

  • Baia Mare

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Discours idéologique et discours publicitaire dans les médias et les universités

    Can we distinguish in the current discourses of the media and universities their roles in our societies? This distinction is important because it refers to the knowledge that journalists and professors put forward through their communications and actions. Do they participate objectively developing the autonomous and enlightened thinking of the citizens of today and tomorrow by democratically supporting their quest for understanding? Or have they become the spokesmen of a single, and therefore partial and partial, way of thinking? What is its legitimacy and relevance when it organizes the information transmitted according to ideological interests, such as a promotional or advertising campaign?

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  • Colloque - Langage

    Waterphors 2024

    The Centre d’Études Linguistiques – Corpus, Discours et Sociétés (University of Lyon – Jean Moulin Lyon 3) will organize a symposium on April 4 to April 5, 2024. The theme is dedicated to water metaphors (“Waterphors 2024”).

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  • Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Personnes trans, queer et « troisième genre » en pays musulmans

    Revue « Anthropology of the Middle East » n° 20.1, 2025

    Aujourd’hui, malgré certains interdits, de plus en plus de personnes trans et queer affichent leur identité de genre dans les sociétés musulmanes. Historiquement, au-delà de l’importance de la binarité des genres et de leur séparation spatiale dans les pays musulmans, il existe contre toute attente dans cette région du monde de nombreuses figures de « troisième genre », selon le terme employé par l’anthropologue Gilbert Herdt. Par « troisième genre » dans le monde musulman, on pense en général à l’eunuque des harems ottomans, mais bien d’autres figures existent en contexte islamique, variables selon les pays (Algérie, Tunisie, Maroc, Mauritanie, Égypte, Liban, Émirats Arabes Unis, Oman, Turquie, Iran, Asie Centrale, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Indonésie, Albanie…) et les époques. Le vocabulaire et les réalités étant plurielles selon les pays et les périodes, les spécificités de ces figures et les noms qui les désignent seront analysés ainsi que les manières propres à ces groupes ou à ces individus de s’autodésigner. Ce numéro examinera ces figures de façon collective en tant que groupe (hijra, trans, queer…), en précisant leur rôle et leur statut social, mais il s’attachera également à ces figures en tant qu’individus.

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  • Barcelone

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Doing Ethnography of Contemporary “Spiritual” Practices: Methodological Challenges towards Relationality, Communication, and Presence

    This face-to-face panel of the Contemporary 'Spiritual' Practices network, part of the 18th European Association of Social Anthropologists Biennial Conference (Barcelona, 23-26 July 2024), seeks to gather papers that discuss the regimes of relationality, communication, and presence in doing ethnography of contemporary spiritualities.

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  • Barcelone

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Ethnographier le racisme aujourd'hui

    Nous recherchons des personnes pour participer à notre panel, ce panel porte sur la manière de faire et de défaire une ethnographie du racisme dans l’anthropologie d’aujourd'hui. Il est ouvert à de nouvelles formes et manières d’ethnographier et d’aborder le racisme en anthropologie.

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  • Thessalonique

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Conducting doctoral research in Greece today: From which uncertainties, through which vulnerabilities, to which collectivities?

    Anthropology, Ethnography in/for uncertain times

    This announcement is for one of the panels of the 2nd Conference of the Association of Social Anthropologists Greece (SKAE), “Anthropology, Ethnography in/for uncertain times”. This panel aspires to serve as the starting point for a conversation on the lived experience of carrying out doctoral research in contemporary Greece as well as on the conditions in which such research takes place. While there is a special focus on the field of Social Anthropology, the scope of the said conversation includes the broader area of the Social Sciences.

