

  • Oran

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    "Altralang Journal" – Varia 2024

    Volume 6 (June & december 2024)

    Altralang is an international peer reviewed and open access journal. It aims to publish high quality theoretical and practical papers that donate genuine knowledge and research in a variety of fields. Altralang Journal publications cover, but not limited to, the following topics: translation studies, linguistics, literature, didactics, civilisation.

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  • Pretoria

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Lexicography: Beyond Dictionaries!

    28th International Conference of the African Association for Lexicography (AFRILEX)

    The aim of the African Association for Lexicography (AFRILEX) is the promotion and co-ordination of the research, study and teaching of lexicography by means of the publication of a journal and other appropriate literature, and the organization of regular conferences and seminars to provide an opportunity for an exchange of ideas and for mutual stimulus to researchers and practitioners in the field of lexicography. The 28th International AFRILEX Conference will be held from 1 to 4 July 2024 at the University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa. With the advent of advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) that bring new challenges and new perspectives in knowledge production, knowledge dissemination and knowledge storage, there seems to be sufficient ground to reflect on the place and position of the field of lexicography in these new developments.


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  • Tiaret

    Appel à contribution - Économie

    The role of Start-ups and Business Incubators in Achieving Economic Development in Algeria

    ’الدور الاقتصادي لمؤسسات الناشئة و حاضنات الاعمال في تحقيق أهداف التنمية الاقتصادية في الجزائر’’

    Algeria, like other countries in the world, is full of many creative and innovative entrepreneurs, and at the same time they are eager to create institutions in which they embody their new ideas with the aim of creating various products and services that contribute to the diversification of the Algerian economy. Especially if they have financial support from experts and supporting financial institutions, as well as technical and administrative support from business incubators. The conference aims to answer the following question: To what extant can Start-ups and business Incubators contribute in economy diversity and economic development success in Algeria? 

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  • Oran

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    TRANSLANG Journal - varia

    Vol 23 n°1

    The Journal of Traduction et Langues TRANSLANG Journal is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed, biannual, free-of-charge, and open-access journal edited by the University of Mohamed Ben Ahmed Oran 2. The published works in the journal were more directed to German with a clear orientation towards translation. The themes addressed today are particularly related to the reflection on translation as a process, especially the translation of specialized texts (technical, literary, artistic), on the interpreting process (simultaneous, consecutive, community), on the cognitive aspects of translation, history of translation, didactics and pedagogy, translatology, terminology, etc.    

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  • Oran

    Appel à contribution - Économie

    Accounting and sustainable development: What about Tomorrow's Challenges?

    The symposium "Accounting and Sustainable Development: What about Tomorrow's Challenges?" aims to highlight the current and future issues of accounting in the context of sustainable development. It offers a platform for exchange and sharing of experiences between accounting professionals, researchers, policymakers, and actors in sustainable development.

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  • Béjaïa

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    The Journal of Studies in Language, Culture, and Society (JSLCS) - varia

    The Journal of Studies in Language, Culture, and Society (JSLCS) is a double-blind peer-reviewed, free-of-charge, open-access, and multidisciplinary journal that is published three times a year and edited by the University of Bejaia. The main objective of JSLCS is to provide a platform for national and international scholars, academicians, and researchers to share contemporary thoughts in the fields of linguistics and languages, civilization and literature, sociology, psychology, translation, anthropology, education, ICT, history, cultural and intercultural studies, communication, pedagogy, history, philosophy, religion, etc.

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  • Tunis

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    The encounter between identity and innovation

    An explosive brake of creativity

    The Arab Democratic Center based in Berlin, Germany, is pleased to announce a call for contributions for an international Hybrid conference focusing on The encounter between identity and innovation: An explosive brake of creativity.


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  • Fès

    Appel à contribution - Économie

    AI and Data Engineering Solutions for Effective Marketing

    Call for Chapters

    This book offers itself as a reference in scientific research on reflexivity and applications of techniques and mechanisms of data engineering and artificial intelligence in the field of marketing. Through its theoretical modelling and empirical applications, the book aims to bring significant added value both for managers and decision-makers in marketing strategies of companies and territories, as well as for marketing students, Business and territorial management.

