

  • Bruxelles

    Colloque - Histoire

    Police Intelligence, from Local to Global. From 1750 to the Present-Day

    The aim of this conference is to take a look at police intelligence, to highlight its specific characteristics and its role in the work of law enforcement agencies. It will thus aim to present new developments and consider new approaches in the history of the administrative management of information and, above all, in the history of the police. The conference will also aim to address the questions of the production and use of police intelligence, of the parties and tools involved in its development, and of the content that feeds it. To highlight these changes in the contexts and uses of intelligence, the conference will consider a lengthy timeline, from the middle of the eighteenth century to the present day. Finally, it will take a resolutely comparative and transnational approach.

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  • Tanger

    Colloque - Afrique

    Centenaire du statut de Tanger

    Réunissant des chercheurs des deux rives de la Méditerranée, cette conférence vise à renouveler l’intérêt pour la Zone internationale de Tanger (1925-1956). Elle aura lieu 100 ans jour pour jour après la signature par la France, l’Espagne et le Royaume-Uni du traité constitutif de la zone, le « statut de la zone de Tanger ». Cet accord, rejoint plus tard par la suite la Suède, la Belgique, les Pays-Bas, le Portugal et l’Italie, soumettait Tanger à un régime particulier : bien que faisant formellement partie intégrante du Maroc, la ville et ses environs furent dans une large mesure soumis à l’administration conjointe des puissances occidentales.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Droit

    Democratic Representation in and by International Organizations

    Les organisations internationales (OI) jouent un rôle central dans l’élaboration du droit international contemporain. Pourtant, la question de la représentation démocratique par les États membres et/ou les nombreuses autres institutions ou personnes publiques ou privées qui participent aux procédures de délibération et/ou de décision au sein des OI demeure redoutablement difficile. C’est encore davantage le cas de la représentation démocratique par les OI lorsque ces organisations deviennent membres d’autres OI ou interviennent en tant que participantes à part entière au sein d’autres processus multilatéraux d’élaboration du droit international.

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  • Venise

    Colloque - Europe

    Merchants, arts, luxury and beauty

    The long-distance, large-scale luxury trade or the promotion of the arts by merchants are extremely important elements in the evolution of our contemporary societies. What were the legal and institutional strategies on the topic of the judicial history of commerce? Tax privileges, protection of individuals and property, are just a few examples of regulatory interventions in the European and extra-European luxury trade.The private legal sphere is no less interesting: contractual relations between individuals in this area, the regimes of pacts between parties, the value given to goods and merchandise in the identification of the price of obligations, are all aspects of fundamental importance for understanding the legal dynamics that have shaped European legal culture.

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  • Toulouse

    Colloque - Droit

    Empirical Legal Research: a state of knowledge across Europe

    L’objectif de ce colloque est de produire un état des connaissances sur le développement de la recherche juridique empirique à l’échelle européenne. Il s’agit d’abord de retracer les premiers éléments du développement de ces méthodes, de souligner ses principales tendances et d’en élucider les possibles fondements théoriques. Le colloque permettra ensuite de cartographier le recours aux méthodes empiriques dans les différentes disciplines juridiques à travers l’Europe avant d’approfondir cette analyse dans le domaine du droit de l’environnement.

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  • Aubervilliers

    Colloque - Études du politique

    Theories and Practices of Federalism

    Federalism Conference 2022

    The Federalism conference is an international and hybrid conference that seeks to explore one the one hand, normative and historical theories of federalism and, on the other hand, investigate federal practices based primarily on case studies from Asia. With many countries opting for a federal structure of the government, federalism has now become a popular research topic among political scientists and constitutional scholars, leading to the burgeoning of centers and research projects at the international level. Federal ideas and the reality of existing federal states cannot be sharply divided. A comprehensive analysis of institutional philosophical roots can thus help us to further a comprehensive understanding of federal institutions as well as design appropriate analytical tools for investigating elements of multilevel governance systems.

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  • Lyon 07

    Colloque - Droit

    Transition énergétique : les échelles de gouvernance

    The Scales of Governance of the Energy Transition

    Ce colloque clôture les travaux de recherche et de diffusion de savoir menés dans le cadre d’un projet de recherche (projet TGL) financé par la Commission européenne. L’ambition du colloque est notamment de croiser les regards de la doctrine et des praticiens afin de dresser un panorama complet des acteurs et d’examiner leurs apports normatifs et organiques respectifs, y compris politiques et pratiques. La lecture de ces apports permettra de comprendre les véritables dynamiques qui se dégagent autour de la gouvernance de la transition énergétique et climatique.

