

  • París

    Seminario - Estudios urbanos

    Migrants in Global Metropolises

    Séminaire de recherche et doctoral MAGMET

    L'objectif de ce séminaire consiste à articuler transformations urbaines, migration et mondialisation pour mieux comprendre la fabrication des villes-mondes plurielles, marquées par de très forts taux d’immigration et de part de population étrangère. Partant des pratiques et des représentations des différents acteurs sociaux, économiques et politiques qui produisent et vivent dans ces villes, il s’intéresse aux modalités d’incarnation socio-spatiales de la diversité, ainsi qu’à sa gestion. En pensant simultanément les connexions et les ancrages, en jouant systématiquement sur l’articulation des échelles, l’enjeu du séminaire est d’élaborer un cadre analytique théorique comparatif afin de réfléchir aux modes de transformation des métropoles plurielles, engagées dans des dynamiques de mondialisation, en fonction de leur insertion dans les réseaux globalisés, de leur taille démographique et de leurs héritages et contextes politiques.

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  • Barcelona

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Estudios urbanos

    Global Cities and Cosmopolitan Dreams

    Part of the Research Program on: Space, Time and New Technologies of the Self, 1st International Symposium

    This project is interested in exploring the changing ideal of the city, exploring its ideological foundations, its physical construction, its social and political significance, its aesthetic value and its metaphorical meaning.

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  • Reims

    Escuela temática - Estudios urbanos

    Sustainable City Region Food and Agriculture System

    International Summer School

    This course is specifically designed for doctoral students, including pre-docs, post-docs and young scholars, who wish to further explore urban agriculture, discuss cutting-edge research with peers and established scholars alike and develop specific skills such as presenting and discussing their own research with scholars, developing abstracts and discussing the research of other scholars in the make.

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  • Cracovia

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Estudios urbanos

    Moving Cities: Contested Views on Urban Life

    Contemporary cities are spaces and places traversed by a diversity of movements, making them very special locus for analysing society. In times of digital information, conferences are very important spaces to debate current issues, showcase emerging research and discuss new approaches. Our will is to create a cross-disciplinary space of scientific debate open to sociologists and other scientists from other disciplines interested in analysing and understanding urban life in moving cities around the globe. We welcome papers from young and senior academics developing research on cities and urban life, expecting that everyone can take useful insights to their works from their participation in this conference.

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  • Berlín

    Seminario - Estudios urbanos

    Refugees in the City

    The Urban Studies Seminar is a joint activity of the Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO) and 'Europe in the Middle East - The Middle East in Europe' (EUME), a research program at the Forum Transregionale Studien, Berlin. It is part of the EUME research field, «Cities Compared». The seminar aims at presenting and discussing ongoing research of scholars working on cities in regions with Muslim societies with an emphasis on Urban Studies in a comparative perspective.

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  • 2015

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  • Anglais

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  • Sociología urbana

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