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  • Paris | Nanterre

    Fachtagung - Darstellung

    Ancient and Early Medieval building techniques in the mediterranean area: from East to West

    This workshop is devoted to the study of the ancient construction techniques in the Near East from the Roman period to the Early Islamic era and on the transmission and diffusion of these techniques in the Mediterranean basin.

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  • Paris

    Kolloquium - Geschichte

    Maritime Knowledge for Asian Seas

    An interdisciplinary dialogue between maritime historians and archaeologists

    This conference will close a four-years French-Taiwanese research project (ANR/MOST) on Maritime Knowledge for Asian seas (seaFaring), which propose to reconsider, and possibly to review, our knowledge on China’s seafaring tradition through a new approach focusing on the practical know-how available to the craftsmen, seamen and merchants during the 16th-18th centuries, with special emphasis on sailing and trading knowledge and practices.

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  • Saint-Denis

    Beitragsaufruf - Geschichte

    Beyond the “White Man’s Burden”?

    Representations of the “Far East” in the English-Speaking World since World War II

    This one-day workshop seeks to examine the shifting image of the “Far East” in the English-speaking world, including - but not limited to - news, film, museums, exhibitions, travel literature and television. In part, it seeks to complement the study of media representations with a tentative assessment of their reception, and by examining the overlapping areas between media representations and historical events. The period since the Second World War has seen profound changes in the “Far East”, notably because of decolonization, the creation of independent nation-states and the increasing power of China, Japan and India. This workshop will examine the persistence (or not) of the “white man’s burden” in a post-imperial age.

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  • Paris

    Beitragsaufruf - Politikwissenschaften

    Global Ethics of Compromise

    What are the normative assumptions and solutions proposed to develop morally right or wrong compromise typologies? Can we develop a universal ethics of compromise or does compromise vary depending on the socio-cultural history of a country? To what extent is culture relevant in shaping types and norms of compromise? The conference aims, firstly, to understand how to distinguish a compromise from a compromise of principles; what constitutes an ethical or fair compromise? Second, it will analyze if practices of compromise vary from one country to another. To do so, different types of compromise will be explored through geopolitical, philosophical, historical approaches, with a particular focus on Japan and Taiwan. This symposium will examine theoretical issues and practices associated with compromise, by adopting a global perspective. It will bring together contributions from European, American and Asian researchers.

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  • Turin

    Beitragsaufruf - Politikwissenschaften

    Far from the eyes, far from the agenda?

    Political parties and activism in the MENA: between innovation, resistance and resilience

    The 14th Conference of the Italian Society of Middle East Studies will focus this year on the topic of  “Paths of Resistance in the Middle East and North Africa”. With our panel “Far from the eyes, far from the agenda? Political parties and activism in the MENA: between innovation, resistance and resilience” we seek original papers that elaborates on new, renewed or long-standing parties in the above contexts and that contribute theoretically, empirically and/or methodologically to understand the different trajectories of change and continuity.

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  • Seminar - Asien

    21st edition of the International Association Youth Indian Studies (AJEI) Workshop

    The AJEI (Association Youth South Asia Studies) is pleased to open the call for the organization of the 21st edition of the International AJEI Workshop. The Workshop has to be held in South Asia, with a local institution (university or research center) and must be organized by a team of PhD students and/or Post doctoral candidates. The workshop will take place during the spring 2019.

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  • Kolloquium - Neuere und Zeitgeschichte

    Les minorités entre mondialisation et approches aréales

    Neuvième édition annuelle du CAAS (Consortium for Asian and African studies)

    Découvrir, analyser et confronter les recherches en cours sur une question cruciale à l’heure de la mondialisation, mais aussi de l’émergence nouvelle des nationalismes dans plusieurs régions du monde. Ce colloque sera animé par des enseignants-chercheurs et des doctorants venant de onze universités du monde entier. 




