

  • Lisbonne

    Colloque - Histoire

    MARCMUS - Watermarks and handwriting in the music manuscripts of the Fundo do Conde de Redondo

    O colóquio inscreve-se no âmbito do projeto MARCMUS, que visa estudar os manuscritos musicais da coleção, praticamente inexplorada, do 15.º Conde de Redondo, guardada na Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Journal “Sociologia On Line” - Continuously open

    “Sociologia On Line” is a scientific journal of the Portuguese Sociological Association. It has an open access policy and publishes original articles (wheter as a result of research in the context of basic/pure research or in the context of applied research, research-action) on Sociology. Scientific articles can be written in English, Portuguese, Spanish or French and will be independently evaluated by at least two experts. In addition, “Sociologia On Line” uses double-blind peer review, which means that the identities of the authors are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa.

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  • Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Permanet call for "Sociologia on line" Journal

    Articles 2022

    Sociologia on line is the journal of the Portuguese Sociological Association. It has an open access policy and publishes original research on Social Sciences and reflections on the development of Sociology.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Nouvelles perspectives et approches de recherche, formation et enseignement

    Journées internationales de lexiculturologie

    Les journées internationales de lexiculturologie – promues par le Centre de linguistique de la Nova Université de Lisbonne – constituent un forum scientifique annuel de présentation, développement, approfondissement, consolidation et expansion des questions de recherche, de formation et d'enseignement relatives à la lexiculture – c'est-à-dire la culture implicite dans le lexique – dans une perspective intra, pluri, inter et/ou transdisciplinaire. Seront acceptés des travaux – en portugais, anglais, espagnol et français – explicitement inscrits dans le thème général de JIL2021 : Lexiculturologie – Nouvelles perspectives et approches de recherche, formation et enseignement.

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  • Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Local Communities and Way of St. James. Alliances and threats

    A partir da década de 80 do século passado, os Caminhos de Santiago experimentam uma nova visibilidade internacional de causalidade multifacetada. O interesse das entidades públicas da Galiza por promover o turismo e a imagem do território, a redinamização da construção europeia ou, ainda no quadro da Guerra Fria, a ativa intervenção de promoção da Igreja católica, fizeram com que os Caminhos de Santiago passaram a se converter numa realidade muito presente em numerosos territórios peninsulares e europeus atravessados pelos diferentes itinerários. No Congresso Internacional Comunidades Locais e Caminhos de Santiago. Ameaças e alianças pretende-se colocar a debate e avançar no conhecimento acerca das relações que se estabelecem entre as comunidades locais e o fenómeno jacobeu, assunto porventura menos estudado.

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  • Porto

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Keep It Simple, Make It Fast! DIY Cultures and Global Challenges

    KISMIF Conference 2020

    We are pleased to announce the fifth KISMIF International Conference ‘Keep It Simple, Make It Fast! DIY Cultures and Global Challenges’ (KISMIF Conference 2020) which will take place in Porto, Portugal, between 8 July and 11 July 2020. The submission of abstracts for this conference is open to academic researchers working in all areas of sociology, anthropology, history, cultural economics, cultural studies, geography, philosophy, urban planning, media, and cognate disciplines, such as design, illustration, popular music, cinema, visual and performing arts. This initiative follows the great success of the past four KISMIF Conferences (held in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2018) and brings together an international community of researchers focusing on underground music scenes and do-it-yourself cultures.

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  • Avanca

    Appel à contribution - Information

    Avanca | Cinema 2018

    International Cinema Conference – Art, Technology and Communication

    En 2018, nous organiserons la 9e édition d'une conférence qui devient une référence dans le domaine de la recherche cinématographique.La conférence Avanca | Cinema est un point de rencontre pour les chercheurs qui ont l'intention de diffuser et de partager leurs recherches académiques. Première conférence scientifique organisée dans le cadre d'un festival de cinéma, Avanca | Cinema et le 22e Festival Avanca 2018 offrent une atmosphère unique et un programme diversifié, qui passe par l'offre de séances de cinéma, d'ateliers, de présentations de livres, de tables rondes, de séances plénières et d'événements parallèles (de la gastronomie à l'espace de concerts).Cinq jours de cinéma et de pure fête ... dans les regards qui se croisent à Avanca, au Portugal et en plein été.

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  • Porto

    École thématique - Sociologie

    Mappin' Your Own Underground!

    Keep It Ssimple Make It Fast International Conference – Summer School

    The Summer School "Mappin’ Your Own Underground!" is an event taking place in the context of the Keep It Simple Make It Fast Conference 2016 (17-22 July 2016) on the 22nd of July 2016, in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto. The Summer School will grant an opportunity for all students (bachelor students, master students, doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers), namely those participating in the Conference, to discuss their research, in an environment suited for knowledge exchange and practical feedback towards successful professional trajectories. This will be achieved through a series of workshops with world-renowned professors and researchers.