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  • Tanger

    Colloque - Afrique

    Centenaire du statut de Tanger

    Réunissant des chercheurs des deux rives de la Méditerranée, cette conférence vise à renouveler l’intérêt pour la Zone internationale de Tanger (1925-1956). Elle aura lieu 100 ans jour pour jour après la signature par la France, l’Espagne et le Royaume-Uni du traité constitutif de la zone, le « statut de la zone de Tanger ». Cet accord, rejoint plus tard par la suite la Suède, la Belgique, les Pays-Bas, le Portugal et l’Italie, soumettait Tanger à un régime particulier : bien que faisant formellement partie intégrante du Maroc, la ville et ses environs furent dans une large mesure soumis à l’administration conjointe des puissances occidentales.

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  • Hammamet Nord

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Strategic, Organizational, and Social Issues of Digital Transformation in Organizations

    This conference intends to provide an opportunity to engage and appreciate diverse thoughts and analyses of Digital Transformation (DT) through the lenses of strategic, organizational, and social perspectives. The event aims to bring together scholars, professionals in business management, and experts from diverse fields in order to explore these subjects and discuss their potential impact on organizations. The target would be to reach the most effective organizational management practices optimizing digital transformation initiatives and processes through the consideration of structure, technology, culture, and people, as well as fostering innovation and success in a challenging environment.

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  • Dakhla

    Appel à contribution - Économie

    La recherche scientifique au service du développement économique du désert, du sahara et des zones rurales éloignées

    Cinquième Congrès International sur l'Economie du Désert

    Ce congrès est une plateforme de recherche scientifique interdisciplinaire  sur l'économie, le management, et le développent du désert (développement rural), du Sahara et des régions arides (zones arides, semi-arides, hyperarides,  sèches,  oasis et zones rurales éloignées), afin de contribuer efficacement dans la bonne gouvernance et le développement durable des régions désertiques, partout dans le monde, en passant par l'encouragement et la promotion des investissements dans le Sahara et les déserts, et en suscitant des rencontres entres toutes les parties prenantes à l’échelle mondiale: Universitaires, professionnels, décideurs politiques, société civile et les ONG,  en vue de favoriser le dialogue, le partenariat et la coopération entre les pays désertiques : l’Afrique et les pays du Golfe (MENA et Sahel ...), les États-Unis d'Amérique, l'Australie, la Chine,  l’Inde, l’Amérique du Sud…, dans le but de valoriser et de promouvoir la connaissance du désert et les conclusions et recommandations des études et conférences qui y sont en relation, et de créer un environnement propice d’échange d’expériences, d’expertise, de formations, de pratiques pédagogiques et d'innovation,  autour des thèmes relevant de l’économie du désert et du management des régions arides.

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  • Sétif

    Appel à contribution - Information

    The relevance and rôle of digitalization technologies in the documentation, conservation and diagnosis of cultural property

    The conference raises problem inherent in-built heritage, which is its deterioration over time. Throughout its existence, built cultural heritage is exposed to numerous external threats (destruction, alteration, vandalism, etc.) and internal threats (wear and tear, deterioration, unhealthy conditions, etc.). This invaluable, non-renewable resource needs to be carefully documented and archived. What is the relevance and role of digitisation technologies in these practices? What technological tools do people have at their disposal to access built cultural heritage? What techniques are already being used for this purpose?

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  • Tozeur

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Architecture troglodytique : design, matériaux, énergie et environnement

    Le premier colloque international « Architecture troglodytique : Sauvegarde, mise en valeur et développement durable », organisé à Gafsa le 24 et 25 décembre 2022, a traité plusieurs problématiques intéressant les thématiques de sauvegarde et de mise en valeur du patrimoine troglodytique, de son inscription sur la liste du patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco, ainsi que des moyens et des perspectives de sa contribution au développement économique et sociale durable. Dans ce deuxième colloque, la focalisation sur les thématiques du design, des matériaux, de l’énergie et de l’environnement vise, non seulement, l’approfondissement et la continuité des thématiques abordées dans le premier colloque, mais aussi l’enrichissement des connaissances autour des différents axes qui touchent de près le patrimoine dans son sens le plus diversifié.

