

  • Berlin

    Appel à contribution - Éducation

    La transition vers les didactiques immersives

    De solutions éducatives pendant le confinement de covid-19 à l’enseignement dans le métavers

    Didactics, like any other fields of science, has embarked on a process of transformation that has been the product of the fourth industrial revolution. It has delivered most educational programmes to the student in an interactive way, ostensibly taking a cursive form in its relations with users regardless of the diversity of their educational field, while hiding a very complex form at the level of programming. We aim, through this international conference, to question the transition observed by the didactics of teaching, regardless of its scientific, literary or artistic field, to provide teacher-interactive lessons, as limiting the presentation of lessons to “PowerPoint” slides or PDF files uploaded on teaching platforms, no longer meets the requirements of the learner.

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  • Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    La violence et le conflit dans les sports et les jeux

    « Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence » - Numéro spécial sur les sports et les jeux

    Le Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence (PJCV) est à la recherche de contributions sur les problèmes philosophiques soulevés par les sports et les jeux. Le journal peut prendre en considération des propositions d'articles en français. Les textes retenus seront publiés par Trivent Publishing en décembre 2018 en open acess. La date butoir pour la soumission des textes est le 1er mai 2018.

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  • Cordoue

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Bioculturalité de la vie quotidienne

    Séminaire international de CORPUS (Groupe international d'études culturelles sur le corps)

    The present seminar is the continuation of the symposium Bodies in action. The Biocultural Dimensions of the Everyday life that was held within the framework of the 4th Congress on Latin American Anthropology (Mexico, 2015). We invite to this seminar Biocultural Dimensions of the Everyday life researchers interested in the study of the body, of the human embodiment, of the techniques of the body, of the linkages between bodily action and material culture, of the human/animal co-actions, of the nutrition, of the health, of the bodily education, of the dance, of the sexuality and of other fragments of everyday life that invite to think about the complexity of the human being-in-the-world.

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  • Montréal

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Hégémonie ou résistance ? Sur le pouvoir ambigu de la communication – Media Education Research Section

    Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) 2015

    The IAMCR 2015 Conference will be held in Montreal, Canada, July, 12-16, 2015. The Media Education Research Section is inviting submissions of individual research papers, complete panels and workshop proposals.

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  • Walferdange

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Éducation

    Doctoral candidates (PhD students) in History of Education

    L'université du Luxembourg offre deux postes pour doctorants en histoire de l'éducation. Les candidats choisis participent au projet FAMOSO qui recherche les transformations de la société luxembourgeoise engendrées par l'industrie sidérurgique pendant la première moitié du XXe siècle.

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  • Belo Horizonte

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Travail, relations sociales, éducation et identité

    SITRE - Colloque international

    A produção científica promovida por instituições e pesquisadores dedicados às diversas áreas do conhecimento tem congestionado o calendário acadêmico brasileiro e internacional com inúmeros eventos; muitos deles dimensionados para reunir milhares de pesquisadores, professores e estudantes, que procuram apresentar e discutir seus trabalhos, assim como os de seus colegas pesquisadores. Frequentemente esses eventos são, também, pensados para tratar de temas dentro de áreas de conhecimento muito específicas. O SITRE é o lugar onde se encontram e se recobrem em suas interfaces as Ciências Humanas e Sociais Aplicadas, as Ciências Exatas, a Educação, as Engenharias, a Filosofia. Onde se encontram pesquisadores, mas também docentes dedicados ao estudo da educação, do trabalho e da identidade e questões relacionadas ao gênero e ergologia.

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  • Histoire de l'éducation

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