

  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    ESPI International Real Estate Conference

    In November 2024, ESPI2R will host its biannual International Conference on Real Estate in Paris, serving as a premier platform for discussions and insights on the evolving real estate landscape at various levels from global to local. This call for thematic sessions, abstracts, and full papers invites submissions on a wide range of topics.

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  • Vienne

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Cities in Transition

    A review of historical discourses, planning decisions and conservation strategies

    This interdisciplinary conference, realised by the Vienna University of Technology in cooperation with the University of Bamberg (KDWT), and the research network UrbanMetaMapping asks: Which phenomena in society, planning and heritage conservation accompanied historical transformation processes of cities and, above all, (how) did they interact? What insights can be drawn from the observation of historical processes and what can be derived from them for current developments? The focus of interest lies on historical processes of evaluation, selection, and planning in the historic building stock and the discourses of different players - individuals, institutions, or organisations - that accompanied these processes. Also to be examined are the effects of planning and conservation decisions not only on the built but also on the social structure of cities.

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  • Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Inhabiting Collectivity

    Guest editors Nele Aernouts (VUB), Emmanuelle Lenel (USL-B) and Christine Schaut (ULB) invite contributions for the themed issue of Clara 10 “Inhabiting Collectivity”. This issue of Clara pursues a twofold objective. At a larger scale, it aims at shedding light on the context within which collective housing is produced, on their underpinning architectural and spatial models, and on the interplay among the involved actors. At a smaller scale, it questions the intentions underlying this production by investigating its architectural and social mechanisms, and how these can foster or instead hinder certain uses and forms of sociability.

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  • Rio de Janeiro

    Informations diverses - Études urbaines

    What is an egalitarian city?

    In this roundtable, professors Jonathan Wolff (University of Oxford) and Avner de-Shalit (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) will discuss their work in progress, focused on the topic of urban injustices. Employing a methodological approach merging normative expertise with applied reflections, supported by data from interviews with over 180 people worldwide, Wolff and de-Shalit set out to conceptualize a city in which individuals relate to each other as equals.

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  • São Paulo

    Colloque - Études urbaines

    Urban Injustices: Normative Ideas and Practices

    Hosted by the Centre for Metropolitan Studies (CEM) at the University of São Paulo (USP), this event aims to create a forum for novel academic debates by combining reflections on concepts and theories in contemporary political philosophy with empirical claims by groups that suffer from such injustices, along with normative justifications that support fairer and more egalitarian cities.

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  • Grenoble

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Housing co-creation for tomorrow’s cities

    RE-DWELL Conference 2022

    Responses to different crises allow us to rethink housing conceptions and identify initiatives, policies and patterns that can make a difference for the future. Recently, the Covid-19 pandemic has revealed critical failures of current housing systems and the changing nature of our understanding of housing challenges. Initiatives and collaborations with a transformative potential have emerged or have been reinforced in that context. Moreover, transformations of conceptions, of policy agendas and of professional practices have been steered since a longer time by the recognition of the affordability crisis and of climate change as major challenges for the housing sector. The conference will focus on present or past collaborative initiatives that bring together local actors, from institutions to the third and private sector, regional and central governments, technicians, residents and sometimes academia. We will discuss the potential of such multi-actor processes and of co-creation to adapt the ways we conceive, build and manage housing to present and future challenges that cities face.

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  • Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Popular Dance: Pivoting Towards Digital Sociality

    PoP Moves, the international research group on popular dance and performance, invites popular dance researchers to think about the pivot towards togetherness in the digital space as a creative means of redirection and reorientation. Popular dance in digital spaces has opened up possibilities for global collaboration and connection and wider reaching geographic and social scope, yet issues of access and inclusion remain. 

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Brazil: 200 years of Independence (1822-2022)

    The call for papers for the thematic dossier “Brazil: 200 years of Independence (1822-2022)” is open until 30 June 2022. The aim of this dossier is to publish texts on the antecedents and consequences of Brazilian independence in its several domains (political, social, economic or cultural), identifying permanences and ruptures. The articles, subject to scientific review, will be published in issue 19 (January 2023).

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  • Nantes

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Migrant Atmospheres

    Ambiances. Revue internationale sur l’environnement sensible, l’architecture et l’espace urbain

    This special issue of Ambiances explores the transfers and creation of atmospheres and materialities caused by migratory movements, and how urban and architectural spaces develop, emerge or are transformed when specific migrant spatial practices intersect with specific hosting environments in the globalised contemporary city.

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  • Charleroi

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    C’est carnaval !

    Approches politiques du carnaval

    Le centre interdisciplinaire TRANSFO (Research center for social change, université libre de Bruxelles) organise une conférence de deux jours sur les dynamiques politiques qui traversent les carnavals contemporains. La conférence est destinée aux chercheurs et chercheuses juniors et seniors, issus des disciplines suivantes : sociologie politique, plus spécifiquement centrée sur l’étude des mouvements sociaux et de l’artivisme ; anthropologie politique ; études festives ; sociologie urbaine ; études des politiques publiques ; histoire et géographie sociale.