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  • Beitragsaufruf - Asien

    Sinophone musical worlds and their publics

    China Perspectives / Perspectives Chinoises

    Recent success of Chinese reality television singing competitions broadcasted on national television or streamed directly on the internet, has shown the extent of musical genres represented in the Chinese world, from pop to folk via hip-hop or rock ’n’ roll. The popularity of new musical styles up to then considered as deviant as well as the recent attempts of the State to intervene directly on musical contents, tend to blur the distinctions between “mainstream” (流行) music, “popular” (民间) music as non-official, “underground” (地下) music or even “alternative” (另类) music. This call for papers aims at promoting a better understanding of the transformations of Chinese “musical worlds”, in the sense that Becker gave to “art worlds”, which stresses the role of cooperation and interactions between the different actors of the artistic sphere.

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  • Venedig | Helsinki

    Beitragsaufruf - Geschichte

    A global history of free ports

    Capitalism, commerce and geopolotics (1600-1900)

    Exactly how free ports arose in early-modern Europe is still subject to debate. Livorno, Genoa and other Italian cities became famous as major examples of a particular way of attracting trade. Between the late eighteenth and the nineteenth century the existence of free ports – as specific fiscal, cultural, political and economic entities with different local functions and characteristics – developed from an Italian and European into a global phenomenon. While a general history of free ports – from their first emergence to the present-day special economic zones – has never been written, this research network aims to pave the way for such an enterprise. The history of free ports research network is organising a number of conferences in the next years, in order to work towards a standard publication and interactive research platform for the history of free ports from the XVIth to the early XXth century.

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  • Paris

    Kolloquium - Geographie

    Migrants in the globalizing city

    Spaces, places and mobilities in Asia, Europe and the Middle East

    While migrant presence and integration have shaped public debate and scientific enquiry for some time now, it has often been examined through eurocentric notions such as assimilation, multiculturalism and, more recently, cosmopolitanism. Yet, it is clear that not only Europe (or the Western World) has to deal with migration related issues, countries in Asia and the Middle East are also experiencing high inflows of variously skilled migrants, while the robustness of their borders are frequently tested by undocumented migrants and refugees.This conference proposes to give focus to globalising cities from Asia, Europe and the Middle East which are marked by the diversity of their population and distinct ways of managing migrant diversity.

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  • Paris

    Fachtagung - Asien

    La vie des objets en Chine

    Over the last twenty years, material culture studies have occupied a growing place in the social sciences. How does this growing interest in objects and material culture reveal itself in Chinese studies? Choosing from different disciplines and different periods, this AFEC workshop aims to examine how to approach objects in the humanities and social sciences—from everyday objects to natural objects, consumer goods, technical or scientific instruments, objects of study or devotion, or ritual objects and works of art. By bringing together specialists from different fields (history, art history, archaeology, technology, anthropology, literature, sociology, etc.), the workshop explores the life, trajectory and the possible metamorphoses of the value, status and function of objects, as well as the relationships these artefacts have with individuals—raising in addition questions of their social uses—by focusing on their religious, symbolic, political, economic, emotional or memorial dimensions.

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  • Kaohsiung

    Beitragsaufruf - Sprachwissenschaften

    Euro-Asian Overlook on the Innovation and Development of the Teaching of European Languages and Literature

    2018 International Conference on European Asian Languages ​

    This symposium focuses on the Innovation and Development of the Teaching of European Languages and Literature in European-Asian, in which scholars and experts from Euro-Asian countries/areas focusing on various strands in French, German and Spanish are invited to deliver a wide range of talks on related topics.

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  • Pondicherry

    Beitragsaufruf - Asien

    Literary Circulations in South Asia: Producing, Translating, Preserving Texts

    This conference aims at strengthening, sometimes even initiating, interdisciplinary discussions around a notion which is crucial for the understanding of literary cultures in South Asia, beyond the chronological, spatial and linguistic boundaries. The “circulation” of persons, groups, things and ideas, has obviously played a major role in shaping the evolution of the South Asian subcontinent since the ancient times up to the contemporary period.

