

  • Timişoara

    Colloque - Histoire

    History of the History of Archaeology: between Archaeologists’ and Historians’ Concerns

    Figures, Trends, and Perspectives

    The 20th Congress of the International Union for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (IUPPS) will be held in Timişoara (Romania), from the 5th to the 9th September 2023. The IUPPS “History of archaeology” commission is organising a panel entitled “History of the History of Archaeology: between Archaeologists’ and Historians’ Concerns. Figures, Trends, and Perspectives”.

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  • Bruxelles (Ixelles)

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Asie

    Bearing Witness to Traumatic Experiences: Cultural Productions of Uyghurs in Exile

    PhD position in Asian Studies

    This Ph.D. position is funded by a MIS (Mandat d’Impulsion Scientifique/ Incentive Grant for Scientific Research) project: “Bearing Witness to Traumatic Experiences: Cultural Productions of Uyghurs in Exile”. Uyghurs are a Turkic-speaking people based at the border of Central Asia and the north-western part of China. Massive internments and arrests of hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs have taken place in the region since 2016, including the Uyghur elite. In these conditions, centers of the cultural production of the Uyghurs have shifted from their native land to the diaspora spread across the world. This project looks at Uyghur diasporic cultural production that aims at drawing the world’s attention and bearing witness to the various abuses perpetrated at home by the Chinese government. The whole project analyses selected poems, short films, video clips, and dance and music performances to tackle new transmedial forms of testimonies in the Uyghur case.

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Logics, stakes and limits of cultural heritage transmission in Eurasia

    The thematic issue is about cultural heritage and patrimonialization. It aims at comparing the varying notions of “tradition” and “safeguarding of culture” within an empirical approach.We focus on conflicts about the creation of culture and how these globalised and specific contexts shape a changing self-perception of “ethnic identity” in Northern Asia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe.The articles may be on local as well as global expressions of cultural heritage: poetical genre, engraving or wood carving, architecture, ethno-parks or ecomuseums, cultural tourism, opposition to projects of valorization, etc. Analysis may also focus on the role of actors involved in local projects, on historical contexts or on international fashions.

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  • Louvain-la-Neuve

    Colloque - Asie

    Current Perspectives on Ibn ʿArabī and “Akbarī” Thought

    The aim of this meeting is to bring together confirmed and emerging specialists in order to gain some perspective on the current academic research on Ibn ʿArabī and “Akbarī” thought and to discuss research directions for the future. It will also bring to light questions arising from the reading and use of Ibn ʿArabī’s ideas today, taking into account the new approaches and better access to the texts provided by recent tools for textual analysis, and evaluating how our present-day situation shapes our understanding of his works, and conversely, what an informed reading can bring to current re-appropriations and (mis)use.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Post-soviet dis-integration and dis-connections (1991-2016)

    25 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, this conference aims at investigating its transversal consequences from two original standpoints: patterns of integration/disintegration combined to logics of connection / disconnection. These issues have various expressions in societal, normative, linguistic, regional or international fields. The conference will hence tackle a general question: how do political choices, economic contingencies or social phenomena foster or disrupt all kinds of links throughout the post-soviet area?

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  • Oulan-Bator

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Can regions understand each other?

    Europe and Asia: challenges and crisis-management

    Further to the first Europe-Asia conferences exploring regional regime dynamics (France, 2004), policies of regional cooperation (Korea, 2005), interregional competition (France, 2012) and the limits of regional constructions (Kazakhstan, 2014), this 2016 edition will look at the reciprocal understanding of regions and how that is conducive to their capacity (or lack thereof) to monitor crises they undergo, both specific crises and interregional ones. Papers must address original research, in regional dynamics of Asia and Europe, since the end of the cold war and focus on one area among.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Représentations

    Literature and Society in Central Asia

    En se concentrant sur les défis sociétaux tels qu’ils se reflètent dans la production littéraire centre-asiatique, cette demi-journée propose d’apporter des réponses, mais aussi de nouvelles formes de questionnements sur la façon dont les différentes sociétés et les populations de cette aire ont dépeint leur propre cheminement historique au cours des siècles. Tout en cherchant à étudier la façon dont on pouvait user de la littérature comme d’une source historiographique, et tout en essayant d’évaluer le niveau d’intrication de la littérature avec la société qui la produit, les intervenants accorderont une attention spécifique à la question des relations entre culture et pouvoir. La période abordée s’étend du XVe siècle jusqu’ aux années 1990, à partir de la fin de l’époque médiévale, lorsque « la renaissance timouride » livrait les plus belles heures de l’incessante symbiose turco-persane, pour s’achever avec la perestroïka envisagée du point de vue de la littérature kirghize.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Res Antiquitatis. Journal of Ancient History, volume 4 (2013)

    In order to publish the 4th volume of Res Antiquitatis. Journal of Ancient History during the current year of 2013, the Centro de História de Além-Mar is accepting proposals of papers. According to the journal scientific objectives, all works submitted must concern to Antiquity as general area of research, with two focal perspectives: specific studies on Ancient History, and works regarding its reception in all later periods.



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  • Almaty

    Colloque - Époque contemporaine

    Le Caucase et l’Asie centrale, vingt ans après les indépendances : questionner la notion de « Sud(s) »

    Ce colloque clôture un projet ANR mené au Centre d'études des mondes russe, caucasien et centre européen (CERCEC, CNRS/EHESS), intitulé « Caucase et Asie Centrale : un autre Sud ? ». Il rassemblera à Almaty, outre les membres de l'équipe du projet, une cinquantaine de participants venus d'Asie Centrale, du Caucase, de Russie, d'Europe des Etats Unis et du Japon. Pluridisciplianire, ce colloque a pour ambition d’interroger la pertinence des outils heuristiques élaborés à partir de terrains situés au « Sud », mais aussi de la notion même de « Sud(s) » pour appréhender les périphéries méridionales de l’espace post-soviétique. Il entend réunir des chercheurs de toutes les disciplines des sciences sociales (sociologie, histoire, sciences politiques, géographie, anthropologie, démographie, économie). Colloque organisé avec le soutien de l'Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (programme ANR « Les Suds »). Final English version attached below / Русская версия в аттачменте ниже.

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  • Cracovie

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Septième Congrès européen d’études iraniennes (7e ECIS)

    La septième édition du Congrès européen d’études iraniennes aura lieu du 7 au 10 Septembre 2011, et sera accueillie par l’Institut de philologie orientale, de l’Université Jagellonne de Cracovie, en Pologne.

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