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Página inicialCategoriasPeríodosÉpoca ContemporâneaSéculo XX1939-1945

  • Viena

    Jornadas - Pensamento

    Europe and the USSR. Literature in the face of the persecution and extermination of the Jews

    La journée d’études se propose d’interroger les réactions littéraires et artistiques à la montée de l’antisémitisme dans les années 1930 qui aboutit à la persécution et l’extermination systématiques des Juifs d’Europe. Le regard sera porté sur les années d’avant-guerre, mais aussi sur l’après-guerre. Cela nous permettra de réfléchir d’une part sur l’aptitude de projection que peut avoir la littérature (et avec elle d’autres médias) à représenter un après comme conséquence des événements en cours, mais aussi sur un après tel qu’il fut ressenti au fil des ans qui ont suivi la Shoah. 

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  • Amsterdão | Bruxelas

    Colóquio - Linguagem

    The Urban Topography of Exclusion in Literature and Arts

    Representing Clandestinity in Metropolitan Contexts

    The two-day international conference seeks to examine literature and the arts (painting, cinema, music) produced immediately after the rise of Nazism, during World War II, and following the Holocaust in order to challenge the urban topographical dynamics of Nazi anti-semitism.

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  • Berlim

    Colóquio - História

    Wer ist Walter? Resistance against Nazism in Europe

    The first conference in the framework of our “Wer ist Walter?”-project will include four panels on the history of resistance against Nazism and fascism during World War Two. Gathering historians, curators and other researchers from different countries, the main aims of the conference are to present and discuss new research on the history of resistance, with a specific focus on Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, France and Germany, in a comparative and European perspective, and to discuss about different understandings of resistance and about the relevance of its memory today.

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  • Informações diversas - Europa

    Civil Engagement Transfers between Eastern Europe and the Low Countries, 1933-1989

    Agency and action in Czech, Slovak, Hungarian and Polish émigré communities during the Cold War

    This special webinar celebrates the launch of the project’s public heritage exhibition atkadocheritage.be. This online exhibition contains a selection of contributions produced by the project’s partners, outlining a wealth of civil society mobilizations by Central and Eastern European migrants in the Low Countries during the period 1933-1989. The exhibition’s purpose is to emphasize the potential that forgotten stories like these can play in curating the heritage, commemorating, and documenting the histories of the unique circumstances that these Central European émigré communities faced, living in Belgium and the Netherlands, during this tumultuous period of modern history. 

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  • Paris

    Colóquio - Sociologia

    Photography of Persecution. Pictures of the Holocaust

    Rather than treating photographic images taken under Nazi rule as self-explanatory, immediate, and self-contained, this conference invites interested scholars to approach photographs as they would other documents – by treating photographs as objects of historical inquiry and interrogating the political interests authorizing their creation, the material conditions under which they were produced, the editing process out of which they emerged and were displayed, and the uses to which they were put. The conference will focus on the photographic record of the persecution of Jews in Nazi-dominated Europe, including its overseas possessions from 1933 to 1945.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Época Contemporânea

    Informal Communication in Occupied Societies

    World War II, Postwar Transitions, and the Search for Meaning in Societies at War

    Across Europe, World War II gave rise to profoundly altered communicative landscapes. War and occupation devastated established sources of information and public spheres, while in many territories, dictatorial regimes implemented unprecedented degrees of censorship, propaganda, and surveillance to constrict, mold, and (re)direct public opinion. Taking an interdisciplinary, transnational approach, this workshop explores the role of informal communication in different European societies, focusing especially on its relationship to official state communications “from above” and its embeddedness in particular social realities and wartime mentalities “from below.” More broadly, it asks how individuals made sense of an ever-changing, often threating global situation by specific practices of communication and interpretation. The workshop aims to bring together scholars from diverse areas of expertise to explore a variety of questions.

