

  • Londres

    Colloque - Histoire

    Tele(visualising) health: TV, public health, its enthusiasts and its publics

    Televisions began to appear in the homes of large numbers of the public in Europe and North America after World War II. This coincided with a period in which ideas about the public’s health, the problems that it faced and the solutions that could be offered, were changing. The threat posed by infectious diseases was receding, to be replaced by chronic conditions linked to lifestyle and individual behaviour. Public health professionals were enthusiastic about how this new technology. TV offered a way to reach large numbers of people with public health messages; it symbolised the post war optimism about new directions in public health. But it could also act as a contributory factor to those new public health problems.

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  • Londres

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Tele(visualising) health: TV, public health, its enthusiasts and its publics

    The conference aims to bring together scholars from different fields (such as, but not limited to, history, history of science, history of medicine, communication, media and film studies, television studies) working on the history of television in Great Britain, France and Germany (West and East) (the focus of the ERC BodyCapital project), but also other European countries, North and South America, Russia, Asia or other countries and areas. Papers might focus on one national, regional or even local framework. Considering the history of health-related (audio-) visuals as a history of transfer, as entangled history or with a comparative perspective are welcome. The organizers welcome contributions with a strong historical impetus from all social and cultural sciences.


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  • Londres

    Colloque - Histoire

    Émission(s) de santé

    Corps, marchés et télévision, 1950-1980

    In the television age, health and the body have been broadcasted in many ways: in short health education films, school television, professional training materials, TV ads, documentaries, reality TV shows and news, as well as stand-alone videos distributed to specific audiences. This three-day conference proposes an exploration of how television formats have influenced and staged bodies, health and healthy practices from local, regional, national and international perspectives, and how these TV programmes spread the conviction that viewers could and should invest in their health and shape their own body.

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  • Londres

    Appel à contribution - Information

    Broadcasting health and disease

    Bodies, markets and television, 1950s-1980s

    The three-day conference aims to investigate how television programmes in their multiplicity approached issues like medical progress and its limits, healthy behaviour or new forms of exercise by adapting them to TV formats and programming...The conference seeks to analyse how television and its evolving formats expressed and staged bodies, health and fitness from local, regional, national and international perspectives. How spectators were invited not only to be TV consuming audiences, but how shows and TV set-ups integrated and sometimes pretended to transform the viewer into a participant of the show. TV programmes spread the conviction that subjects had the ability to shape their own body.

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  • Bristol

    Colloque - Afrique

    Papier, ondes, écrans : du texte au public dans la culture populaire africaine

    This conference aims to reflect on the critical spaces of reading and listening that occur in and around popular cultural texts in Africa – from songs, magazines, romance fiction, and hip-hop lyrics, to blogs, facebook posts, and urban inscriptions. Drawing on the methods of cultural studies, material print cultures, and the sociology of reception, we seek to engage with the critical vocabulary generated by those spaces of reception at a time of transition for the book object and the reading practices which accompany it. How can this material be researched (archives, interviews, ethnographic observation, digitisation, databases)? How is/might it be integrated into teaching across disciplines? 

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  • Bristol

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Papier, ondes, écrans : du texte au public dans la culture populaire africaine

    Les textes propres à une culture populaire africaine forment un abondant corpus composé de matériaux textuels, sonores, et visuels : depuis les chansons, les magazines, la littérature sentimentale, les paroles de hip-hop, jusqu’aux blogs et messages sur Facebook, en passant par les inscriptions urbaines ou les tro-tros à Accra. La culture populaire englobe aussi les nombreuses manières par lesquelles ces objets culturels sont reçus et interprétés, à une échelle locale, nationale, et/ou internationale . Ce domaine de recherche mobilise des méthodes propres aux études culturelles, à l’histoire matérielle de l’imprimé, ainsi qu’à la sociologie de la réception . Le matériau en question reste cependant relativement peu étudié et enseigné, du fait de difficultés d’accès et de débats méthodologiques persistants.

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  • Édimbourg

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    The Progect Network for the study of progressive rock

    Second International Conference

    After the success of the first initiative in Dijon (2014), The Progect is organizing its second international conference on the 25th, 26th and 27th May 2016 in Edinburgh, UK. For this second event we encourage researchers to present papers that develop an interdisciplinary approach to progressive rock across three fields: musicology, sociology and media studies. We especially welcome papers that explore the ways in which these fields interact, complement or contradict each other.

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  • Belfast

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    San-Antonio international : représentations, circulation, traductions, échanges

    L’ampleur et la pérennité du succès de San-Antonio en France restent peu comprises à l’étranger. Malgré un demi-siècle de carrière, plus de 250 livres publiés et des dizaines de millions d’exemplaires vendus, cet auteur, sous ce pseudonyme ou sous le nom de Frédéric Dard demeure très mal connu hors de France, et il est rare de trouver ses livres en librairie hors des pays francophones. Ses romans, tant sous pseudonyme que sous patronyme ont pourtant été largement traduits dans une trentaine de pays. Son œuvre a aussi circulé sous d’autres formes médiatiques, inspirant en particulier de nombreux films distribués internationalement. 

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  • Oxford

    Appel à contribution - Éducation

    Groupe de travail sur le Serious Gaming

    Conférence internationale « Video games culture project » Oxford 17-19 juillet 2014

    Session de travail sur le Serious gaming autour de deux axes principaux : jeux commercieux utilisés à des fins de serious gaming ; expériences de level design à des fins de serious gaming.

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  • Oxford

    Colloque - Histoire

    Climat et temps : la science comme culture publique

    Communication scientifique et son histoire – III

    This conference is the third in a series devoted to historical and contemporary perspectives on the communication of science and technology. Climate and weather provide a particularly rich and challenging case study to complete the conference series. As with other disciplines studied during the previous conferences, the climate sciences are characterised by complexity: in their professional networks; their conceptual models; and the logistics of their large-scale data and computing needs. Yet few modern scientific disciplines attract the same level of public engagement, in both everyday life and passionate debate on the future of the planet. Moreover, their status at the intersection of policy, scientific controversy and the public sphere is not a recent development: the same issues and fault lines ran through meteorology from the 18th-century onwards. Shifting interests within the history of science and the development of environmental history have greatly expanded the field in recent years. The conference will provide an opportunity to reflect on these historiographical developments via a specific focus on the communication of weather and climate from the 18th to the 21st centuries. The conference will address three themes in particular: Commodification of meteorological knowledge, Media, and Historicizing climate history.

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  • Oxford

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Climat et temps : la science comme culture publique

    Communication scientifique et son histoire - III

    Climate and weather provide a particularly rich and challenging case study to complete the conference series. The climate sciences are characterised by complexity: in their professional networks; their conceptual models; and the logistics of their large-scale data and computing needs. Yet few modern scientific disciplines attract the same level of public engagement, in both everyday life and passionate debate on the future of the planet. Moreover, their status at the intersection of policy, scientific controversy and the public sphere is not a recent development: the same issues and fault lines ran through meteorology from the 18th-century onwards.

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  • Leeds

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Finding the Plot

    On the Importance of Storytelling in Popular Fictions

    A conference co-organised by the Popular Cultures Research Network (University of Leeds) and the Centre de Recherches sur les Littératures Populaires et les Cultures Médiatiques (University of Limoges), 14-16 April 2010

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