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  • Tissemsilt

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    L’intelligence artificielle au service de l’enseignement/apprentissage des langues étrangères

    Réalité, défis et perspectives

    Cette rencontre sera l’occasion de comprendre l’impact potentiel de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) sur l’apprentissage des langues étrangères dans le contexte algérien et d’aboutir à des orientations techno-pédagogiques exploitant au mieux les opportunités des technologies de l’IA dans l’apprentissage des langues étrangères, notamment grâce à une collaboration humain-machine.

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  • Le Cap

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Tinabantu - Journal des hautes études de la société africaine - Varia

    Le Centre des hautes études de la société africaine (CASAS) a été créé en 1997 par son directeur fondateur, le professeur Kwesi Kwaa Prah, et incorporé à l’université du Western Cape (UWC) en 2018 au sein du département de linguistique, faculté des lettres et sciences humaines. Cet appel à contributions s’inscrit dans le cadre de la résurrection de la revue, qui restera, selon les termes mêmes de Professeur Prah, « d’orientation africaniste » et un « forum pour l’examen de divers points de vue, idées et opinions reflétant des dispositions philosophiques et politiques différentes, mais attaché au maintien de normes intellectuelles élevées, et une reconnaissance de l’unité historique et culturelle de l’Afrique et de sa diaspora ».

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  • Le Cap

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    The Choice/Voice of Cooperation in the Post-pandemic World

    8th International Conference on Multicultural Discourses

    The successes of the past seven rounds of the International Conference on Multicultural Discourses held in China, Brazil, the Netherlands, and Romania, respectively, have consolidated the position of Cultural Discourse Studies in the social sciences. Mankind is witnessing yet again the centennial moment of global transformation and the world is ridden with grave challenges and great opportunities. To answer to these uncertain winds of change, scholars from diverse fields such as communication, media, language, literature, culture, history, international relations, etc. are invited to offer their insights during the 8th International Conference on Multicultural Discourses.

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  • Oran

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    “Altralang” Journal vol.5 n°1 - varia

    Altralang Journal is now inviting the scholarly community - at both national and international levels - to submit their papers. It is an international peer reviewed and open access journal. It aims to publish high quality theoretical and practical papers that donate genuine knowledge and research in a variety of fields.

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  • Maroua

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Langues, littératures et consolidation de la paix

    Guaranteeing a peaceful climate in a restricted or relatively large space is a challenge, which is why it is almost impossible to list in an exhaustive manner the mechanisms likely to maintain harmony between humans and/or between Nations, as these means are sometimes beyond suspicion. At the same time, it would be tedious to want to list the factors likely to break the tranquility, the state of cohesion, and to generate misunderstandings, conflicts of various kinds and, finally, war. So, how can linguistics and linguistic dynamics (in all forms and manifestations, including literature) be at the origin of social/interhuman, inter-intra-community, inter-State, inter-religious tensions...? And, how could they resolve the said crises and conflict situations? Which linguistic dynamics emerge from these? This is the challenge of this project. 

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  • Oran

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Current Trends in Translation and Language Studies

    TRANSLANG is specialized in translation studies, as part of the High-Quality Research (HQR) framework. The themes addressed today are particularly related to the reflection on translation as a process, especially the translation of specialized texts (technical, literary, artistic), on the interpreting process (simultaneous, consecutive, community), on the cognitive aspects of translation, history of translation, didactics and pedagogy, translatology, and terminology as well as languages and linguistic studies

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  • Dakhla

    Appel à contribution - Économie

    Fourth International Congress on Desert Economy

    International scientific research collaboration for arid lands and desert development

    The ultimate purpose of the International Congress on Desert Economy - ENCG, Dakhla, Morocco, is to be an interdisciplinary scientific research platform on the desert, arid lands, and the Sahara (hot drylands, hyperarid or semi-arid regions, oasis and remote rural areas)  economy, management, and development (rural development), in order to contribute effectively to the good governance and in the sustainable development of arid lands worldwide, by attracting and promoting investment opportunities in the Sahara and  deserts, and by stimulating meetings between all stakeholders on a global scale.

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