

  • Brünn

    Beitragsaufruf - Studien zur Wissenschaft

    Why Humanities?

    The Decline and Fall of the Role of Human Sciences in the Euro-Atlantic World

    The goal of this international conference is to analyze and describe the mechanisms at work in the last 120 years which led to a comprehensive and global decline of the role of the humanities, especially in Europe and the US. We are interested in papers questioning the capitalistic strategies of the main publishing houses, predatory attitudes to research results, issues of “academic colonialism,” such as peer-review practices excluding selected topics and scholars from non-Euro-Atlantic institutions (e.g. the Global South, Eastern Europe etc.), monolinguistic normalization, the loss of diversity in topics, and the ways in which politics and media are openly denigrating the agency of human sciences.

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  • Beitragsaufruf - Geschichte

    Encyclopédie de l’histoire de l’église

    Les éditeurs du Dictionnaire d’histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques recherchent des notices pour leur prochain fascicule.

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  • Lissabon | Rio de Janeiro

    Beitragsaufruf - Städteforschung

    Sensory Explorations, Ambiances in a Changing World

    5th International Congress on Ambiances

    This conference gathers scientific contributions from academics, practitioners, artists, and doctoral students engaged in the study of architectural and urban atmospheres. Together, they illuminate the diversity of themes and issues within this field, presenting the latest research, projects, and methodological approaches. This Congress on Ambiances explores current concerns, debates, theories, policy issues, and cultural practices, drawing on multidisciplinary expertise from areas such as anthropology, architecture, landscape, computer science, cultural studies, design, engineering, geography, musicology, psychology, sociology, urban studies, and more.

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  • Antwerpen

    Thematische Schule - Geschichte

    Performing Media Histories

    Arts & Media Archaeology summer school 2024

    In a world where media are omnipresent, this summer school offers a unique opportunity to explore histories of media performance. The programme will focus on the interplay between media developments and performative culture from the late eighteenth century to the present day, focusing on how cultural change, new forms of knowledge, and visual culture were turned into modern spectacles and experiences. From early modern optical tools in Wunderkammers, devices of wonder and philosophical toys to contemporary interactive digital media and VR, we will explore the world of performative media that has fascinated, informed, and shaped our perceptions. 

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  • Beitragsaufruf - Geistesgeschichte

    Performance, Ecology and the End of the World

    “Sinais de Cena” journal

    The reflection on the potential of performing arts to rethink humanity's relationships with the natural domain has been gaining clearer contours since the end of the 20th century. In this edition of Sinais de Cena, we invite the academic and artistic community, among others who are built around a curious spirit concerning these matters, to write about the performing arts action possibilities - not only about the symbiotic correspondences between performance and ecology but also about the way in which end-of-the-world narratives have opened spaces for imagining possible futures. Being receptive to all types of epistemological views on the topic and sub-themes that may branch from this, we are equally available to welcome perspectives that are built on or through artistic practice, around stage performances or experimental research processes in contexts of institutional programming or of an informal nature, without restrictions of a conceptual order or in terms of formal writing possibilities.

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  • Nizza

    Kolloquium - Politikwissenschaften

    La démocratie numérique : promesses et illusions

    Une société stable et en paix se fonde sur une démocratie solide et forte. Le modèle démocratique est le futur de toute société qui respecte les droits de l’homme. Les nouvelles technologies de l’information et communication et l’avancée encore peu réglementée de l’Intelligence Artificielle ont impacté non seulement toute activité humaine, mais ont aussi contribué à redessiner le rapport au politique, la participation citoyenne, la communication politique et la politique nationale et internationale. La démocratie numérique (ou électronique, cyber, digitale) est un phénomène politico-social qui a commencé à émerger il y a environ une quinzaine d’années dans des contextes nationaux fort diversifiés. Aujourd’hui, c’est un outil qui est utilisé principalement pour l’expression électorale destinée à un nombre assez restreint de citoyens. La finalité de ce colloque international est d’interroger le phénomène de la démocratie électronique non seulement du point de vue instrumental (outil de é-vote), mais d’en interroger les conditions de possibilité et les limites éventuelles.

