

  • Beyrouth

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Challenging Power and Inequality: Gender and Social Justice in the Middle East

    Lebanon Support is seeking submissions for the 2021 issue of the Civil Society Review on Challenging Power and Inequality: Gender and Social Justice in the Middle East. This CSR issue is interested in exploring the current landscape of gender and social justice activism both in Lebanon and across the MENA region through the lens of the myriad power dynamics embedded within the fields of “gender” and “gender equality” work and activism. 

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  • Beyrouth

    Appel à contribution - Économie

    Économies politiques de la recherche en sciences sociales dans le monde arabe  

    Lebanon Support is seeking submissions for the 2021 issue of the Civil Society Review on Political economy of research in social sciences in the Arab world. Axes of reflection identified and that can guide contributions: Institutional configurations and actors’ rationale in the Arab world: how are political economies of research in social sciences organised?, Research agendas, methods and paradigms: the constrained choices of research., Researchers’ trajectories in the Arab world: functions, carriers, values.

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  • Taipei

    Appel à contribution - Asie

    Études sinophones en Europe et Amérique

    Research Center for Chinese Cultural Subjectivity in Taiwan (CCS) will be holding 2019 “Sinophone Studies in Europe and the Americas”(SEA) International Young Scholars Conference at National Chengchi University, Taiwan, November 19-21, 2019. The conference invites both critical scholarship and creative writing in various fields of Sinophone studies.

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  • Shanghai

    École thématique - Études du politique

    La gouvernance des systèmes socio-écologiques

    À la découverte du continuum terre-océan : zones côtières, deltas, îles et zones humides

    East China Normal University is hosting a Summer School on the Governance of Socio-Ecological Systems (SES), which is a rapidly emerging issue in many environment related disciplines and especially sustainability science. The GOSES Summer School is organized together with the University of Reims and SENSE (Netherlands Research School for Socio-Economic and Natural Sciences of the Environment).

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  • Delhi

    Appel à contribution - Asie

    Of mediation and power : Intermediaries in the South Asian societies

    XXIe ateliers de l'Association des jeunes études indiennes (AJEI)

    Les XXIe ateliers de l'Association des jeunes études indiennes (AJEI) se tiendront à Delhi du 22 eu 25 avril 2019, dans les locaux du Centre des sciences humaines sur le thème de l'intermédiation et du pouvoir. L'AJEI est une association de jeunes chercheur·e·s sur l'Inde, qui depuis plus de 20 ans organise des evènements scientifiques permettant de visibiliser sa recherche, d'en discuter, de la confronter à l'avis de chercheur·e·s seniors. L'appel à contributions ci-dessous donne les axes centraux mais nous restons ouverts à toute contribution recoupant la thèmatique et se basant sur des données empiriques solides. 

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  • Français

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  • Sociologie

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