

  • Saint-Martin-d'Hères

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Sociologie

    International Excellence in the Humanities Programme - Post-doctoral fellowships 2024-2026

    The Maison de la Création et de l’Innovation (MaCI), UGA’s International Center for the Humanities, is launching its annual Post-doctoral Fellowship Programme funded by the France 2030 ANR project GATES (Grenoble ATtractiveness and ExcellenceS). We offer 3 two-year post-doctoral fellowships in the arts, humanities and social sciences. The postdoctoral felowships can start anytime between 15 September 2024 and 1 December 2024. Post-doctoral candidates from all disciplines in the arts, humanities and social sciences and from all countries can apply. 

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  • Colloque - Langage

    Waterphors 2024

    The Centre d’Études Linguistiques – Corpus, Discours et Sociétés (University of Lyon – Jean Moulin Lyon 3) will organize a symposium on April 4 to April 5, 2024. The theme is dedicated to water metaphors (“Waterphors 2024”).

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  • Barcelone

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Political anthropology of citizenship and the urge for alternatives

    European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) 2024 ​Biennial Conference

    This panel, proposed by the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) network “Anthropology and Social Movements”, is part of an ongoing discussion about how a political anthropology perspective on citizenship can provide new ways of practicing anthropology without losing the politic(s) of the fieldwork when looking for “alternatives”.

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  • Séminaire - Études du politique

    Populism and Religion

    Online seminar series

    Formerly under the umbrella of Lund’s research platform on Christianity and Nationalism, the seminar series on populism and religion is now organized by the Lund University-based research project Beyond Truth and Lies: Conspiracy Theories, Post-Truth, and the Conditions of Public Debate. The series focuses on the theoretical, philosophical, and theological dimensions of populism, with special attention to how conspiracy theories intersect with populism.

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  • Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Transformational Experiences

    The Role of Immersive Arts and Media in Individual and Societal Change

    In a time of humanitarian and environmental crises, a better future depends on the willingness to embrace systemic changes with unknown consequences for each of us and for society as a whole. In this issue of AN-ICON. Studies in Environmental Images, we welcome any contributions investigating the role of the arts and media in these processes, focussing on immersive experiences in particular.

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  • Berlin

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Digital Labor in the Wake of Pandemic Times

    The last few years have been marked by a global economic crisis, strains on both institutions and labor markets, and unprecedented disruptions in the mobility of goods and people. Covid-19 has profoundly affected the way we work, causing an increase in people turning to digital labor platforms to deal with the uncertainties of an unstable economy. Even in the formal sector, remote work and automation have led to dramatic changes in the workplace. In navigating this new reality, it is crucial to examine how these changes are impacting workers, businesses, and society as a whole. By bringing together researchers, workers, policymakers, and practitioners, the INDL-6 conference “Digital Labor in the wake of Pandemic Times” addresses the latest developments and challenges in the fields of technology-mediated labor, platformization, and automation.

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  • Prague

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Careers in politics, politics as a career

    Developments in 19th and early 20th century Europe

    During the nineteenth century, the field of European politics witnessed a host of significant changes, prominent among them being the increasing tendency towards its professionalization. Against the backdrop of major social and cultural shifts, politics ceased to be exclusively regarded as the traditional elite’s ‘duty of honor’ and opened its doors, first to the middle class and then, with the extension of the franchise, to lower social and professional strata. The aim of our workshop is to follow how politics became not only a stand-alone profession, but also part and parcel of careers in other professional fields during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. We are interested in the factors underlying this process, in how it manifested in different European spaces and under different historical conditions, as well as in its outcomes and societal impact. 

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  • Bucarest

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    “Conquer your Future Now!” Youth and the Continuous Construction of Communism

    “History of Communism in Europe”, vol. 13/2022

    The relation between youth and communist parties can be analyzed from three major perspectives: policy, politics, activism. Firstly, there are youth policies implemented by the socialist regimes (education, sports, housing, employment, leisure) that were meant to respond to the needs of the young. Secondly, their political involvement (participation in elections, party membership, national and international youth organizations) was encouraged, sought for and sometimes even forced upon. And thirdly, the young’s activism, which was manifest in mass organizations or voluntary work, and which was preferred to be in support and not against the regimes. The latter includes young communists active in non-socialist countries such as Germany, Italy, France, Great Britain, United States etc. along the 20th century.

