

  • Florence

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Scandalous Feasts and Holy Meals: Food in Medieval and Early Modern Societies

    From medieval Western Europe to the early modern Spanish Americas and Asia, scholarship dealing with foodways and foodstuffs has considerably evolved in the last decades. From the questions of local consumption practices, global flows of commodities to evolving tastes, new studies shed light on the intricate significance of food to early modern societies across the globe. Going beyond the essential character of drinks and foodstuffs for the survival of the human body, food consumption is now also being considered as an economic, social, religious and cultural marker. While the enjoyment of a meal can bring communities together, foodways and foodstuffs are also inherent to strategies of exclusion, resistance and protest. If texts provide precious information, material and visual sources have been increasingly used by historians to inform the study of food-related practices in past societies.  

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  • Journée d'étude - Histoire

    L’empire matériel

    l’héritage napoléonien dans la culture, l’art et le patrimoine, 1821-2021

    Napoleon Bonaparte died exactly two hundred years ago on a small island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. He had spent the last six years of his life in exile on St Helena, removed from political and military power, in the unusual situation of being able to try to shape and preserve his own posthumous legacy. He was, in a way, phenomenally successful. Napoleon is an instantly recognisable name to this day, and despite growing efforts in recent years to critically revise his reputation and highlight his role in issues such as the reinstatement of slavery, he has largely managed to escape the same level of historical censure as other infamous military dictators. This is perhaps partly because his name has become such an adaptable brand, standing for an entire era of people, places, and events, as well as a full two centuries’ worth of art, craft, and consumer commodities. While other events marking the bicentenary of Napoleon’s death have weighed his contributions to legislative, political, and military reform, less work has been done to confront his vast material, visual, and cultural legacy. This workshop therefore brings together researchers and museum and heritage professionals to reflect on the enduring material and visual legacy of Napoleon, what our interpretation and use of it means for the future, as well as how it affects our understanding of the past.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    The Iberian East Indies

    Frontiers, Actors, Dynamics

    The historiography of imperial Spain and of the Iberian-initiated first globalization has recently been renewed by the study of exchanges between Asia and America and of the Spanish Pacific. The purpose of this one-day seminar is to further this historiographical renewal and to shed some new light on the Iberian East Indies, at a time when Spain and Portugal were the two main European powers in the region. The focus will be put on exchanges, dynamics of cooperation and rivalry between empires and also between various key actors: missionaries, merchants, soldiers and officials. The aim is thus to improve our understanding of the multiple connections between the Asian territories of both empires.

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  • Holon

    Journée d'étude - Représentations

    The Multidisciplinary Grid 2020 Conference

    The conference is aimed at examining the ‘grid’ as a cross-disciplinary theme with a multiplicity of expressions in terms of definitions, concepts, perceptions, representations, and histories. The ‘grid’ has played a significant role in shaping the spatial imaginaries of a wide range of fields: from Hippodamus of Miletus to the Cartesian revolution in mathematics, from the visual arts to archaeology to 'smart cities' and artificial intelligence. As the 'grid' has become an all-encompassing term, signifying a vast array of infrastructural and communication networks through which contemporary life is mediated and controlled, it is commonly viewed as a quintessential symbol of modernity. The conference strives to explore a new horizon of relationships and fusion of the ‘grids’ in these areas as manifested between humans, between machines, and between humans and machines ‒ bridging philosophical, cultural, pedagogical, technical and ethical issues.

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  • Journée d'étude - Économie

    Race and Capitalism

    There has been a recent resurgence of debates about “racial capitalism,” and, more broadly, a revival of the conjunction of anti-racist and anti-capitalist critiques. This event will bring together four preeminent scholars whose work engages the question of how processes of racialization have shaped capitalist social orders both in Europe and transnationally, and how capitalist social structures have, in turn, shaped processes of racialization.