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  • Liège

    Colloque - Droit

    L’idée de constitution économique en Europe : généalogie et état des lieux

    La notion de « Constitution économique » est devenue un concept cardinal non seulement en droit, mais aussi dans d’autres sciences sociales (économie, philosophie politique, etc.). Les septièmes journées internationales David-Constant se proposent donc de retracer l’histoire, parfois mouvementée, du concept et d’en étudier l’actualité au sein des divers ordres juridiques, étatiques et supranational, qui composent l’espace européen. À l’occasion de la sortie (en open access) de l’ouvrage collectif The Idea of Economic Constitution in Europe. Genealogy and Overview (Brill), ce colloque interdisciplinaire (tenu en français et en anglais avec traduction simultanée) réunira la trentaine de contributeurs ayant participé à la rédaction du livre, afin de prolonger les discussions qui y sont amorcées. Au-delà de l’aperçu global des enjeux en droit positif et comparé, les intervenants questionneront également les cadres théoriques et conceptuels qui structurent les débats actuels entre droit, économie et politique. 

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  • Houston

    Colloque - Amériques

    Staying Balanced in the Pivot: Legal Challenges of the Carbon Transition

    6th Annual North American Environment, Energy, & Natural Resources Conference

    As the world moves to decarbonize, the North American energy sector faces major structural changes. Throughout this transition to sustainability, energy production and usage must also remain stable. Join University of Houston energy and climate law experts, energy general counsel, and Blank Rome attorneys as we examine the complex legal uncertainties and economic opportunities from the low-carbon transition at our 2022 North American Environment, Energy, & Natural Resources Conference.

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  • Lisbonne

    Colloque - Moyen Âge

    The Illuminated Legal Manuscript from the Middle Ages to the Digital Age

    Forms, Iconographies, Materials, Uses and Cataloguing

    To commemorate his third year of existence, the Ius Illuminatum research team organizes an international Conference on the topic: “The Illuminated Legal Manuscript from the Middle Ages to the Digital Age. Forms, Iconographies, Materials, Uses and Cataloguing”. The event intended to provide an overview of the development of research on illuminated legal manuscripts in Europe, on cataloging, digitization and materiality of these manuscripts with the aim of bringing together renowned experts on the subject and reflecting on the methodological implications and practical and theoretical challenges that this investigation entails.

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  • Orléans

    Colloque - Droit

    Law(s) and International relations : actors, institutions and comparative legislations

    The aim of the present conference is to deepen our study of the interconnections between law(s) and international relations through the eyes of a plurality of actors (e.g., legal advisers, lawyers, judges, activists, publicists, journalists, editors), institutions (e.g., foreign offices, courts, universities, academies of science, associations, libraries) and works on comparative law.

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  • Houston

    Colloque - Droit

    Houston Goes Global: A Profile of Mexican Diplomacy

    This seminar celebrates the Mutual Cooperation Agreement between the University of Houston Law Center and the Mexican Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE), and will feature foreign service officers from SRE, to discuss the following current topics: USMCA Comparative aspects: challenges and opportunities; International Organizations and Governance: special mention to Climate change and US-MEX policies; Mexican Women in the world: Diplomacy and International Organizations.

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  • Houston

    Colloque - Droit

    The Energy Transition in a Health-Constrained World

    2nd Annual Global Energy Law and Policy Conference

    In early 2020, the world literally shut down when, amidst deep uncertainty, the Covid pandemic spread, cases immediately increased, and mortality rates were out of control in some countries. In such a health-constrained world, all major achievements in the process of completion would have to be put on hold. This situation fully illustrated the profound interconnectedness of the world, from the health system to the energy system. Yet, a year before, the energy sector, which is currently in transition, offered good prospects. Some scenarios envisaged a decline in energy demand from 2040 onwards, although the world economy was likely to continue to grow at an average rate of 3.4 percent per year. In this scenario, the demand for gas, which is currently increasing, was expected to decline around 2030, while the growth of renewable energy was expected to lead to a consequent decline in the share of coal and oil in world consumption. Will such a forecast be confirmed following the disruption caused by Covid-19?

