

  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    The Armenian Genocide: New Interpretations and Cross-Disciplinary Conversations

    The study of the Armenian genocide often remains confined to restricted circles of specialists and interdisciplinarity is too rarely promoted. And, although comparative research is praised, it is frequently reduced to the juxtaposition of case studies. Research on the Armenian genocide is now ready to address more cross-cutting issues and to fully contribute to broader discussions on mass violence. Therefore, this conference asks: how can the social sciences, memory studies, and genocide studies contribute to a broader understanding of the Armenian genocide and its aftermath? And reciprocally: what is the contribution of research on the Armenian genocide to our understanding of mass crimes and to the social sciences?

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  • Paris 04 Hôtel-de-Ville

    Journée d'étude - Psychisme

    Memory, Place, and Material Culture

    Si la mémoire et la sensibilité, la conception et la prise de décision sont des processus liés à l’espace et au corps, alors la cognition peut avoir des composantes matérielles et écologiques. Nos vies mentales peuvent être en partie constituées par des lieux - paysages, environnements bâtis, quartiers - et par des artefacts. Cet atelier examine les relations entre la mémoire, le lieu et la culture matérielle. Les thèmes abordés comprennent les cartes et la cognition spatiale, les outils et dispositifs d’orientation et de mémoire, la santé mentale et la ville, les lieux difficiles et le patrimoine historiquement chargé, ainsi que les perturbations spatiales de la mémoire. Les intervenants s’appuient sur des données issues de l’archéologie, de l’architecture, de l’art, des neurosciences, de la performance, de la philosophie et de la sociologie, et posent de nouvelles questions sur la nature de la perception corporelle et affective lorsque les gens naviguent ensemble dans des lieux et dans le passé.

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  • Erkner

    École thématique - Études urbaines

    Residues of the Past: (De)constructing urban histories

    2023 IRS Summer School

    The focus of the summer school is to examine how historical strata have been understood, constructed, and interpreted in different European cities from the post-war period to the present day. On the one hand, the participants will learn how historic buildings were integrated into the post-war reconstruction plans on both sides of the “Iron Curtain”. On the other hand, we will discuss how historical authenticity has been established in the preservation of monuments and what might have been overlooked in the process. Finally, participants will debate how people (individually and in groups) remember and what this means for our understanding of the past. The students should also investigate how digital methods can help to understand today’s memory landscapes.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Violent Turns: Sources, Interpretations, Responses

    The aim of this international conference is to provide researchers with an interdisciplinary platform to investigate and debate the question of contemporary irruptions of political violence and to inquire into the different responses intended to counteract violence. When and why do individuals, groups, and societies come to believe that peaceful means and legal avenues of redress, including non-violent civil disobedience, are insufficient or improper to achieve a social or political goal and to view violent action as morally legitimate and necessary for change? Can one identify trends shaping recourse to violence by parts of the populace? What role does state violence play in the dialectic? When, if ever, is political violence legitimate? How can violence be averted?

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  • Lisbonne

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Psychisme

    Research grant for a master student under the project “VAST: Values Across Space and Time”

    A call for tender for one Research grant for a Master Student under the project VAST: Values Across Space and Time project is now open  in the scientific area of Psychological sciences. The research grant holder will develop tasks within the European project VAST: Values Across Space and Time (EU 101004949), whose main objective is to study the transformation of moral values across space and time, and how these are communicated and perceived by different audiences, capturing, digitising, preserving and analysing of the stories and experiences of those exposed to these values.

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  • Strasbourg

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Psychiatry and addictions in Europe in the XXth century

    The goal of this international colloquium is to explore psychiatry’s contribution to the troubled and non-linear history of the medicalization of addictions in Europe throughout the XXth century. This question should be explored through the lens of medical concepts, institutions of care and cure, as well as patients’ experiences. At the same time, our aim is to explore how psychiatric archives may renew the social history of drugs.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Comprendre la guerre en Ukraine

    CFP Forum Ukraine - The American University of Paris

    The George and Irina Schaeffer Center for the Study of Genocide, Human Rights, and Conflict Prevention, and the American University of Paris hope to provide a virtual forum on May 9-10, 2022, for scholars from multiple disciplines and humanitarian activists to process the causes and consequences of the war in the Ukraine. Because of the urgency and ongoing nature of the conflict, we are not expecting polished academic presentations but short (10-15 minutes) thought pieces that help to elucidate various aspects and interpretations of the war. A primary aim is to give Ukrainian and Russian scholars the opportunity to express themselves and their point of view.

