

  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Encyclopédie de l’histoire de l’église

    Les éditeurs du Dictionnaire d’histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques recherchent des notices pour leur prochain fascicule.

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  • Genève

    Colloque - Religions

    The Many Faces of Paul

    Pauline Exegesis in Pre-modern Times

    The conference on the Many Faces of Paul is the opening workshop of the research project “Exegesis of Paul in the 16th Century”, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Other than the project itself which will mainly focus on Reformation theology, our interest for this conference is to focus on other intellectual traditions, be they late antique, medieval, or early modern, that will help us later to contextualize Protestant perspectives. We are therefore deliberately interested in presentations on a broad spectrum of possible figures and sources, and we welcome contributions on the whole corpus that was historically associated with the Apostle, including the Epistle to the Hebrews and apocryphal material such as the Acta Pauli.

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  • Louvain

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Drivers of Change, Labour migrants from the Middle East, North Africa, and Turkey and social transformation in Western Europe, 1960-1990

    Labour migrants were a transformative power in Western Europe, provoking intended and unintended, large and small societal changes. It nevertheless remains challenging to fully integrate migrants’ pivotal roles into our fundamental comprehension of social, cultural, and political change in Western Europe. This workshop aims to merge subfields at the intersection of migration history to integrate the history of post-war labour migration into a larger narrative.

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  • Lille

    Appel à contribution - Religions

    Sciences, Technosciences and Faith in the Era of Integral Ecology

    From Laudato si’ (2015 Pope Francis) it touches climate questions and issues of urgency, in particular social urgency, and has an impact on social and antropological questions. Pope Francis considers the cry of nature and the cry of the poor in the same movement. The Orthodox viewpoint is expressed by Patriarch Batholomew 1st, and Protestant viewpoints such as the Lutheran calling for a just, peaceful and reconciled world are also needed. A global discussion on the concept of integral ecology will be part of our conference, in relation with the science and theology relationship, both from concepts and from field experiences.

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  • Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Personnes trans, queer et « troisième genre » en pays musulmans

    Revue « Anthropology of the Middle East » n° 20.1, 2025

    Aujourd’hui, malgré certains interdits, de plus en plus de personnes trans et queer affichent leur identité de genre dans les sociétés musulmanes. Historiquement, au-delà de l’importance de la binarité des genres et de leur séparation spatiale dans les pays musulmans, il existe contre toute attente dans cette région du monde de nombreuses figures de « troisième genre », selon le terme employé par l’anthropologue Gilbert Herdt. Par « troisième genre » dans le monde musulman, on pense en général à l’eunuque des harems ottomans, mais bien d’autres figures existent en contexte islamique, variables selon les pays (Algérie, Tunisie, Maroc, Mauritanie, Égypte, Liban, Émirats Arabes Unis, Oman, Turquie, Iran, Asie Centrale, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Indonésie, Albanie…) et les époques. Le vocabulaire et les réalités étant plurielles selon les pays et les périodes, les spécificités de ces figures et les noms qui les désignent seront analysés ainsi que les manières propres à ces groupes ou à ces individus de s’autodésigner. Ce numéro examinera ces figures de façon collective en tant que groupe (hijra, trans, queer…), en précisant leur rôle et leur statut social, mais il s’attachera également à ces figures en tant qu’individus.

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  • Palerme

    Appel à contribution - Religions

    Religious minorities as drivers of change: The case of Protestantism

    European Academy of Religion 2024 - Open Panel

    The minority question is often discussed nowadays, and more particularly as new religious minorities raise concerns about integration, assimilation, and domination. Thus, minorities can be set aside by something in their behaviour, beliefs or collective identity that creates the perception – and the historical experience – that they are different from ‘the majority’, or by identifying some of their characteristics to a threat for the rest of society. This panel, organised by the research group “Protestantism as a minority religion” aims at offering space for comparison of multiple approaches and territories where Protestantism – broadly defined – contributed to a paradigm shift in community relations and the perception of other religious minorities, whether former Christian minorities or Jews.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Épistémologie et méthodes