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  • Houston

    Colloque - Droit

    Environmental Social Governance (ESG): Major Mover Towards Sustainable Energy Future

    5th Annual North American Environment, Energy, & Natural Resources Conference

    Even as the world shut down in 2020 from covid-19, ESG (Environmental Social and Governance) investing and principles accelerated their domination of the operation of and investment in the private sector.  These accelerating trends came despite initial fears that the COVID crisis would slow consideration of ESG.  In fact, ESG investments outperformed the broader market, and ESG related projects can command a premium in investment and lender interest. Historic fossil fuel emitters are not exempt.  In a two month span in early 2021, several large legacy oil companies indicated an intent to become carbon neutral and to accelerate diversification into renewable energies.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Études du politique

    Global Race project

    The Global Race project (2016-2020) investigates the reconfigurations of the race concept since 1945 in the scientific realm, state policies, and social movements. The three-day final conference of the project will gather French and international scholars who will examine various theories and practices regarding the use of racial and ethnic categories and will explore how controversies around race have unfolded in Europe and the Americas.

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  • Gand

    Colloque - Histoire

    Blasphemy and violence. Interdependencies since 1760

    Liberas (Ghent, Belgium), in conjunction with the School of History, Religion and Philosophy at Oxford Brookes University (Oxford, United Kingdom) and the Leibniz Institute of European History (Mainz, Germany), organises an international colloquium devoted to the interdependency between blasphemy and violence in modern history. Both young and established scholars will focus on specific incidents of blasphemy and sacrilege in Europe and the Arab world.The eve preceding the conference (4 March), internationally renowned expert Alain Cabantous will give a keynote lecture in French on blasphemy and sacrilege during the French Revolution.

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Colloque - Droit

    Soft Law Research (Solar) Network

    Financed by the European Commission, the Academic Network of Soft Law Research (SoLaR) aims at stimulating the debate between academics and practitioners on the national role of EU soft law. SoLaR asks whether and how non-binding EU instruments are used bynational administrations when implementing EU policies and bynational courts when ruling in cases falling within the scope ofapplication of EU law. This final event will present the results of the project (to be published by Bloomsbury as an edited collection in 2020), introduce the policy recommendations and discuss follow-upactivities

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  • Oxford

    Colloque - Moyen Âge

    Women and Violence in the Late Medieval Mediterranean, ca. 1100-1500

    A two-days international conference

    The last decades have witnessed an increased interest in research on the relationship between women and violence in the Middle Ages, with new works both on female criminality and on women as victims of violence. The contributions of gender theory and feminist criminology have renewed the approached used in this type of research. Nevertheless, many facets of the complex relationship between women and violence in medieval times still await to be explored in depth. This conference aims to understand how far the roots of modern assumptions concerning women and violence may be found in the late medieval Mediterranean, a context of intense cultural elaboration and exchange which many scholars have indicated as the cradle of modern judicial culture. While dialogue across the Mediterranean was constant in the late Middle Ages, occasions for comparative discussion remain rare for modern-day scholars, to the detriment of a deeper understanding of the complexity of many issues. Thus, we encourage specialists of different areas across the Mediterranean (Western Europe, Byzantium, and the Islamic world) to contribute to the discussion. What were the main differences and similarities? How did these change through time? What were the causes for change? Were coexisting assumptions linking femininity and violence conflicting or collaborating?

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Droit

    Legal data mining, machine learning and visualization

    The aim of the conference is to structure a conversation on both the fundamental and practical issues on legal data mining and machine learning between scientists and professionals from artificial Intelligence, data science, law, and logic. The Legal Data Mining, Machine Learning and Visualization conference will explore the specific technical challenges from data mining and machine learning technique addressing together practical and legal theoretical issues. It is an opportunity for computer scientists to showcase and explore in conversation with lawyers further developments in AI and data-mining applied to the legal domains. Legal academics specializing in the interface of law and AI are given the opportunity to articulate the challenges of automated functions in law including in natural language processing applied to law, information extraction from legal databases and texts and data mining applied for legal analytics.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Études du politique

    Global Ethics of Compromise

    This international conference in political studies and political philosophy wishes to explore the notion of compromise in its transnational dimension, in order to test the relevance of a cultural and global approach to compromise. The topics addressed by the conference are the following: Can we develop morally right and wrong compromise typologies? Can we propose a universal ethics of compromise or does compromise vary depending on the socio-cultural history of a country? To what extent is culture relevant in shaping types and norms of compromise?

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