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  • Saint-Martin-d'Hères

    Appel à contribution - Économie

    Vers une société du bien vivre : les interdépendances à l’épreuve des atomismes

    En 2018, le colloque scientifique du forum international pour le bien vivre avait traité de la définition collective du bien vivre, des méthodes et des usages des indicateurs de bien vivre, de la participation citoyenne et de la contribution de la recherche au bien vivre. En repartant de ces acquis, la seconde édition du colloque scientifique propose de faire un pas de plus dans la réflexion sur un changement de paradigme en faveur du bien vivre en mettant l’accent sur la prise en compte des interdépendances.

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  • Nimègue

    Appel à contribution - Religions

    Passions and the Mystical

    Between Affecting and Being Affected

    This conference, jointly organized by the Mystical Theology Network (MTN) and the Titus Brandsma Institute (TBI) at Radboud University Nijmegen, aims to bring together theologians, religious studies scholars, philosophers, literary scholars, historians and scholars working in related fields to discuss and map out the wider semantic field of the ‘passion(s)’ across mystical traditions.

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  • Cres

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Re-inventing/reconstructing cosmopolitanism in contested spaces and post-conflict zones

    The purpose of this international conference is to encourage a multi- and transdisciplinary discussion of one of the core analytical and normative problems of our troubled present: the challenge of cultivating inclusive civic and social spaces at a moment when difference is ubiquitously threatened by exclusionary ethno-nationalisms, the construction of material and symbolic walls of separation, spaces of conflict, and violence-laden representations of the essential alienness of cultural, political, and religious others. 

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  • Brno

    Appel à contribution - Religions

    Wellbeing, Harm, and Religion

    International Religious Studies PhD Conference 2021

    Different conceptions of harm and wellbeing derived from different religious traditions retain their relevance in many locales across the globe even today, as they did in history. They intertwine(d) with “secular” medical practices; religious actors can formulate stances towards modern medical technologies, like vaccination and blood transfusion; and religion sometimes articulates alternative theories about the nature and origin of various diseases and about their treatment. With this conference, we aim to create a platform for the study of the intersections amongst religion, health, and diverse cultural conceptions of harm and wellbeing.

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  • Turku | Paris

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Narrating violence: Making race, making difference

    In collaboration with The George and Irina Schaeffer Center for the Study of Genocide, Human Rights, and Conflict Prevention at the American University of Paris, University of Turku invites scholars, students, practitioners, and activists from all fields to take part in the Winter symposium of the Nordic Summer University Study Circle Narrative and Violence. This symposium will explore questions on the production, practice, and instrumentalization of violent narratives about racial, ethnic, religious, gender, sexual, and political minorities and groups. While multiple theoretical perspectives will be included in both locations, the symposium will have a broader international focus at the American University of Paris and will facilitate discussions primarily pertaining to the Nordic and Baltic sphere at the University of Turku.

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  • Bruxelles

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie


    Domestic accumulation, decluttering, and the stuff of kinship in anthropological perspective

    We invite submissions of abstracts considering the following sorts of questions: What is the relationship between storage and the labor of kinship? What kinds of possessions are sources of obligation? Which are experienced as social or animate beings? What social practices and spatial processes surround waste, excess, and the riddance of objects from the home? How might local ethnographic concepts like hau orbrol inform the anthropological understanding of attachment to possessions, recycling, or the circulation of second-hand objects? When is accumulation a valued social practice, and when is it morally suspect? How is the space of storage constructed in relationship to the social space of the home, and how might this reflect on the local category of stored things? We invite authors to consider how practices such as storage, stockpiling, and purging of belongings can be approached anthropologically in order to provide both nuanced ethnographic depth and broader cross-cultural and historical perspective. Interdisciplinary perspectives are also welcome.

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  • Barcelone

    Appel à contribution - Épistémologie et méthodes

    5th World Conference on Qualitative Research


    The World Conference on Qualitative Research (WCQR) is an annual event that aims to bring together researchers, academics and professionals, promoting the sharing and discussion of knowledge, new perspectives, experiences and innovations on the field of qualitative research. It encourages the submission of scientific works that focus on several fields of application in qualitative research, from education to health, social sciences, engineering and technology, among others.