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  • Dublin

    Appel à contribution - Géographie

    Geographies of the Home

    “No place like home”: mapping out intimacies and relations between the private and public spheres

    This session aims to explores the multifaceted nature of home as a space where private and public spheres converge, emphasizing its significance in geographical studies at the intersection of cultural, social, and retail geographies, as well as urban development. The focus is on understanding how geographies of home are shaped by political, commercial, and cultural factors, as well as inequalities related to culture, race, location, social class, gender, and sexuality. Case studies in diverse contexts and innovative approaches that transcend traditional boundaries are welcome. 

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  • Istanbul

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Rocky Landscapes at the intersection of people and rocks

    The past human activity of digging rock outcrops produced different features, among which quarries and rock cut sites. Quarries and rock-cut features often coexist within the same rock formation, or overlap with one another, creating a complex landscape in which the interaction between human communities and the bedrock is enhanced. The conference aims at exploring the landscapes and environments of human-rock encounters.

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  • Bâle

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Vulnerability in Arts and Culture: Risks and Responses

    How does vulnerability occur in fields such as music and its different genres, performing arts, literature, visual arts and museums, or film/cinema and other media? How is vulnerability expressed and by whom, and how do cultural policies or public actors as well as the artists themselves deal with the connected risks? How are respective audiences vulnerable or perceive vulnerabilities differently from artists? Are there differences regarding vulnerability between the different artistic domains or with regards to national specificities in the measurement of and responses to this issue? These questions and more can be addressed in papers critically examining these vulnerabilities.

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  • Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Keep It Simple, Make It Fast!

    DIY cultures, democracy and creative participation

    The year 2024 marks the 10th anniversary of KISMIF and the 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution in Portugal. In addition, remembering the recent loss of Howard S. Becker, the KISMIF Conference will dedicate one of its thematic lines to scientific contributions related to the work of Becker, with the intent of recognizing the transformative and innovative potential of his sociological research, thus highlighting the importance of the concept of art worlds – amongst others – which he developed and which – since 2014 – has served as the motto for the organisation of this far-reaching international conference. As such KISMIF 2024 will serve as a pivotal occasion of reunion and celebration.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Études du politique

    Social Movements and Citizenship

    “Anthropology and social movements” - European Association of Social Anthropologists Network Workshop

    European Association of Social Anthropologists ''Anthropology and Social Movement'' network workshop is organised in cooperation with the LAP – Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Politique(EHESS- CNRS) at l'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales. This two-days workshop’s theme will be “Social Movements and Citizenship”, and will have a panel discussion devoted to “E. Isin and Political Anthropology”.

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  • Budapest

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    History and Legacies of Slavery in Romania

    Critical Romani Studies Journal

    Critical Romani Studies (CRS) is an international, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal providing a forum for scholars to critically examine racial oppressions, different forms of exclusion, inequalities, and human rights abuses of Roma. In this thematic issue, we invite contributions focusing on the history and legacies of Roma enslavement in Romania.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Territories, communities and sustainability: views from Southern Europe

    The theme “Territories, communities and sustainability : views from Southern Europe” is a challenging approach to study the links between different areas of knowledge, inviting interdisciplinary outlooks to sociologists and other social scientists interested in environment, development and educational issues. This can be a particularly relevant reflection in the post-pandemic phase of current times, highlighting regional and local features of a global experience. It allows comparing Southern European societies, between themselves but also with other European (and non-European) societies, and therefore, providing insights to better understand each geographic and cultural area.

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  • Liège

    Journée d'étude - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Giving research feedback to children: beyond ready-made recipes and asymmetric relationships

    Bringing together social scientists who do fieldwork with children or young people and wish to renew the methodology and the sense of their feedback of research results, we aim at working in a collaborative and innovative way by cross-cutting fields and disciplines. Methodological publications usually include ready-made tools. While they make it possible to avoid the worst, they often do not consider the overall social and cultural context in which children live; they may also be adults-centered and based on stereotypical representations of childhood. During a day and a half, participants will exchange in order to help each other to elaborate a visual or performance-based feedback of their research grounded in the daily life of children and youth, their communication codes and potential expectations.

