

  • Strasbourg

    Colloque - Europe

    Colloque international sur la diasporification de l'Islam en Europe

    À l'occasion du 15e anniversaire du Yearbook of Muslims in Europe publié par Brill, le Centre de Recherche DRES UMR 7354, le Département d'Études turques de l'Université de Strasbourg ainsi que l'Institut thématique interdisciplinaire Makers et l'Institut d'Islamologie de l'Université de Strasbourg organisent un colloque international sur la diasporification de l'Islam en Europe

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Colloque - Histoire

    Écrire le désert

    Enjeux, sources, analyses

    Comment écrit-on l’histoire du désert ? Et de quel désert s’agit-il, en fonction de quelle aire culturelle ? Alors que les études consacrées aux espaces sahariens ont pris de nouvelles directions ces dernières années – notamment autour de questions négligées auparavant telles que la mobilité ou les réseaux  et l’émergence de nouvelles identités sahariennes à la suite des décolonisations, ou dans le cadre de nouvelles explorations des relations entre colonisés et colonisateurs, ce colloque a pour ambition de créer un espace de réflexion autour du matériau fondamental de toute recherche académique : d’un côté les archives qui nourrissent le travail du chercheur, et de l’autre les questions autour desquelles s’articule son enquête.

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Subversive Intrusions: Redefining the Museum Through Activist Interventions

    The editors are looking for original chapters and shorter contributions (interviews, manifestoes, dialogues, etc.) for an interdisciplinary edited volume exploring the phenomenon of artistic and activist-lead intrusive performances in large European and American museums. By interrogating cases of gendered objectification, cultural appropriation, and hierarchical monopolization of vision within Western museums, the contributions to this book explore how these performances (and the actors behind them) contribute to the redefinition of the modern conception of the Western museum. 

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  • Genève

    Colloque - Asie

    Promotion de la culture et des arts chinois, 1930-1950

    Autour de la Bibliothèque sino-internationale

    Conçue et gérée par des Chinois, la Bibliothèque Sino-Internationale constitue un cas rare, voire unique entre 1930 et 1950, d’institution de diplomatie culturelle installée en occident par un pays non-occidental. Elle préfigure les centres culturels moderne. Notre symposium entend repenser collectivement les circonstances etles stratégies de cette entreprise de diffusion.

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  • Venise

    Appel à contribution - Asie

    Travelling to the East. Marco Polo and the Mendicant Friars

    During the two days that will take place in Venice on 25 and 26 October 2024, the aim is to celebrate the story of Marco Polo through a multidisciplinary approach that sees Polo as the most famous figure but also covers themes and characters equally worthy of in-depth study. The papers will be divided into three sections: the first will be of a historical-philological nature and the history of thought (The Dominicans and Marco Polo); the second dedicated to the discovery of the literary genre linked to the journey, with particular reference to the missionary one (The Periegetic and the Missions to the East); and finally a third section focusing on artistic aspects and cultural exchanges (The East of Silk and the Arts, Maps and Polo’s Iconographies).

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  • Ottawa | Lille

    Colloque - Europe

    Moving Beyond The Center-Periphery Dynamics

    Central and Eastern Europe From The Mid-19th Century to The Present

    Since the 18th century, the discourse on modernization—understood as a process aiming to align social organization with the expectations and needs of societies and carrying a promise of emancipation—identifies the Western form of modernity, in its political (democracy) and economic (capitalism) dimensions, as a model to follow. In the multicultural empires of Central and Eastern Europe, divergences in the paths and rhythms of political, economic, and social modernization engraved in collective imaginaries the idea of a structural delay of these societies compared to the rest of Europe, relegating them to the periphery—or semi-periphery—of the Western world. This discourse justified structural reforms and enabled the rise of social groups interested in and useful for these reforms. This conference aims to examine the experience of Central and Eastern European countries with the modernization process from the late 18th century to the present, beyond the center-periphery dynamics.

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  • Vienne

    Journée d'étude - Pensée

    Europe and the USSR. Literature in the face of the persecution and extermination of the Jews

    La journée d’études se propose d’interroger les réactions littéraires et artistiques à la montée de l’antisémitisme dans les années 1930 qui aboutit à la persécution et l’extermination systématiques des Juifs d’Europe. Le regard sera porté sur les années d’avant-guerre, mais aussi sur l’après-guerre. Cela nous permettra de réfléchir d’une part sur l’aptitude de projection que peut avoir la littérature (et avec elle d’autres médias) à représenter un après comme conséquence des événements en cours, mais aussi sur un après tel qu’il fut ressenti au fil des ans qui ont suivi la Shoah. 

