos das sociedades ibéricas e dos respectivos espaços do império. O Curso de Verão "As Inquisições Ibéricas: Fontes e Desafios" pretende refletir acerca da importância dos tribunais inquisitoriais nas sociedades do seu tempo e compreender as potencialidades do uso da documentação por eles produzida para o estudo dos atores sociais e de fenómenos que, em muitos casos, podem ser analisados de forma conectada. O curso reúne um conjunto alargado de especialistas nos estudos inquisitoriais, cujas intervenções demonstrarão as possibilidades do uso das fontes inquisitoriais. Dar-se-á atenção à necessidade de esta documentação ser usada muito além do estudo isolado das Inquisições, percebendo as suas articulações, enraizamentos locais e impacto em sociedades espalhadas pelo mundo. 

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  • École thématique - Histoire

    Whose Global History? Perspectives from the Global South and Beyond

    This online Summer School seeks to question what Global History is primarily about, who it is written by, and who it is written for. By questioning the epistemic inequalities and exclusionary processes that shape the field, and considering actors, conceptual tools and historical positions that originate from different parts of the world, we aim to outline a global history that is meaningfully shaped by perspectives from the Global South.

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  • Cycle de conférences - Histoire

    Midi-histoire de Bercy

    Les Midi-histoire de Bercy sont des conférences organisées par l’Institut de la gestion publique et du développement économique (IGPDE). Elles proposent des thèmes historiques variés, souvent en lien avec l’actualité immédiate afin de contribuer à la compréhension du temps présent.

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  • Bruxelles

    Colloque - Moyen Âge

    Early Islamic Agriculture and Water Management: Talking about a “Revolution”

    Second Ḥajar Online Workshop

    In the workshop organized by Hajar, three archaeological case studies which relate to agriculture and/or water management during Early Islam will be presented, followed by responses and a discussion. These will enable another examination of Andrew Watson’s arguments from the 1980s about an “Arab agricultural revolution” or “green revolution” - this time from an archaeological perspective.

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  • École thématique - Histoire

    What is european history in the 21st century?

    Summer school in global and transnational history

    In the nearly half century since the EUI History Department was established, the contours of European history have shifted away from nation-based or comparative approaches. The department now defines itself a center for the study of transnational, global and comparative history. All of these approaches are implicitly about creating a new history of Europe, but how are they accomplishing this goal? What is the outlook for the future of this project? This summer school is devoted to asking, “What is European History in the 21st Century?” As historians call for the decolonization of history, and, simultaneously, face the historical distortions encouraged by resurgent populist nationalisms, reflection on the possibilities and problems of European history have never seemed more urgent.

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  • Colloque - Économie

    Quo Vadis? Monetary and Fiscal Interactions Revisited

    The age-old problem of how monetary and fiscal policy should interact has resurfaced around the globe. The series of financial crises in the advanced economies in the 2000s, and the ongoing covid-19 crisis, have combined to raise old questions in a new setting. In this context, this workshop propose to revisit the question of monetary-fiscal interactions.

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  • Maastricht

    Informations diverses - Histoire

    Occupation Studies Research Network - Call for members

    A new interdisciplinary online Occupation Studies Research Network which aims to promote the exchange of ideas and encourage a more systematic, comprehensive and conceptual understanding of the subject, was launched on 1 September 2021. The Network now has over fifty members. Doctoral students, postdoc and early career academics and staff at universities, other higher education institutes, museums and archives, who are either actively researching or have recently completed work on some aspect of the subject at PhD level or above are welcome to join the Network and are invited to contribute to the blog.

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  • Histoire économique

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