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  • Appel à contribution - Pensée


    Issue 13 of On_Culture (Summer 2022)

    The editorial team of On_Culture, would like to draw your attention to the call for abstracts for issue #13 of On_Culture (Summer 2022) on “In_Visibilities”. This On_Culture issue will approach questions of in_visibility from a power-analytical and ideology-critical perspective. Avoiding a binary opposition, visibility and invisibility are conceptualized as two mutually entangled concepts. By using the underscore in the orthography (in_visibility), we want to highlight the processual continuum between the two concepts and create a space for ambiguities that put the visibility concept under re-negotiation.

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  • Journée d'étude - Études du politique

    Political Mobilization in the US: New Stakes and Evolutions

    Les dernières élections présidentielles ont démontré la forte capacité de mobilisation de blocs d’électeurs bien connus depuis le début des années 1980 tels que les chrétiens évangéliques, toujours fidèles au parti républicain, mais aussi d’électeurs dont la volatilité est plus grande, sans oublier la portée de la mobilité démographique. Alors que l’État fédéral continue de se désengager du contrôle des lois et procédures électorales (à la suite de l’arrêt Shelby County v. Holder de 2013), des initiatives sont prises dans ce domaine par les citoyens (comme en Floride avec l’Amendement 4 destiné à réintégrer sur les listes électorales les anciens détenus), mais aussi par les gouverneurs comme les législateurs de certains États pour encadrer ces procédures ainsi que l’accès aux urnes. Dans ce contexte, le record de participation de 2020 et la contestation violente du verdict des urnes marquent un probable tournant pour la démocratie états-unienne. Les trois intervenants de cette journée d’étude, spécialistes de l’intersection entre politique, religion et droits des femmes et des personnes LGBT+, tireront des leçons de cette mobilisation inégalée.

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  • Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Politique de l'alimentation aux États-Unis

    Revue « Politique américaine »

    Ce numéro de Politique américaine vise à saisir l’analyse politique de l’alimentation et de la nourriture et la manière dont ces problématiques nourrissent les mouvements sociaux. Car au-delà des questions – légitimes – de santé et de politiques publiques, bien souvent celles et ceux qui réclament d’autres manières de se nourrir le font au nom d’un modèle de société et de communauté qui s’écarte du mainstream. L’alimentation est aussi source de socialisation et de sociabilité, d’éducation (Flammang), un des lieux où se jouent, viscéralement, des problématiques liées au genre en particulier (Counihan), mais aussi à la race (Witt, Opie) ou à la classe (Finn).

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  • Recife

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    1956-1958 : une époque de révolutions qui changèrent l’Afrique (et le monde)

    The objective of this panel is to compare the various social mobilizations that took place in Africa during the years 1956-1958 and which arguably constitute a historical watershed. The main aim of the panel is not the making of an abstract comparative analysis, but the analysis, based on the testimonial material collected, of how the memory of these events has been structured over time. Moreover, we are interested in understanding what the impacts of these social movements were on the structuring of states and what continuities can be found between the mobilizations of that period and the ary social mobilizations that have shaken the continent in the last ten years, from the ‘Arab Spring’ of 2011 onwards.

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  • Rennes

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Les normes interrogées par le handicap

    Cette neuvième conférence propose d’interroger la construction de la normalité et, plus globalement, le système de pensée qui structure nos sociétés, selon lequel être « valide » serait la norme, au double sens de la situation la plus répandue et la plus souhaitable. Cette perspective critique entend ainsi mettre en évidence la manière dont nos sociétés sont structurellement construites en référence à cette figure de l’individu valide. Si l’injonction récente à construire des sociétés inclusives semble signaler un tournant radical, qu’en est-il concrètement ? En a-t-on réellement fini avec les représentations tendanciellement négatives, défectives, voire tragiques, du handicap ?  Les figures « héroïsées » du handicap, devenues omniprésentes dans l’espace public, ne prolongent-elles pas (en les inversant) ces approches du handicap comme écart à la norme ?

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  • Budapest

    Appel à contribution - Religions

    Resistance to Order and Authority (ROAR)

    CEU/ELTE/Masaryk PhD Conference 2020

    Religion has served to legitimize political power, but it has also been a basis for resistance against order and authority. Be it the Maccabean revolt, Gandhi's practice of non-violence resistance, contemporary neo-pagan religions, or the counter-system movements portrayed by Mark Juergensmeyer in his 2001 book Terror in the Mind of God, religious beliefs have motivated people to reject social order that they deem as unjust, and possibly rise against it. Even in today’s secularized societies, religion has served as the ground for social movements and manifestations addressing pressing socioeconomic threats such as climate change, social inequality, authoritarian governments and minority discrimination. These observations have encouraged new trends in scholarly debate, especially regarding the emergence of alternative religious ideas and rituals in modern societies.  old and new religious convictions legitimized various resistance movements among different communities? Which causes have influenced violent mobilizations against established social order, non-violent struggle, or the establishment of alternative community frameworks? What can these movements and ideas tell us about the role that religion plays today both in secularized and non-secularized societies?