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  • Journée d'étude - Études du politique

    Political Mobilization in the US: New Stakes and Evolutions

    Les dernières élections présidentielles ont démontré la forte capacité de mobilisation de blocs d’électeurs bien connus depuis le début des années 1980 tels que les chrétiens évangéliques, toujours fidèles au parti républicain, mais aussi d’électeurs dont la volatilité est plus grande, sans oublier la portée de la mobilité démographique. Alors que l’État fédéral continue de se désengager du contrôle des lois et procédures électorales (à la suite de l’arrêt Shelby County v. Holder de 2013), des initiatives sont prises dans ce domaine par les citoyens (comme en Floride avec l’Amendement 4 destiné à réintégrer sur les listes électorales les anciens détenus), mais aussi par les gouverneurs comme les législateurs de certains États pour encadrer ces procédures ainsi que l’accès aux urnes. Dans ce contexte, le record de participation de 2020 et la contestation violente du verdict des urnes marquent un probable tournant pour la démocratie états-unienne. Les trois intervenants de cette journée d’étude, spécialistes de l’intersection entre politique, religion et droits des femmes et des personnes LGBT+, tireront des leçons de cette mobilisation inégalée.

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  • Journée d'étude - Sociologie

    Déontologie, approche empirique de la recherche en arts et médias

    L’objectif de la journée est d’interroger les prises de positions des acteurs de la recherche face aux dilemmes que pose l'accès aux champs de la recherche académique. La matinée définira le cheminement éthique personnel du chercheur, inhérent à son travail. L’après-midi portera sur la conciliation d’une démarche éthique individuelle et des principes déontologiques. Elle finira par le regard rétrospectif sur les questions soulevées.

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  • Nice

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Venice, a Mediterranean regional power

    Economic, maritime and political perspectives, 1669 – 1797

    The Mediterranean has always been at the heart of Venice’s interests during the Early Modern Period. A main source of its prosperity, the Inner Sea maintained its vital role even after the “northern invasions”, the battle of Lepanto and the “downturn” of the 17th century. This seminar aims to explore the relationship between Venice and the Mediterranean between the loss of Crete, the last major dominion of Venetian maritime empire in 1669, and the end of the Republic in 1797.

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  • Angers

    Journée d'étude - Économie

    Le financement des start-ups en « Equity crowdfunding » (ECF)

    Ce workshop s’inscrit dans le programmeIBEC, porté par Enareta Kurtbegu. Financé par la commission recherche de l’université d’Angers, il a pour thème « le financement des start-ups en Equity crowdfunding (ECF) : une analyse comportementale des attitudes des différentes catégories d’investisseurs potentiels ». Cette journée d’étude permettra de présenter les résultats de deux ans et demi de travail.

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  • Lausanne

    Journée d'étude - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Constellations of Images: “The Grande Conversion” in Cultural Archives

    The digital era has witnessed a significant transformation in the accessibility and availability of cultural content in various formats, encompassing a wide range of art forms such as visual arts, cinema, literature, music, photography, and architecture. This shift from analogue to digital, referred to as the “grande conversion” by Milad Doueihi, continues to have a profound impact on our engagement with these creative expressions. Spinning off the new book Les Devenirs numériques des patrimoines (The Digital Futures of Heritage), this event carefully curated a series of talks drawing on a variety of disciplinary perspectives and examples, showcasing the progress and advantages of working with the ever-changing technologies. 

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  • Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Viatrices et itinera ad Loca Sancta

    New Ways of Research

    The Instituto de Estudios Gallegos Padre Sarmiento (IEGPS) International Seminar «Viatrices et itinera ad Loca Sancta: New Ways of Research» is a series of international seminars focused on medieval and modern themes. This first edition seeks to explore pilgrimages as ancestral practices of humanity and, more specifically, to analyse and discuss the heterogeneous role of women on pilgrimage routes and shrines from the Middle Ages to the Early Modern Age.

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Journée d'étude - Asie

    Beyond Digital Humanities

    How computational methods are reshaping scholarly research

    In the last decade the Digital Humanities (DH) movement has swept the academic landscape in the United States, Europe and China, DH has become a new mantra. However, we argue that the real transformative power transcends the broad DH label, rooted in the depth and specificity of computational methodologies. By critically examining examples drawn from disciplines like history, literature, and sociology, we highlight how computational methods offer both macroscopic and microscopic insights, reshaping the very essence of research.