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  • Straßburg

    Kolloquium - Europa

    Colloque international sur la diasporification de l'Islam en Europe

    À l'occasion du 15e anniversaire du Yearbook of Muslims in Europe publié par Brill, le Centre de Recherche DRES UMR 7354, le Département d'Études turques de l'Université de Strasbourg ainsi que l'Institut thématique interdisciplinaire Makers et l'Institut d'Islamologie de l'Université de Strasbourg organisent un colloque international sur la diasporification de l'Islam en Europe

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  • Beitragsaufruf - Afrika

    “Journal of law and interscience” - varia

    Law and Interscience Journal is now inviting the scholarly community, at both national and international levels, to submit their unpublished papers for publication. The main objective of Law and Interscience Journal is to contribute significantly to the body of knowledge by providing an intellectual platform for national and international scholars including postgraduate students, professors, and researchers operating in academic circles, government departments or socio-economic institutions. 

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  • Oran

    Beitragsaufruf - Sprachwissenschaften

    "Altralang Journal" – Varia 2024

    Volume 6 (June & december 2024)

    Altralang is an international peer reviewed and open access journal. It aims to publish high quality theoretical and practical papers that donate genuine knowledge and research in a variety of fields. Altralang Journal publications cover, but not limited to, the following topics: translation studies, linguistics, literature, didactics, civilisation.

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Kolloquium - Geschichte

    Écrire le désert

    Enjeux, sources, analyses

    Comment écrit-on l’histoire du désert ? Et de quel désert s’agit-il, en fonction de quelle aire culturelle ? Alors que les études consacrées aux espaces sahariens ont pris de nouvelles directions ces dernières années – notamment autour de questions négligées auparavant telles que la mobilité ou les réseaux  et l’émergence de nouvelles identités sahariennes à la suite des décolonisations, ou dans le cadre de nouvelles explorations des relations entre colonisés et colonisateurs, ce colloque a pour ambition de créer un espace de réflexion autour du matériau fondamental de toute recherche académique : d’un côté les archives qui nourrissent le travail du chercheur, et de l’autre les questions autour desquelles s’articule son enquête.

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  • Beitragsaufruf - Neuere und Zeitgeschichte

    Subversive Intrusions: Redefining the Museum Through Activist Interventions

    The editors are looking for original chapters and shorter contributions (interviews, manifestoes, dialogues, etc.) for an interdisciplinary edited volume exploring the phenomenon of artistic and activist-lead intrusive performances in large European and American museums. By interrogating cases of gendered objectification, cultural appropriation, and hierarchical monopolization of vision within Western museums, the contributions to this book explore how these performances (and the actors behind them) contribute to the redefinition of the modern conception of the Western museum. 

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  • Palermo

    Beitragsaufruf - Soziologie

    Narratives and the Social Sciences

    Interdisciplinary Perspectives

    Storytelling is a human practice that characterizes existence as a whole, responding to educational, social and cultural needs: from memory-making to establishing of relationships, from sharing experiences to forming a self-image, from learning to entertaining. If culture is our toolbox, then storytelling characterizes our way of using these tools to give shape and meaning to the disorder of experiences, and to present our actions as individual and social actors. In everyday life, we are all storytellers and make use of implicit narratives in one way or another. The perspective adopted for this International  conference aims to highlight every possible side of this topic. Anthropologists, sociologists, literary and film critics, semiologists, linguists, economists, aesthetics and image scholars, cultural studies experts and geographers are invited to present their work.

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  • Genf

    Kolloquium - Asien

    Promotion de la culture et des arts chinois, 1930-1950

    Autour de la Bibliothèque sino-internationale

    Conçue et gérée par des Chinois, la Bibliothèque Sino-Internationale constitue un cas rare, voire unique entre 1930 et 1950, d’institution de diplomatie culturelle installée en occident par un pays non-occidental. Elle préfigure les centres culturels moderne. Notre symposium entend repenser collectivement les circonstances etles stratégies de cette entreprise de diffusion.