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  • Paris

    Jornadas - História

    European Central Banking and German Occupation in World War II

    With the occupation of ever larger parts of Europe, National Socialist Germany extended its system of monetary policy and currency control to a growing number of countries. The occupied countries were forced to finance their own exploitation for the benefit of the National Socialist war economy with the aim to support the German war effort and to mitigate the consequences of war on German society. This conference aims at discussing the state of research and its prospects regarding the actors, objectives, and methods of Reichsbank monetary policy control in occupied Europe, the limits of this policy, the role of the central banks in the occupied countries, and the resistance to this form of monetary and fiscal occupation. Only a comparative view allows for a better understanding of the Nazi exploitation strategies in Europe.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - História

    Alps and Resistance: conflicts, violences and political reflections (1943-1945)

    Cambridge Scholars Publishing

    What is the relationship between the Alps and the Resistance during the Italian Social Republic? The focus of the book is to deepen the function of the Alps as a “centre” of battles, violences and opposition to fascism, as well as the cradle of political debate destined to forge the modern Italian and European democracy.

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  • Paris

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    The photography of persecution. Pictures of the holocaust

    The conference organizers invite contributions that highlight what is missing from scholarly and public discourse about the photography of the Holocaust. We welcome papers that shed new light on persecution and mass murder through an examination of photographic images. In particular, we seek papers that explore the historical context in which photographs were produced, that restore our critical distance to the narratives presented by the photographs, and that take up methodological problems associated with the use of photographic images as instruments of dictatorial rule or the resistance to it. The conference will focus on the photographic record of the persecution of Jews in Nazi-dominated Europe and its colonial possessions from 1933 to 1945. We welcome contributions that focus on individual or serial photographic images, whether they are iconic or have yet to be widely distributed, whether they were taken by Jews, Nazis, local collaborators, public authorities, photojournalists, or amateur photographers.  

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  • Cambridge

    Bolsa de estudo, prémios e ofertas de emprego - História

    PhD funding, France and the Second World War: the Cambridge Chadwyck-Healey Liberation Collection (1944-1946)

    Cambridge University Library is delighted to have received an Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Collaborative Doctoral Award, and invites applications for PhD studentships, starting in 2020-2021. The successful PhD candidate will receive funding to work on the Chadwyck-Healey Liberation Collection (1944-1946), as part of the Doctoral Training Partnership with The Open University.

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  • Praga

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    Incorporating sexual violence into Czech WWII history and its aftermath: A Workshop

    The one-day event, featuring leading experts in the field Regina Mühlhäuser and Anna Hájková, will combine an introductory lecture, two panels of talks, and close work with primary sources. We are seeking submissions for participation with abstract (up to 300 words, including discussion of sources, and a short bio, up to 100 words). We are interested in the history of Second World War defined widely, that is people working on Czech and Slovak 1930s and 1940s, ethnic minorities, Holocaust, expulsion etc. pp.

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  • Praga

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    Reshaping the Nation

    Collective Identities and Post-War Violence in Europe 1944–1948

    The conference will analyze the composition of nationalities (who belonged to the national community?), the legitimizing function of nationalism, and its relation to acts of violence at the end of war and to the reshaping of postwar societies. At the same time, we want to address the differences between countries. How did a specific occupation policy in a specific place, with its specific national and racist criteria, influence the “responses” of the occupied society? Is there any evidence of a biological understanding of nationhood? How did competing concepts shape a new understanding of the “nation”—particularly taking into consideration the different political and cultural developments in various nation-states after the war ended? We are interested in papers that touch upon violent acts occurring at the end of World War II and stemming from nationalism as reshaped by previous war experiences.

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  • Saint-Denis

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    Beyond the “White Man’s Burden”?

    Representations of the “Far East” in the English-Speaking World since World War II

    This one-day workshop seeks to examine the shifting image of the “Far East” in the English-speaking world, including - but not limited to - news, film, museums, exhibitions, travel literature and television. In part, it seeks to complement the study of media representations with a tentative assessment of their reception, and by examining the overlapping areas between media representations and historical events. The period since the Second World War has seen profound changes in the “Far East”, notably because of decolonization, the creation of independent nation-states and the increasing power of China, Japan and India. This workshop will examine the persistence (or not) of the “white man’s burden” in a post-imperial age.