    For an international transdisciplinary chair

    This Symposium aims at discussing transdisciplinarity (TD) as an international university chair : 1) TD is beyond and through disciplines, i.e., more than mutltidisciplinarity (many disciplines not interacting) and interdisciplinarity (disciplines in interaction); 2) TD is the dialogue between technoscience (the feedback process between technology and science) and culture (philosophy, tradition, and art); 3) So, TD is the dialectical process between opposites, namely the complementarity principle, which includes disciplinarity vs. TD; 4) This TD approach can be used for concrete problem solving, in public and private organizations, including civil society.

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  • Barcelone

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Doing Ethnography of Contemporary “Spiritual” Practices: Methodological Challenges towards Relationality, Communication, and Presence

    This face-to-face panel of the Contemporary 'Spiritual' Practices network, part of the 18th European Association of Social Anthropologists Biennial Conference (Barcelona, 23-26 July 2024), seeks to gather papers that discuss the regimes of relationality, communication, and presence in doing ethnography of contemporary spiritualities.

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  • Helsinki

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Conflicts and catastrophes

    The International Society for Folk Narrative Research (ISFNR) Committee on Charms, Charmers, and Charming invites submissions for its 2024 conference. The conference will explore verbal rituals, whether written or spoken, that aim to change reality. Papers discussing this topic from any discipline, dealing with any region or historical period, are welcome. 

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  • Aubervilliers

    Colloque - Histoire

    Communist Perspectives on Atheism in the 20th Century

    In recent years, scholars in historical and secular studies have become increasingly interested in communist attitudes towards religion, communist regimes’ efforts to uproot religion, and interactions between Marxists and Christians. This conference will explore transnational communist perspectives on atheism in the twentieth century and Marxist-inspired attempts to explain and influence the evolution of atheism. Building on work on “scientific atheism”, “atheist establishments” and “thought collectives”, the conference explores differences and commonalities within the Soviet bloc – within which scholarly debates on atheism took place in what might be called a limited international scientific community.

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  • Washington

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Époque moderne

    Folger Institute Fellowships

    Long-term, short-term and artistic Fellowships (2024-2025)

    Each year the Folger Institute awards research fellowships to create a high-powered, multidisciplinary community of inquiry. This community of researchers may come from different fields, and their projects may find different kinds of expression. But our researchers share cognate interests in the history and literature, art and performance, philosophy, religion, and politics of the early modern world. The Folger Institute at the Folger Shakespeare Library offers long-term fellowships for scholarly research and short-term fellowships for both scholarly and artistic research. For the 2024-25 year, applicants may request virtual, onsite, or hybrid residencies.

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  • Aubervilliers

    Journée d'étude - Économie

    Accountability in Islamic Economy

    Transforming Religiosity and Religious Experience in Muslim Societies

    This international workshop will discuss the current situation of the halal economy from the perspective of the concept of ‘accountability’. It, therefore, considers the development of accountability of Islamic economy from the case studies of halal tourism and industry in Muslim societies.

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  • Palerme

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Early Modern Encounters. Religions, Cultures and Societies

    Thirteenth Annual REFORC Conference on Early Modern Christianity

    The international conference aims at problematising religious encounters and the issues of religious diversity in the early modern period with an interdisciplinary and transcultural perspective.

