

  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    What Means Late Antiquity in the Balkans?

    New Concepts, Historiographies and Case Studies for the Period Between the 3rd and the 8th Centuries

    The Young Scholars Circle of the HAEMUS (YSCH) International Research Network is pleased to invite you to its first International Online Seminar for PhD students and Postdocs: What Means Late Antiquity in the Balkans? New Concepts, Historiographies and Case Studies for the Period between the 3rd and the 8th Centuries. This first edition of the YSCH online seminar aims to stimulate a discussion that, relying on the most recent studies, can contribute to specifying the definition of the concept of “Late Antiquity” for the Balkan Peninsula.

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  • Boulogne

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Judas the Galilean: the Man and his Significance

    In 6 CE, while Quirinius was taking the census of Judea, the first Jewish opposition aroused against Roman presence in the region, led by a man known as Judas the Galilean (or the Gaulanite). According to Josephus, all subsequent troubles were the fact of this man. But who was Judas? Was he so important in the history? Was he even challenging Roman authorities? As usual in similar cases, the scholarly debates are endless about the man and his significance. This conference aims to survey all of the many faces of Judas in recent historiography and to discuss each evidence in order to estimate the true place of Judas in history.

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  • Appel à contribution - Langage

    Les pratiques d’écriture en cours de langues anciennes dans l’enseignement secondaire et supérieur

    Le premier numéro de la revue de pédagogie des langues anciennes comportera un dossier thématique sur les pratiques d’écriture en cours de langues anciennes dans l’enseignement secondaire et supérieur. Il est également possible de proposer des contributions sur d’autres sujets qui prendront place dans une section intitulée Varia.

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  • Sienne

    Séminaire - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Classicamente. Dialoghi senesi sul mondo antico

    Diritto e Ritualità

    The full online seminar “Diritto e Ritualità” 10-11 November 2021 will focus on questions of Greek law and ritual forms in the ancient world, investigated through the lens of anthropology. We will explore the relationship between rhetoric and law, the evidence of judicial practices in literary sources and some issues related to the analysis of specific epigraphic sources (defixiones and prayers for justice). In the second day, we will try to put some ritual forms of the ancient world into context. In particular, we will investigate the function of knucklebones in Greek sanctuaries and the relationship between the ludic dimension and the ritual one. Late antique adoratio will also be discussed in light of the most recent theories developed by Anthropology and Ritual Studies.

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  • Histoire romaine

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