

  • Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Max Liebermann and Italy in the context of German-Italian artistic exchange from the 1860s to the 1930s

    Although Liebermann often travelled to the Netherlands and considered it his “adopted homeland”, Italy also played an important role in his artistic development. Between 1878 and 1913 the painter made at least six journeys there, established contacts with Italian artists and critics and took part in international art exhibitions. His works also found their way into Italian collections. This conference seeks to investigate German-Italian artistic exchange more broadly between the 1860s and the 1930s. and aims to highlight German-Italian cultural exchange by looking at other contemporary personalities.

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  • Palerme

    Colloque - Sociologie

    Realtà mediali

    Sociologia, semiotica e arte negli immaginari e nelle rappresentazioni

    This three-day international conference, organized in mixed mode at the University of Palermo and sponsored by the Dipartment "Cultures and Society" and the ADILLI, intends to adress the ways in which reality is represented and mediated today through digital technologies and creative approaches to the arts, both of those belonging to the more traditional classifications and of the more recent ones, and how the different narratives of today's contexts are “brought to the stage” by them. The interpretation of the theme, given its complexity and vastness, will be interdisciplinary and will have a dissemination approach, to allow for as broad a dialogue as possible between the partecipants and the public, in a spirit of research and sharing.

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  • Milan

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine


    Revue InterArtes - numéro 2

    Si le premier numéro de la revue InterArtes traitait de la perméabilité des frontières - signe d’actualité - comme condition qui valide une esthétique de l’hybride, ce deuxième numéro entend se demander comment ce processus d’hybridation de genres, de contenus, de thèmes, styles et langages peuvent changer la nature et la structure du texte, quel est le produit final né de cette interaction et si plusieurs niveaux de lecture peuvent réellement en découler, générés par la présence de différents moyens d’expression. À nouveau, dans ce deuxième numéro, InterArtes ouvre la possibilité d’assumer un point de vue ontologique ou une perspective pragmatique ou analytique, dans le but ultime d’explorer un champ d’investigation qui continue d’offrir des perspectives d’expansion.

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  • Vinci

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Leonardo e l’architettura: invenzioni, progetti, tecniche costruttive

    Leonardo and architecture: inventions, projects, technical construction

    Giornata di studio internazionale sul tema di Leonardo e l’architettura: invenzioni, progetti, tecniche costruttive. E Apertura della mostra : “Leonardo e l’architettura: riflessioni grafiche, progetti e tecniche costruttive attraverso la modellazione tridimensionale” / “Leonardo and architecture: Graphic considerations, projects and construction techniques through three-dimensional modelling” a Vinci.

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  • Turin

    Colloque - Moyen Âge

    Turpin et l’épopée carolingienne : croisements de cultures

    Le colloque s’articulera autour de deux axes : la question de l’intertextualité, particulièrement accentuée dans la tradition de l’Historia Turpini, et l’imbrication des cultures, qui voit dans la tradition carolingienne un terrain privilégié de confrontation. À côté de problèmes d’ordre ecdotique, la réflexion touchera aux thèmes suivants : la contamination des traditions littéraires et des cultures, les personnages et les lieux, l’iconographie, les croisements entre l’épopée carolingienne et les pélerinages, les manières dont la matière a été remaniée au fil du temps.

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  • Séminaire - Langage

    New horizons. How to renew the humanities (HFC-HOR 2020)

    How does philological practice change in the digital age? How can the potential of information technology be applied to the study of literary texts? What is the role played by large text databases in literary criticism and how can they be effectively interrogated?

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  • Informations diverses - Langage

    Create your own Summer School in Italian Studies

    L'Associazione Internazionale dei Professori d’Italiano (AIPI) indìce un bando per offrire ai dottorandi e post-dottorandi in italianistica la possibilità di organizzare una “Summer School”.


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  • Padoue

    Colloque - Représentations

    Proust et les écrans

    Le colloque Proust et les écrans souhaite interroger l’image d’un Proust de plus en plus « mondialisé », « numérisé » et hyper-contemporain que renvoient tous les écrans connectés de notre époque, autant de projections et de diffractions dont l’inventaire n’a pas encore été entrepris par la critique proustienne.