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  • Informations diverses - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Call for good practices on caring communities

    The AGORAge project team is a european pilot project on citizen science funded by COESO project. We are collecting a list of good practices to be included in the AGORAge Caring Community Toolkit addressed to all those interested in implementing initiatives that enable the creation of caring communities in which the social inclusion of older people is given special consideration. The toolkit will be published into four languages: English, Italian, Spanish, and Catalan, and will be freely available from June 2023.

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  • Szeged

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Religion and Identity

    Intersections of collective and private identity with religion and spirituality

    Ever since the very first human social formations, the spheres of religion and identity have intersected significantly. Examples of the endless forms by which collective and individual identities are interwoven throughout the entirety of our human existence are embedded in our historical records. How is identity constructed, shaped, and maintained by religious activities? How do religions change the identities of their converts? The upcoming conference hosted by the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Szeged aims to open a symposium where topics concerning the intersections of religiosity and identity – should it be private or public – can be discussed in a broader sense.

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  • Vienne

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Translating Knowledge: From Theory to Praxis

    Translating academic knowledge into social praxis has always been a central question for critical theory. This is particularly true in an age of polycrisis. Climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, and housing precarity yield a unique moment that urges us to consider how to bridge the gap between academic and practical knowledge. We understand translation not only in the linguistic sense, but in a broader sense as interpretations, associations, and representations that mediate between different contexts. Together with John Clarke and Shahram Khosravi, this graduate conference aims to ask: What can be gained or lost in the translation of knowledge? How can translation be used for community-oriented social research? How can it be used as a critical methodological tool? We invite papers that draw on empirical analyses as well as theoretical ones.

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  • Le Cap

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Tinabantu - Journal des hautes études de la société africaine - Varia

    Le Centre des hautes études de la société africaine (CASAS) a été créé en 1997 par son directeur fondateur, le professeur Kwesi Kwaa Prah, et incorporé à l’université du Western Cape (UWC) en 2018 au sein du département de linguistique, faculté des lettres et sciences humaines. Cet appel à contributions s’inscrit dans le cadre de la résurrection de la revue, qui restera, selon les termes mêmes de Professeur Prah, « d’orientation africaniste » et un « forum pour l’examen de divers points de vue, idées et opinions reflétant des dispositions philosophiques et politiques différentes, mais attaché au maintien de normes intellectuelles élevées, et une reconnaissance de l’unité historique et culturelle de l’Afrique et de sa diaspora ».

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  • Esch-sur-Alzette

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    The History of Office Buildings

    Perspectives on Users and Uses

    At the two-day workshop Perspectives on Uses and Users in the History of Office Buildings, which will take place at the Belval campus of the University of Luxembourg (Esch-sur-Alzette) on 30 November and 1 December 2023, we aim to deconstruct the managerial and architectural determinants of the 20th-century office building. The analytical focus lies on the dialectic relationship between planning and usage. Concretely, we seek to investigate how clients, architects, and interior designers interacted with users of office buildings, and how they subsequently modified their conceptions (or failed to do so). Conversely, we are interested in the bottom-up perspective: how did office workers voice their opinion on the buildings in which they were housed?

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  • Berlin

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Digital Labor in the Wake of Pandemic Times

    The last few years have been marked by a global economic crisis, strains on both institutions and labor markets, and unprecedented disruptions in the mobility of goods and people. Covid-19 has profoundly affected the way we work, causing an increase in people turning to digital labor platforms to deal with the uncertainties of an unstable economy. Even in the formal sector, remote work and automation have led to dramatic changes in the workplace. In navigating this new reality, it is crucial to examine how these changes are impacting workers, businesses, and society as a whole. By bringing together researchers, workers, policymakers, and practitioners, the INDL-6 conference “Digital Labor in the wake of Pandemic Times” addresses the latest developments and challenges in the fields of technology-mediated labor, platformization, and automation.

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