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  • Journée d'étude - Europe

    Legal Issues in Textual Scholarship

    Through the practice of editing culturally and historically relevant documents, textual scholars are regularly faced with legal restrictions to their scholarly endeavours – including both copyright and non-copyright restrictions such as the privacy and moral rights of authors. In practice, these added difficulties and legal uncertainties cause funding agencies, libraries, and archives to prioritise the digitisation and publication of less legally problematic materials – which threatens to cause a bias in our output as a research field. In an effort to move forward as a research community, the European Society for Textual Scholarship (ESTS) is organising an online symposium on Legal Issues in Textual Scholarship to address these obstacles, and reflect on the legal restrictions that may affect textual scholarship in the analog and digital paradigms.

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  • Constance

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Emerging Historical Perspectives on Christian-Muslim Interactions in and around the Mediterranean (c. 630–1614)

    By exploring the complex and much-studied topic of Christian-Muslim relations through the changing lens of methodologies, this conference aims to foster an interdisciplinary debate that, through comparison and collaboration between scholars from different fields, bridges rigid geographical and temporal frameworks.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Études urbaines

    Olympic patterns and mobilization tools

    Transnational struggles and resistances

    In the first part of the discussions, the aim will be to identify, through different editions of the games, on the one hand what belongs to the “Olympic model” and, on the other hand, what has been specific to some editions or to the fields of urbanism, security, ecology and economy. In the second part, the exchanges will seek to contribute to current and future mobilizations, both local and global, by identifying a set of conceptual and practical tools that have been employed over the last few decades, putting them into perspective and questioning their applicability and relevance in the context of preparing the next Olympics.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Époque moderne

    Meta, Matrix, Mater. Renaissance Metaphors of the Matrix

    The female sex has become the core of an increasing number of early modern studies since the rise of a gender-sensitive feminist viewpoint in art history. Many have dealt with images of a hairless and polished vulva, sometimes ostensibly eroticized. Pending this approach, the 2022 CHAR Workshop, Meta, Matrix, Mater. Renaissance Metaphors of the Matrix, wishes to re-explore the imaginary of the female sex from within and focus on the metaphors of the matrix in images and material culture in the Renaissance.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    European Central Banking and German Occupation in World War II

    With the occupation of ever larger parts of Europe, National Socialist Germany extended its system of monetary policy and currency control to a growing number of countries. The occupied countries were forced to finance their own exploitation for the benefit of the National Socialist war economy with the aim to support the German war effort and to mitigate the consequences of war on German society. This conference aims at discussing the state of research and its prospects regarding the actors, objectives, and methods of Reichsbank monetary policy control in occupied Europe, the limits of this policy, the role of the central banks in the occupied countries, and the resistance to this form of monetary and fiscal occupation. Only a comparative view allows for a better understanding of the Nazi exploitation strategies in Europe.

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  • Aubervilliers

    Journée d'étude - Économie

    Accountability in Islamic Economy

    Transforming Religiosity and Religious Experience in Muslim Societies

    This international workshop will discuss the current situation of the halal economy from the perspective of the concept of ‘accountability’. It, therefore, considers the development of accountability of Islamic economy from the case studies of halal tourism and industry in Muslim societies.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Études du politique

    Social Movements and Citizenship

    “Anthropology and social movements” - European Association of Social Anthropologists Network Workshop

    European Association of Social Anthropologists ''Anthropology and Social Movement'' network workshop is organised in cooperation with the LAP – Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Politique(EHESS- CNRS) at l'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales. This two-days workshop’s theme will be “Social Movements and Citizenship”, and will have a panel discussion devoted to “E. Isin and Political Anthropology”.

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  • Vilnius

    Journée d'étude - Époque contemporaine

    Move as a child

    Motion, enactivism and meta cognition

    The conference “Move as a child: motion, enactivism and meta cognition” is a scientific project initiated by Vytautas Magnus University to explore the “mobility turns” various extensions in cultural research. This online conference emphasizes mediation between the environment, bodies, and institutions to produce social, cultural, and material effects through the terms of enactivism and meta cognition. 


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