

  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Géographie

    Cultures : espaces, pratiques

    Pratiquer la géographie culturelle aujourd'hui

    La géographie culturelle française a été marquée au cours des dernières décennies par deux grandes tendances que sont, d’une part, la diversification de ses objets d’étude et, d’autre part, l’hybridation de ses approches. La diversité des épistémologies, des méthodologies et des projets théoriques portés par les auteur·es dessine un espace scientifique ouvert, pluriel et attentif à des objets d’étude nouveaux, singuliers ou hors des sentiers battus. Depuis sa création en 1992 par Paul Claval, la revue Géographie et cultures a largement contribué à ces évolutions. À l'occasion du trentième anniversaire de la revue, la journée d’études proposera de mettre en débat trois grandes pistes de réflexions sur la manière de penser les cultures, et les « processus culturels » par l’espace et les pratiques : la géographie culturelle à l’interface ; penser les cultures par le bas ; perspectives méthodologiques.

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  • Prague

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Incorporating sexual violence into Czech WWII history and its aftermath: A Workshop

    The one-day event, featuring leading experts in the field Regina Mühlhäuser and Anna Hájková, will combine an introductory lecture, two panels of talks, and close work with primary sources. We are seeking submissions for participation with abstract (up to 300 words, including discussion of sources, and a short bio, up to 100 words). We are interested in the history of Second World War defined widely, that is people working on Czech and Slovak 1930s and 1940s, ethnic minorities, Holocaust, expulsion etc. pp.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Queering Friendship | citizenship, care and choice

    Intimate Final Conference

    Contrary to individualization theories that suggest the impoverishment of human relationships, theories of relationality recognize the increasing centrality of informal networks of solidarity and care. In this debate, friendship plays a fundamental role. The mutual implications of intimacy and citizenship need to be addressed, exploring the extent to which issues of LGBTQ friendship matter (or not) in being recognized as citizens. The centrality of friendship is even more striking when considering personal lives of trans and non-binary people, but also lesbian women, gay men and bisexual people, LGBTQ migrants and other intersecting, vulnerable groups. In particular, the way transgender people actively provide and receive different care between friends offers invaluable contributions to political debates and conceptual discussions around friendship and care as a key aspect of LGBTQ everyday life. Unveiling the richness of the blurred spaces of intimacy, the ways in which LGBTQ people produce alternatives to family-based forms of cohabitation are also of critical importance. LGBTQ lived experiences further contribute to destabilizing the family/friends and public/private binaries, whilst challenging heterocisnormative expectations about who legitimately belongs to the intimate sphere and who remains excluded and/or invisible.

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