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  • Sintra

    École thématique - Époque moderne

    Women in Iberian Court Residences

    Space, Power and Leisure (15th–18th centuries)

    This summer school will bring together specialists of royal and court histories to analyse themes encompassing court politics, gender politics, and queenship in the Iberian contexts. It provides a unique experience to learn about, and to discuss the roles and experiences of women within the courtly and palatial settings of both Spain and Portugal.

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  • Pretoria

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Lexicography: Beyond Dictionaries!

    28th International Conference of the African Association for Lexicography (AFRILEX)

    The aim of the African Association for Lexicography (AFRILEX) is the promotion and co-ordination of the research, study and teaching of lexicography by means of the publication of a journal and other appropriate literature, and the organization of regular conferences and seminars to provide an opportunity for an exchange of ideas and for mutual stimulus to researchers and practitioners in the field of lexicography. The 28th International AFRILEX Conference will be held from 1 to 4 July 2024 at the University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa. With the advent of advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) that bring new challenges and new perspectives in knowledge production, knowledge dissemination and knowledge storage, there seems to be sufficient ground to reflect on the place and position of the field of lexicography in these new developments.


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  • Genève

    Colloque - Religions

    The Many Faces of Paul

    Pauline Exegesis in Pre-modern Times

    The conference on the Many Faces of Paul is the opening workshop of the research project “Exegesis of Paul in the 16th Century”, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Other than the project itself which will mainly focus on Reformation theology, our interest for this conference is to focus on other intellectual traditions, be they late antique, medieval, or early modern, that will help us later to contextualize Protestant perspectives. We are therefore deliberately interested in presentations on a broad spectrum of possible figures and sources, and we welcome contributions on the whole corpus that was historically associated with the Apostle, including the Epistle to the Hebrews and apocryphal material such as the Acta Pauli.

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  • Heidelberg

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Compensations and Reparative Politics: A View from the Nineteenth Century

    We are inviting scholars to apply for a conference on the intersecting regimes of postrevolutionary compensation in the first half of the nineteenth century.

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  • Norwich

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Ideas of Europe and Images of Russia. From the Eighteenth Century to the Present

    XV Annual Conference of the Research Network on the History of Idea of Europe

    (Western) European perceptions of and discourses about Russia tell us much more about Europe’s self-perceptions (and delusions) than about Russia itself. And the same holds true for Russian views about Europe. Underlying such a complex identity-formation processes is an often troublesome intellectual dialogue between Europe and Russia, between two closely entwined entities. One of the purposes of this international conference, is to shed light on such a dialogue, discern its main elements, and its untold assumptions and underlying prejudices. The overall aim is to examine how images of Europe and discussions about Russian identity have interacted and influenced each other. Embracing a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach, the conference aims to engage intellectual, cultural, social, and art historians as well as literary scholars and political theorists. 

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Architecture of the Past: inspiration for the Future

    L’architecture, en réponse à des besoins universels, s’est développée sous des formes diverses, dans des milieux variés et présente de ce fait une multiplicité de solutions. Cette diversité des formes du bâti et d’espaces habités intéresse de nombreuses disciplines qui ont rarement l’opportunité d'échanger. La visée de cet événement interdisciplinaire sera donc de réunir archéologues, historiens, architectes, artisans, conservateurs, restaurateurs et ethnologues afin qu’ils partagent leurs travaux et recherches sur des pratiques et ouvrages architecturaux présentant un intérêt face aux enjeux environnementaux, sociaux et économiques actuels et à venir. L’objectif est de montrer que l’architecture de demain s’invente aussi au regard du passé, qu’elle soit savante ou vernaculaire, quels qu’en soient les matériaux, la période, la zone géographique ou l’aire culturelle. La liste de thèmes proposés est détaillée dans l'appel à communication.

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  • Vienne

    Appel à contribution - Éducation

    Challenging the Reproduction of Inequality Through Higher Education

    Critical Approaches in Romani Studies and Beyond

    This conference aims to facilitate critical discussions about initiatives that promote or support opportunities for persons belonging to racialized and oppressed groups to access higher education. The conference seeks to promote the participation of Romani scholars andprofessionals, including those who took part in such programs earlier, and facilitate a knowledge exchange amongst various scholars and professionals from the educational and social sciences.

