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InicioCategoríasÉpocasPrehistoria y AntigüedadMundo oriental

  • Siena

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Etnología, antropología

    Classicamente. Dialoghi Senesi sul Mondo Antico

    The junior researchers and PhD students from the Anthropology of the ancient world curriculum of the PhD course in Classics and Archeology are promoting the fourth edition of the seminar cycle Classicamente. Dialoghi Senesi sul Mondo Antico. This year's edition will focus on the varied methodologies and hermeneutical perspectives which represent the scientific guidelines followed by scholars in anthropology of the ancient world ever since its development. It will also focus on those approaches that today contribute to a constant enrichment and renovation of this field of study. Our goal is to offer to all those who take part the chance to present their work, be it the result of long research or elements of a work in progress, in an enviroment open to discussion between different perspectives (anthropological, philological, historical, archeological, semiotic etc.). 

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  • Mundo oriental

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  • Italien

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  • 2021

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    Idiomas secundarios

    • Italien


    • 2021



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