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  • Bischkek

    Kolloquium - Politikwissenschaften

    Cross-border exchanges

    Eurasian perspectives

    Research since the 1990s, has witnessed not only the relaunch and expansion of the European constructions (Maastricht 1991, enlargements of 1995, 2004, 2007, 2013) as well as its hesitations (Brexit 2016+) but also a number of Asian and Eurasian successful initiatives : the Shanghai process (1996 as a group, 2001 as an organisation of 6 members, recently enlarged to 8), the Eurasian process (customs union, economic community, today Eurasian Economic Union with 5 members), and a number of other initiatives, among which the CICA, the Silk road One-Belt-One-Road, not to mention security organisations such as the CSTO and also cooperative associations (ASEAN, SAARC, …). These have added to the landscape formed already by the NATO, the EU, the OSCE, the Council of Europe, etc. Such a « proliferation » of regional (and almost pan-regional) frameworks for cooperation should create a strong incentive to facilitate « exchanges » across borders.

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  • Beitragsaufruf - Asien

    South Asia from the Lens of Student Politics

    South Asia Multidiciplinary Academic Journal (SAMAJ)

    The papers in the seminar will address a broad range of research questions through acknowledging the regional and national variability of movements across Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. On what issues and identities students mobilise in South Asia? What is the visibility and influence of student politics on society and political process? To which extent student politics is tied to party politics and broader socio-political networks? What means and methods of mobilisation are employed by student activists? How student politics is affected by and reacts to neo-liberalism, consumerism and globalisation?

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  • Madison

    Beitragsaufruf - Asien

    Rejuvenating politics? Student politics and the history of youth’s political selves in South Asia

    UW Madison conference (October 2018)

    By drawing attention to the historical formation of both master narratives and counter claims developed by educated youth in the postcolonial period, the panel explores the relevance of campus spaces in the fashioning of political selves. After partition, many scholars regretted that students’ ‘movement’ had given way to sporadic, dispersed ‘agitations’, focused primarily on campus issues. Instead of dismissing group-based demands as ‘parochial’, or looking at students’ dispersion as a problem, this panel proposes to explore the myriad ways in which student politics supported, challenged or re-interpreted mainstream understandings of South Asian societies.

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  • Zuerich

    Beitragsaufruf - Ethnologie, Anthropologie

    No country for anthropologists?

    Contemporary ethnographic research in the Middle East

    Many parts of the contemporary Middle East are confronted with war, sectarianism, transnational interferences, uprisings, and a comeback of authoritarian regimes. This brings about various difficulties for ethnographic research as a practice of knowledge production based on the immersion of researchers in given social contexts and the subsequent writing up and publishing of texts. The international conference No country for anthropologists? Contemporary ethnographic research in the Middle East explores the obstacles to do ethnography in the Middle East and take them as the starting point for reflection upon the role of anthropology with a view to the Middle East of today.

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  • Delhi

    Beitragsaufruf - Ethnologie, Anthropologie

    Image(s) of India

    What do we picture when we evoke India? For its 20 th annual Workshop, The “Association des jeunes études indiennes” (AJEI) invites young researchers to share their knowledge and to propose a critical approach of the concept of ‘Images’ in the subcontinent: To what extent do images reflect the many realities and representations of India and how does the Indian imagery affect scholarly, artistic and touristic as well as political perceptions, from a western and an Indian point of view? The Workshop is aimed to develop a cross-disciplinary dialogue in social sciences for a better understanding of the multiple roles that Images have been playing from antiquity to nowadays in the perceptions and the foundations of culture and identities in Indian society. The aim is also to open some reflexive discussions on the use and construction of images.

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  • Paris

    Kolloquium - Geschichte

    Destroying Cultural Heritage in Syria (2011-2017)

    Les différents intervenants reviendront sur les destructions et déprédations de nombreux sites archéologiques et institutions muséales en Syrie intervenues depuis 2011, ainsi que sur les méthodes et moyens de documentation et d'inventaire développés et mis en œuvre pour sauvegarder ce patrimoine archéologique en péril.

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  • Dijon

    Beitragsaufruf - Soziologie

    Challenges of tourism development in Asia and Europe

    4th Euro-Asia tourism studies Association international conference

    The 4th Annual Conference of EATSA – Euro-Asia Tourism Studies Association, that will take place in France, next June 18-22th 2018, is an international forum for researchers and industry experts to exchange information regarding advances in the state of the art and application of tourism, hospitality and leisure management in the region of Euro-Asia.

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