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Le catholicisme dans les sciences sociales

    La littérature sur le catholicisme africain est abondante, mais elle est inégalement répartie entre les disciplines des sciences humaines et sociales. La théologie se taille la part du lion, suivie par les sciences historiques. En général, le catholicisme a été négligé dans les sciences sociales, d’abord au profit des Églises indépendantes africaines et, plus récemment, du pentecôtisme. Ce volume s’intéresse aux contributions qui approchent un aspect du catholicisme en Afrique sous l’angle des sciences sociales.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Le christianisme aux frontières

    Quelques études de cas des périodes romaine et tardo-antique

    La collection d’études de cas qui a été présentée en 2018 et 2020 dans le cadre du projet DANUBIUS a donné lieu à une série de nouvelles questions historiques et de résultats inattendus. Certains des principaux éléments du dossier seront publiés dans un supplément à la revue Frontière·s. L’objectif de cet appel à communication est de compléter ce dossier par de nouvelles études de cas portant sur des régions qui n’étaient pas ou peu représentées lors des ateliers de 2018 et de 2020 : la Bretagne, la Gaule, la Germanie, le Caucase, le nord-est de l’Anatolie, le Moyen-Orient, ainsi que l’Égypte.

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  • Marseille

    Colloque - Pensée

    The Thinking of the Image

    Interdisciplinary approaches to imagery and imagination

    What shall we call an “image”? Is it that from which knowledge proceeds or that which anticipates knowledge? Is image something only able to be recognised as object of thinking or it shows per se, in its polysemy and equivocal constitution, a deep, still unexplored generative form of thinking? From the point of view of the understanding of the digital age, where we entered in, to a strong consideration of the new frontiers of science, knowledge, and philosophy and from here up to societal and cultural dimensions, the thinking of the image still remain an enigma.The aim of the international conference is, perhaps for the first time, to study and to explore in a genuine interdisciplinary approach the multiversal horizon of human imagery and, in particular its constructive, generative capacity of building a world-meaning.

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  • Genève

    Colloque - Histoire

    The Many Faces of Paul

    Pauline Exegesis in Pre-modern Times

    The conference on the Many Faces of Paul is the opening workshop of the research project “Exegesis of Paul in the 16th Century”, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Other than the project itself which will mainly focus on Reformation theology, our interest for this conference is to focus on other intellectual traditions, be they late antique, medieval, or early modern, that will help us later to contextualize Protestant perspectives. We are therefore deliberately interested in presentations on a broad spectrum of possible figures and sources, and we welcome contributions on the whole corpus that was historically associated with the Apostle, including the Epistle to the Hebrews and apocryphal material such as the Acta Pauli.

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  • Sienne

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Classicamente - Sienese Dialogues on the Ancient World

    The PhD alumni and students of the Anthropology of the Ancient World curriculum of the PhD course in Classics  and Archaeology would like to promote a sixth cycle of seminars of the series Classicamente. Dialoghi senesi sul mondo antico. The sessions which will take place in the 2023/2024 academic year shall continue focusing on the different methodologies and research perspectives which have shaped anthropology of the ancient world as field of study ever since its first development (with the works of Gernet, Vernant and Detienne). Space will also be given to those innovative approaches that constantly contribute to the hermeneutical expansion of this particular field of study. This year’s series of seminars wishes to create a meeting point for scholarship on antiquity and contemporary debate on its reception in modern societies, underlining the cultural, social and ideological aspects which spark from the interaction between present and past.

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  • Vác

    Appel à contribution - Religions

    Fifth Interdisciplinary Student Conference for Religious Studies

    The aim of the conference is to provide an academic forum for students and young researchers working in religious studies and its auxiliary sciences, where they can present and discuss their current research topics and their initial results on a yearly basis, but in a different location every year.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Communist Perspectives on Atheism in the 20th Century

    In recent years, scholars in historical and secular studies have become increasingly interested in communist attitudes towards religion, communist regimes’ efforts to uproot religion, and interactions between Marxists and Christians. Sponsored by the Explaining Atheism programme, this conference will explore transnational communist perspectives on atheism in the twentieth century and Marxist-inspired attempts to explain and influence the evolution of atheism. Building on work on “scientific atheism”, “atheist establishments” and “thought collectives”, the conference explores differences and commonalities within the Soviet bloc – within which scholarly debates on atheism took place in what might be called a limited international scientific community.

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