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  • Beitragsaufruf - Darstellung

    Archival practices in contemporary visual arts. A model and a source

    Reframing the Archive – International Conference on Photography and Visual Culture (5th edition)

    In recent years, scholars have increasingly turned their attention to the author’s archive as a vital component in studies on the preservation of historical documents and art objects. Research efforts are expanding to develop criteria for the conservation and administration of contemporary art archives, describe case studies on the acquisition or museamisation of art document collections, and critically reinterpret artistic and artists’ correspondence sourced from archives of artists, critics and scholars.  We welcome proposals from scholars at any stage of their careers, as well as visual artists and other professionals in the field of visual arts, to reflect on contemporary archive-based visual arts and contemporary archival sources and collections. 

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  • Evora

    Seminar - Mittelalter

    Local powers toward central authorities: Decision-making process in medieval urban societies

    2nd Lectures on social contract

     The scientific summit is dedicated to bringing together different specialists who analyse the discursivities of decision-making developed in medieval towns and other local instances of political governance. The goal of this seminar is centred in exploring the dynamics between the local and the central spheres of power, following an understanding on how those dynamics build their communication strategies from communal institutions side to interact with —or, even though, resist to— their so-called sovereign authorities. These communication channels often operated networks of semantic change between the local spheres, where political decisions were performed, and the higher spheres with jurisdictional power over them.

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  • Paris

    Fachtagung - Neuere und Zeitgeschichte

    Adorno for Revolutionaries

    On the 75th Anniversary of Philosophy of New Music

    Cette journée propose un réexamen des textes musico-philosophiques d'Adorno à la lumière de phénomènes musicaux inattendus (ou extrêmes) et à considérer la musique qui n'est jamais apparue dans les textes d'Adorno à travers ses propres catégories esthétiques.

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  • Beitragsaufruf - Soziologie

    Digital Labour Platforms and (New) Inequalities

    “Inequalities”, 2, 2025

    This issue of Inequalities is dedicated to the impact and consequences of digital labour platforms on inequalities and the system of inequalities, in terms of, for example: labour inequalities (the labour market, the organisation of work, work processes, and working conditions); economic inequalities (wages and income); social inequalities (impoverishment in material and social terms, as well as in one’s daily life, and inequalities in the use of one’s time); health inequalities (occupational diseases and psychological impoverishment); gender inequalities and environmental inequalities. Papers on the struggles and mobilisations against inequalities linked to digital labour platforms are also welcome. This call for papers is dedicated to the relationship between digital labour platforms and inequalities and is open to contributions investigating aspects of this relationship and the phenomena linked to it.

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  • Venedig

    Beitragsaufruf - Asien

    Travelling to the East. Marco Polo and the Mendicant Friars

    During the two days that will take place in Venice on 25 and 26 October 2024, the aim is to celebrate the story of Marco Polo through a multidisciplinary approach that sees Polo as the most famous figure but also covers themes and characters equally worthy of in-depth study. The papers will be divided into three sections: the first will be of a historical-philological nature and the history of thought (The Dominicans and Marco Polo); the second dedicated to the discovery of the literary genre linked to the journey, with particular reference to the missionary one (The Periegetic and the Missions to the East); and finally a third section focusing on artistic aspects and cultural exchanges (The East of Silk and the Arts, Maps and Polo’s Iconographies).

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  • Montpellier

    Fachtagung - Sprachwissenschaften

    Language change and variation in English: Methods and frameworks

    Au cours de cette journée d’études, nous explorerons l’évolution (récente) de la langue anglaise en général, et de plusieurs de ses variétés. Il y sera donc question de variation ainsi que de changement linguistiques, et de ce qu’on appelle les « New Englishes ». La langue sera étudiée dans le cadre de diverses aires géographiques (Singapour, le sud des États-Unis, l’Australie, la Nouvelle-Zélande).

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  • Genf

    Stipendien, Preise und Stellenangebote - Geschichte

    Sigerist prize 2024

    History of medicine prize

    The Swiss Society for the History of Medicine and Science invites applications for the Henry-E.-Sigerist-Prize for the promotion of early career scholars in the history of medicine and science.

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