Página inicialCategoriasSociedadeCiências políticasGuerras, conflitos, violênciaGenocídios, massacres

Página inicialCategoriasSociedadeCiências políticasGuerras, conflitos, violênciaGenocídios, massacres

  • Paris

    Seminário - Pensamento

    Décoloniser la pensée : regards autochtones

    La colonialité du pouvoir reste active sur le plan mondial, mais comment la démanteler ? Le séminaire “Décoloniser la pensée : regards autochtones” part des théories postcoloniales et décoloniales en vue de constituer un espace de convergence des pensées et luttes avec l’Autre radical contre lequel la Modernité s’est construite : l’ « Amérindien » (Toledo 2021 ; Blanco, Delgado 2021). Nous souhaitons aller au-delà, en invitant aux séances du séminaire des répresentant.e.s des peuples autochtones de divers continents. Compte-tenu de l’exclusion des peuples autochtones de l’architecture du pouvoir et de la raison moderne, la co-construction d’un monde avec la vision politique des peuples autochtones est susceptible de constituer l’alternative radicale envisagée (Quijano 2020). Le séminaire vise à réfléchir à la construction de sa mise en œuvre.

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  • Yerevan

    Chamada de trabalhos - Ciências políticas

    The International Recognition of the Armenian Genocide

    Memorial, Political, and Geopolitical Stakes of a Decades-Long Unfinished Struggle

    The central aim of this international conference is to study how and why, since the end of the Second World War and more significantly since the 1960s, international actors have positioned themselves on the matter of the recognition of the Armenian Genocide—as well as how and why their respective positions have evolved over time. A principal concrete goal will be to analyze and compare the processes of recognizing (or refusing to recognize) the Armenian Genocide across a number of state governments, national and international stakeholders, and institutions at the local or provincial level, in order to understand when, why, and how some adopt clear positions in favor of recognition while others remain ambivalent. Diplomatic relations and geopolitical engagement with Turkey is often cited as a major determinant in navigating these processes; while this is an important factor, it should not mask or overshadow the recognition processes themselves, which are often deeply complex and balance the interests of a multiplicity of stakeholders on the issue. 

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