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  • Pessac

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Artistic activism and the globalization of the art scene

    Theory, practice, paradigm and circulation

    This conference explores the theory, practices, paradigms and circulation of artistic activism in international perspective. It aims at examining the resurgence and development of artistic productions which revive agitational practices. Artistic activism or "artivism" questions consensual discourses on the neutrality of art and aesthetics. Taking into account the need for a global approach to the phenomenon, and the exploration of its most diverse forms and concepts, this conference aims to contribute to the study of arts activism since the 1990s. 

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  • Galway

    Appel à contribution - Géographie

    Handicap et espace rural : entre exclusion géographique et insertion sociale

    Dans le cadre du VIIe congrès des Sociétés de géographie européennes, EUGEO 2019, qui aura lieu à Galway (Irlande) du 15 au 18 mai 2019 nous vous invitons à proposer une communication pour la session « Disability in rural areas: between geographic exclusion and social insertion » qui s'intéressera aux interactions entre le handicap et les processus d'exclusion ainsi qu'aux expériences favorisant l'inclusion dans les espaces ruraux, sur la base d'études de cas pouvant s'appliquer à tous les domaines de la vie quotidienne. (insertion professionnelle, accès à l'éducation, à la santé, aux services, aux loisirs, à la culture, etc.). Les propositions sont acceptées en anglais, français, espagnol et italien. 

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  • Aberystwyth

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Dialectics of Dread and Refuge

    Theatre, Performance and Philosophy Working Group (TaPRA Conference)

    In A Grammar of the Multitude, Paolo Virno discriminates between the Kantian view of the dialectic of dread and refuge, which is based on a distinction between particular danger and absolute danger (also articulated by Heidegger through the distinction between fear and anguish) and the collapse of this distinction in the post-Fordist world, in which "the dividing line between fear and anguish, between relative dread and absolute dread, is precisely what has failed." (Virno 2004, 32) If post-Fordist institutions rely on a culture of pervasive dread – manifest as fear and anxiety – how do we resist this nearly intangible culture today? Arguably, we are moving beyond the sort of entrenched paralysis Virno speaks of, towards a new sort of political breakthrough, a manner of imagining life not determined by institutional cultures of fear and anxiety. Yet much thinking needs still to be done around the ways in which we engage in concerted resistance: do we fight within institutional walls – and if so, how do we resist systems of perpetual visibilisation – the gaze of securitization that renders us so exposed? What does this fight look like? Do we exit – and if so, where to? Is there a new underground? 

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  • Göttingen

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Difference, diversity, diffraction: confronting hegemonies and dispossessions

    10th European Feminist Research Conference

    The overall theme of the conference is “Difference, Diversity, Diffraction: Confronting Hegemonies and Dispossessions”, which refers to a topic central to Gender Studies: the social construction of difference and inequality on the one hand, and the recognition of marginalised experiences and subject positions on the other. In the face of growing right-wing populist movements, anti-feminist and anti-queer backlash, forced migration, austerity and climate change, these concerns take on renewed relevance. The subtitle “Confronting Hegemonies and Dispossessions” is a call to reflect on, challenge and defy the hierarchies, subjugations and deprivations that are linked to structural differentiations and to find affirmative ways of dealing with difference , diversity and diffraction. The conference is committed to promoting a feminist anti-racist accessible space for all genders.

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  • Berlin

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Marx, Semiotics and Political Praxis

    This special issue of Open Cultural Studies will return to the work of Karl Marx to reflect on and engage with his coherent articulation of words and their use, of words and actions, and of the intellectual and the political. The coherence of his discourse and praxis offers tools to think through, if not seek to transform, the alienated semiotic landscape of our times as described by the Frankfurt school philosopheers, Jean Baudrillard, Frederic Jameson, Sloterdijk and Slavoj Žižek. To commemorate the 200th anniversary of Marx's birth, in this special issue we want to honour his 11th Thesis on Feuerbach: "philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point, however, is to change it."

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  • Huddersfield

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Finding Democracy in Music

    For a century and more musicians have sought to relate their practices to the values of democracy. But political theory teaches that democracy is a highly contested category. This symposium aims to interrogate claims for the “democratic” nature of music.

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