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  • Rome

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    « Fake news ». L’art et l’information : contrefaire la réalité, entre production artistique et enquête historique

    VII giornata di studi dottorali del Rome Art History Network (RAHN)

    Il tema delle fake news è di grande attualità e rilevanza per i mezzi e i fini con cui queste vengono messe in circolazione: esse hanno il potere di alterare la realtà e diffondere notizie prive di fondamento. Invero, la manipolazione delle notizie e delle immagini è sempre stata presente nelle discipline umanistiche, mossa da intenti encomiastici, sociologici o politici. La giornata dottorale del 2019 vuole indagare la modalità in cui l’alterazione del messaggio è stata assunta come verità nella storia dell’arte. Si intende analizzare l’iter del processo artistico e la conseguente creazione delle fake news: così, dall’idea della committenza si passa all’elaborazione dell’artista fino ad arrivare alla ricezione del pubblico. L’oggetto artistico diventa, dunque, veicolo di una realtà alterata. Spaziando dall’antichità al contemporaneo, il convegno vuole mettere in risalto le diverse metodologie impiegate dai dottorandi per delegittimare le fake news nella storia dell’arte.

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  • Milan

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    First Biennial International Conference on Eugenio Montale

    First Biennial International Conference on Eugenio Montale

    Winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1975, Eugenio Montale (1896-1981) spent thirty-three years of his life in Milan (more than a third of his entire existence), from 1948, when at the age of fifty-two he was taken on by “Corriere della Sera”, until his death in a Milanese hospital at the age of eighty-five. During this protracted residency in Milan, Montale published all his major poetic collections except Ossi di seppia and Le occasioni.

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  • Gênes

    Colloque - Études urbaines

    La città multietnica nel mondo mediterraneo

    Storia, cultura, patrimonio

    This meeting aims to foster a discussion about the continuities and disruptions which have conditioned the multi-ethnic dimension of our cities. We would like to focus on the specificities of places and time in our millennial history that have produced both tangible and intangible cultural heritage (a heritage which today seems strongly under attack). We aim for a historical perspective –  by drawing attention on well-documented case-studies offering comparative insights – without however forgetting to ask ourselves the meaning of our research in the troubled world we live in; without anachronisms, but also without hiding behind the pretext of specialisms, while in front of our eyes the Mediterranean world is more than ever a theatre of death, exclusion, suffering. 

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  • Catane

    Colloque - Sociologie

    Mythanalyse de l'insularité

    Le colloque est centré sur le thème de l’insularité. Il se propose de dresser un état des recherches et des travaux récents, de questionner l'insularité entre mythe et imaginaire et dégager des nouvelles perspectives d'études autour d'une mythanalyse de l'île.

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  • Bologne

    Appel à contribution - Religions

    Symbol and Design in Contemporary Churches

    The Third International Seminar intends to be an appointment of critical reflection on the difficulties that symbol has gone through in the twentieth-century liturgical architecture. After years of lack of interest for all related subjects, during the last decades architecture is devoting increasing attention to symbol, this way highlighting the ongoing corresponding anthropological transformation. However, this kind of research also requires mature awareness both of the reasons why it has become necessary nowadays and of the inter-disciplinary developments it has generated during the twentieth century. In the Catholic background there are two unavoidable reference points: Romano Guardini and the dogmatic pronouncements of the Second Vatican Council that acknowledged the importance of symbols.

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  • Venise

    Colloque - Psychisme


    The religious experience of the ‘disease of the soul’ and its definitions in the early modern period: censorship, dissent and self-representation

    Il tema della malinconia, nelle sue diverse declinazioni storico-artistiche, mediche, letterarie, filosofiche, psicologiche costituisce l’oggetto di una vasta letteratura. Del resto, lo stesso termine “malinconia” è un termine polisemico, associato storicamente a una grande varietà di gruppi di significati non sempre assimilabili tra loro. Il seminario intende approfondire le diverse valenze semantiche del termine “malinconia” in ambito religioso in età moderna, sia in campo protestante sia in campo cattolico. 

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