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  • Vienne

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Iron Curtains or Artistic Gates?

    Communism and Cultural Diplomacy in the Global South (1945–1991 and Beyond)

    How did cultural interaction since 1945 unfold outside the realm of Western dominance, shaping omitted global narratives? This workshop will explore cultural interactions between state socialist countries in Europe and those in the Global South, with the aim of challenging and deconstructing traditional Cold War narratives.

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  • Târgovişte

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Dynamics of Belonging: Exploring Home and Homeland in Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea Region

    The 15th Annual International Conference on Baltic and Nordic Studies

    In reflecting on the notion of home, individuals in both the Scandinavia and Baltic Sea Region engage in a multifaceted introspection. Whether one envisions home as a microregion, encapsulating the unique landscapes and cultural tapestries of Scandinavia or the Baltic Sea Region, or defines it on a national scale, the discourse expands to include the intricate layers of personal and collective identity. This contemplative journey involves both longstanding inhabitants and newcomers, prompting a profound meditation on the concepts of home, homeland, homelessness, or a state of being without a defined nation. This conference aims to delve into the nuanced dimensions of cultural identity, sustainability, connectivity, migration, security, education, innovation, and artistic expression within the captivating landscapes of Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea Region. 


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  • Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Le rôle des femmes dans les arts décoratifs et le design en France (1850 à nos jours)

    Les femmes ont joué un rôle déterminant dans l’histoire des arts décoratifs et du design. Des expositions récentes (Here We Are! Women in Design 1900 – Today au Vitra Museum en 2021 et Parall(elles): une autre histoire du design au Musée des Beaux-arts de Montréal en 2023) ont présenté une approche générale. Mais en France, quel est l’état de la question et comment leur contribution se situe-t-elle dans ce contexte global ? Ce colloque ambitionne de livrer un état des recherches sur la question mais également d’apporter un éclaircissement sur un pan méconnu de la création artistique. Il entend dresser une vue d’ensemble de l’évolution et de la situation des femmes dans les arts décoratifs et le design en France depuis le milieu du 19e siècle afin de compléter les connaissances actuelles concernant un phénomène qui se situe dans l’actualité de la recherche en histoire de l’art et de l’industrie. 

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  • Béjaïa

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    The Journal of Studies in Language, Culture, and Society (JSLCS) - varia

    The Journal of Studies in Language, Culture, and Society (JSLCS) is a double-blind peer-reviewed, free-of-charge, open-access, and multidisciplinary journal that is published three times a year and edited by the University of Bejaia. The main objective of JSLCS is to provide a platform for national and international scholars, academicians, and researchers to share contemporary thoughts in the fields of linguistics and languages, civilization and literature, sociology, psychology, translation, anthropology, education, ICT, history, cultural and intercultural studies, communication, pedagogy, history, philosophy, religion, etc.

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  • Bourse, prix et emploi - Europe

    Cultural heritage outreach in romance languages (CHORAL) project

    Cofund Doctoral Programme in Cultural Heritage

    Coordinated by the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, CHORAL (Cultural Heritage Outreach in RomAnce Languages) is a Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska Curie programme co-funded by the European Union. It is tied to the Cultural Heritage Hub, an international research network within the Unita Alliance, which structures its research ecosystem facing cultural related challenges. CHORAL aims to train high-quality international researchers and to encourage the development of interdisciplinary, international and inter-sectoral research that addresses any aspect of Cultural Heritage. The successful candidates will enrol in PhD programs under joint supervision that will require an international mobility. Choral students will benefit from dedicated events and a tailored doctoral training programme.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Conceptualizing Corruption: The “Old Regime” and the New Order in East-Central-South Europe (1750s-1850s)

    During the age of revolutions, West European politicians, scholars, and popular writers often characterized South-East-Central Europe as a corrupt political space. Notables from the region routinely echoed these claims. Those in and outside of South-East-Central Europe mobilized commentaries on “corruption” for their own political, professional, and personal gains. They used the idea of corruption to assert, for instance, that they knew to run more honest and efficient administrations, military regimes, and commercial operations. The conference organizers welcome paper proposals that employ a (de)constructivist and/or sematic approach to study the concept corruption and its relationship to the rise of (West European) modernity. Submissions should focus on Central-South-East Europe from the 1750s to the 1850s. Applicants working on regional micro-histories that situate changing notions of “corruption” in a transnational context are especially encouraged to apply. 


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