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  • Porto

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Do It Yourself (DIY) Cultures, Spaces and Places

    Keep It Simple, Make It Fast! (KISMIF) International Conference

    The third KISMIF International Conference “Keep It Simple, Make It Fast! (KISMIF) DIY Cultures, Spaces and Places” will take place in Porto, Portugal, between 18th July and 21st July 2016. The submission of abstracts for this conference is open to academic researchers working in all areas of sociology, anthropology, history, cultural economics, geography, urban planning, media and cultural studies and cognate disciplines, such as design, illustration, popular music, cinema, visual and performing arts. The KISMIF Conference 2016 is once again focused on underground music, directing its attention this time towards the analysis of DIY cultures’ relationship to space and places. 

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  • Faro

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Portugal, le territoire de territoires

    IXe Congrès portugais de sociologie

    Hoje, mais do que nunca, importa estudar as variáveis territoriais das formações sociais, uma vez que o espaço atua cada vez mais, a várias escalas, como força de integração, mas também de exclusão, segregação e relegação, contribuindo ativamente para a criação e recomposição de injustiças, de diferenças e de desigualdades. O território não é um mero cenário onde se projetam os atores sociais. Dotado de especificidades, resiste ou favorece as dinâmicas sociais, pela mediação das práticas, pela sua historicidade, pela sua configuração própria, influenciando quer a distribuição dos grupos sociais no espaço, quer as tipologias das formas de habitação, quer mesmo o planeamento e o urbanismo.

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  • Lisbonne

    Informations diverses - Sociologie

    Knowledge for Open and Inclusive Societies

    Inter-university Programme en Sociology

    The vision of the PhD programme is framed in its title: “Sociology: knowledge for open and inclusive societies” (OpenSoc). We depart from a main strategic assumption: the relevance of the knowledge produced by social sciences (particularly sociology) for understanding and intervening in contemporary reflexive societies. Understanding implies the critique of common sense and taken for granted “prenotions”, as well as the construction of adequate theory and concepts that foster a coherent framework to interpret reality, which is then methodologically put to proof and validated in empirical settings. Fundamental knowledge is to be nurtured by itself; but it also enhances the capacity of translating theory into informed and targetted social action and intervention. Societies need sociology. And sociology feeds society.

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  • Porto

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Arts des tranchées | Les tranchées dans l’art. La Grande Guerre cent ans plus tard

    Pour signaler le centenaire du début de la Première Guerre Mondiale, l’Institut de Littérature Comparée de la Faculté de Lettres de l’Université de Porto s’associe aux organismes officiels – Ministère des Affaires Étrangères et Mairie de Porto – qui organisent plusieurs activités  commémoratives de l’éphéméride à Porto. Dans ce Colloque Inters-disciplinaire, il s’agira d’approfondir le débat autour de la participation portugaise à la Première Grande Guerre,  moyennant  une réflexion générale et articulée qui, au-delà des questions purement historico-politiques,  touche les différents domaines artistiques, tout particulièrement le domaine de la littérature.

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  • Evora

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    40 ans de démocratie(s) : progrès, contradictions et prospectives

    VIIIème congrès portugais de sociologie

    La singularité portugaise présente de nouveaux ponts de communication comparative avec d’autres réalités territoriales et s’offre comme un rare laboratoire d’analyse sociologique. Des phénomènes de régression (structurelle et dispositionnelle), d’articulation de rythmes asynchrones, de changement social, de prolifération du risque et de l’incertitude, de conciliation conflictuelle de modernités multiples dans une modernité inachevée, nous défient de regarder sociologiquement ces 40 dernières années et, dans le même temps, de réfléchir prospectivement sur les tendances et défis du futur.

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  • Lisbonne

    Colloque - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Sensing the city: explorations in sensory ethnography

    The conference aims to explore the relation between urban places and sensory experiences, drawing attention to the many dimensions of life in the city, mainly those that are rendered by the sense. We are guided by two main questions: What’s the role of the senses in framing, attributing meaning and changing collective and subjective experiences of city dwellers? And what is the relevant impact of sensory registration and analysis on the way of doing ethnography? Our objective is to gather researchers working on urban settings through ethnographic approaches. The senses will be considered both as an epistemological proposal – through which one sees the urban phenomena – and a methodological approach to the city.

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  • Porto

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie


    The main intention of the journal Sociologia is addressing the social issues of broad scope and according to various theoretical perspectives in order to promote the cultivation of Sociology in Portugal, either as systematic knowledge of social realities and as social and professional practice. Has sought to establish a dialogue between those who, within the University, promote scientific work and those who, like other professionals in sociology, deal with diverse activities in the global society, without forgetting those who labor in the other frames and that require a systematized knowledge of Portuguese social reality.

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  • Coimbra

    Colloque - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    The cultural heritage of Portugal and Brazil 4

    Nos 10 anos da Convenção para a Salvaguarda do Património Cultural Imaterial da UNESCO, o Núcleo de Estudos sobre Cidades, Culturas e Arquitetura (CCArq) do Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra, em parceria com a Direção Regional de Cultura do Centro e com a Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro-UNIRIO, encontram-se para debater os rumos das políticas públicas sobre Património Cultural em ambos países.

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