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  • Luxembourg

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Les études littéraires cognitives. Théories, méthodologie et défis

    Considérant l’éclectisme qui caractérise les approches cognitives en littérature comme une chance et une richesse, nous invitons les littéraires et les chercheurs de toutes les branches des sciences cognitives préoccupés par ce domaine à réfléchir ensemble sur le statut, les théories, les méthodologies et les défis auxquels les études littéraires cognitives sont confrontées à l’époque contemporaine.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    L’éloge du féminin en poésie : penser l’exaltation rhétorique

    L’éloge se définit comme un discours épidictique né d’une vigoureuse admiration, impliquant une instance énonciative, productrice d’un discours évaluatif saturé d’amplification et de valorisation. L’éloquence de l’acte célébratif, éminemment rhétorique, établit ainsi la singularisation et l’élévation d’un objet, produisant un jugement mélioratif de l’objet visé. Omniprésent dans la poésie amoureuse et érotique (les odes et fragments saphiques, le cantique des cantiques biblique, la tradition du ghazal dans la poésie courtoise arabe et perse, les Amours et Odes ronsardiennes, L’union libre d’André Breton, l’hommage à la Femme noire de Léopold Sédar Senghor, The lesbian body de Monique Wittig se lisent comme autant de variantes encomiastiques), l’éloge a traditionnellement servi à chanter le féminin—geste qu’il s’agira d’interroger, tant sur le plan philosophique, énonciatif, rhétorique, genré qu'épistemologique.

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  • Berlin

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Thinking about violence in Africa through women’s experiences: vulnerability & subversion

    Penser la violence en Afrique au travers de l’expérience des femmes: vulnérabilité et subversion

    Les deux journées du « Junges Forum » seront consacrées à penser la violence en Afrique au travers de l’expérience des femmes dans une perspective interdisciplinaire. L’objet ici n’est pas de se concentrer sur l’expérience passive, pour peu qu’elle existe, de la violence. Il s’agit bien ici de s’intéresser à la manière de l’appréhender, de la retranscrire, de la faire sienne et de la renverser, qu’elle soit symbolique, sociale, domestique, épistémique, politique ou sexuelle. Le « Junges Forum » vise à accueillir des communications de jeunes chercheur.euse.s (doctorant.e.s et postdoctorant.e.s) pour permettre des échanges interdisciplinaires et discussions ouvertes sur la thématique. Les communications de différents champs de la recherche scientifique (anthropologie, études cinématographiques, études sur le genre, psychologie, sciences historiques, sciences littéraires, sociologie, etc.) devront exclusivement se concentrées sur les aires géographiques du continent africain.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Pensée

    Life and Mind. Aristotelian themes in contemporary philosophy

    Despite the interest in exploring Aristotelian themes in contemporary philosophy, there has been no coordinated attempt to survey or integrate the ways in which Aristotle’s approach to understanding life, mind, and the relation between them might inform and enrich our own. The objective of this workshop is to explore the way in which Aristotelian thought can brought to bear on contemporary research on the much-debated issue of the so-called mind-body problem and on its implications for the conceptualization of notions such as that of organism, animal and human perception and action, human moral agency, and the relation between mind and life.

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  • Szeged

    Appel à contribution - Religions

    Sacred locations: spaces and bodies in religion

    The conference invites contributions on the conceptualization, interpretation, management or instrumentalization of religion with regard to space, geographical or personal from PhD students, as well as advanced Master’s students from all fields of humanities and social sciences including but not restricted to: Anthropology, Economy, History, Law, Philology, Philosophy, Political sciences, Psychology, and Sociology.


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  • Bruxelles

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Hoarding and Disorder in Comparative Perspective – FNRS Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

    Search is open for a 2 year postdoctoral position at ULB in Brussels, Belgium. The candidate will contribute to a research project with PI Sasha Newell on Hoarding and Disorder in Comparative perspective. The successful candidate will conduct independent fieldwork in Belgium in relation to the themes described below and produce their own research products from it, while coordinating their findings comparatively with those from the US and Côte d’Ivoire. The candidate may develop their own methodologies and interpretative schemas, while dialoguing with those employed in other parts of the project by the PI. They will collaborate with the PI (Sasha Newell) in presenting and/or writing up some of the material collected in a comparative frame, help to organize a conference on hoarding and disorder that brings in a broader range of regional and interdisciplinary scholarship, and help to edit a volume or special issue using the proceedings from that conference.

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