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  • Esch-sur-Alzette

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    The way out. Microhistories of flight from Nazi Germany

    In recent years, the microhistorical turn in Holocaust history has placed increasing importance on individual practices and experiences by exploring new, nominative mass sources and combining a prosopographical approach with quantitative analysis of individual trajectories. This international conference will study the broad theme of the flight of Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany in the 1930s and their trajectories during the war and its aftermath from multiple perspectives.

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  • Monopoli

    Curso de verão - Linguagem

    Family morphologies: Leone and Natalia Ginzburg in Italian and European literature and culture

    Focusing on the works by Leone (1909-1944) and Natalia Ginzburg (1916-1991) the Summer School is dedicated to a reflection on the authors’ contribution to the 20th century Italian and European history. Besides a critical analysis of their creative and intellectual activity and their civic engagement, the participants will have the opportunity to debate the role both Leone and Natalia had in the publishing house Einaudi, and to experiment new methods of teaching literature. The program includes 3 plenary lessons and 5 seminars. Special guest: Carlo Ginzburg.Language of the activities: Italian.

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  • Belval

    Bolsa de estudo, prémios e ofertas de emprego - História

    Directeur de l'Institut d'histoire contemporaine de l'université du Luxembourg

    The University of Luxembourg seeks a Director (m/f) for its new Interdisciplinary Centre of Contemporary, European and Digital History (IHTP/CEDH). This centre promotes an interdisciplinary approach to the study of contemporary history with a particular focus on new digital methods and tools for historical research. Mission of the Director will be to develop and lead the new interdisciplinary centre, define its strategy together with the relevant bodies of the University of Luxembourg, set objectives, activity plans, benchmarks and develop internal rules.

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  • Essen

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    Occupied Societies in Western Europe: Conflict and Encounter in the 20th Century

    The history of Western Europe in the first half of the 20th Century was shaped by numerous contradictions: by conflicts and interdependencies, proximity and distance, violence and co-operation. Many of these elements can be identified in the structures and dynamics of Western European societies under German occupation. After all, the relationship between occupiers and the occupied cannot simply be reduced to "collaboration" and "resistance", in contrast to the suggestions of an older historiography.

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  • Glasgow

    Chamada de trabalhos - Europa

    Italy’s Decade of War: 1935-1945 in International Perspective

    From the invasion of Abyssinia to the end of World War II, Italy experienced a decade of war. This conference aims to re-evaluate the history of the Italian experience during this ten-year period with a unifying perspective that places the Italian Fascist regime and its foreign and military enterprises in an entirely internationalised framework of analysis. It will bring an international focus upon the Italian role in the break-down of the international system and appeasement, and will analyse the consequences of Italian militarism on a global scale. It will explore comparative and transnational histories of the Italian occupations of France, the Balkans, Greece, and Albania, as well as the Allied occupation of Italy following the defeat.

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  • Düsseldorf

    Chamada de trabalhos - Representações

    Museum global?

    Multiple Perspectives on Art, 1904–1950

    Currently, profound societal upheavals require a repositioning of the concept of "Modern Art." As a museum, the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen is responding to the effects of globalization and digitalization by devoting itself to the pressing theme of "globalism" and the challenges associated with it.


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  • A Haia

    Colóquio - História

    Towards a New History of World War II?

    The history of WWII has been being written for the last 70 years. Witnesses, historians, actors, writers and many others have constructed our representation of the event. How will the WWII historiography evolve in Belgium and the Netherlands? How should historians interact with memorial politics and new media? Is it still relevant to consider WWII as a separate topic for research? How do digital humanities play a role? The latter are but a small number among the many questions that will be discussed at this international congress.

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