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  • Cres

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Re-inventing/reconstructing cosmopolitanism in contested spaces and post-conflict zones

    The purpose of this international conference is to encourage a multi- and transdisciplinary discussion of one of the core analytical and normative problems of our troubled present: the challenge of cultivating inclusive civic and social spaces at a moment when difference is ubiquitously threatened by exclusionary ethno-nationalisms, the construction of material and symbolic walls of separation, spaces of conflict, and violence-laden representations of the essential alienness of cultural, political, and religious others. 

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  • Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Ambiances souterraines. Quel renouveau du débat ?

    Ce numéro thématique de la revue Ambiances vise à mettre en lumière des enjeux partagés et des passerelles possibles entre des acteurs qui privilégient usuellement des échelles d’intervention différentes. Nous invitons à des réflexions interrogeant les enjeux et les méthodes de fabrique de l’espace habité dans sa verticalité en réintroduisant la question du sous-sol non comme une sous-face, mais comme une interface vivante et évolutive. Le dossier fait appel à des chercheurs, praticiens du monde opérationnel et concepteurs de différents horizons disciplinaires à partager leurs travaux sur la question des sous-sols et tant ambiances, fabriquées, pratiquées, et expérimentées par l’humain en mettant en avant des études de cas, des expériences in situ et des nouveaux outils méthodologiques. Cet appel s’organise selon trois axes thématiques non exclusifs ouverts à des articles provenant des études urbaines, de l’architecture, de l’ingénierie et des sciences humaines et sociales.

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  • Erevan | Istanbul

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Balat: Living Together

    Memory book. Collective monograph

    The Cultural and Social Narratives Laboratory (CSN Lab.) together with the City Detective - Palimpsest Center for Space and Memory announces a call for academic contributions to the “Balat: Living Together” project that aims at researching the peaceful dwelling experiences and the memory of multicultural community in Balat district, Istanbul, Turkey.

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Intersections between the system of production and the cultural system

    FORMA has gone out with a new call for papers for an introductory issue in what will be a five year project exploring the intersection between the system of production and the cultural system. Accepting papers that investigate this subject from a wide array of perspectives, from biopolitics and bioethics, to technology, ecology, education, (geo)political conflicts, and more, this aims to be an interdisciplinary, comparative issue with a focus on the humanities understood broadly. 

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Sociologie

    Critique de la raison automatique

    Bêtise(s) et intelligence(s) de la numérisation du monde

    En raison de l’épidémie actuelle de Covid-19, l'événement a été annulé et est en attente d'un report à une date ultérieure.

    Ce colloque sera le moment de réfléchir à l’entrelacs entre différentes strates problématiques de la « numérisation du monde », sans négliger un élément central : toutes ces intelligences ont toujours besoin d’exister d’une manière ancrée, ce qui nous conduit à mettre en évidence le concept de territoire. Celui-ci ne sera pas entendu au sens simplement physique, mais aussi écologique, administratif, politique, éthique et existentiel, de l’ordre du milieu ou du transindividuel. L'évènement sera l'occasion d’explorer ces nouveaux territoires et leurs intelligences (à l’aide des outils de l’architecture, de l’urbanisme et du design) pour aller au-delà des smart territories, au sens plat et « bête » de déploiement massif de toutes sortes de devices numériques.

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  • Villeneuve-d'Ascq

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Fractures territoriales, ruptures, discontinuités, frontières : quels enjeux pour les aménageurs et les urbanistes ?

    Le groupe franco-britannique de recherche en aménagement et urbanisme / French-British Study Group in Planning qui depuis 20 ans œuvre au tissage intellectuel dans le champ de l’aménagement et de l’urbanisme entre les communautés scientifiques des deux pays, ne pouvait que s’interroger sur l’impact territorial d’un éventuelle sortie du Royaume-Uni de l’Union européenne, mais aussi de toutes les formes de discontinuités et de ruptures territoriales à toutes les échelles, du cadre national au niveau local en passant par la dimension régionale.

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  • Bruxelles (Ixelles)

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    PhD in Anthropology of youth and public space in Laos, Thailand or Vietnam

    EASt, centre for East Asian Studies, invites applications for 1 PhD in Anthropology of Youth and Public Space in Laos, Thailand or Vietnam - deadline: 27 June 2019. EASt is a research unit within the Maison des sciences humaines of the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium.

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  • Londres

    Séminaire - Études urbaines

    Institute of advanced studies talking points seminar

    Taking her recently published book Ethnography of Urban Territories (2018) as a starting point for this Talking Points Seminar, Monika Streule invites exploration and discussion of the experimental, critical and self-reflective use of differing methods in today’s urban studies.

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  • Appel à contribution - Religions

    Urbanisation religieuse et développement en Afrique

    The volume will critically explore how processes related to religious urbanization intersect with different notions of development in African contexts. Cities are taken to be powerful venues for the creation and implementation of models of development whose moral, temporal, and political assumptions need to be examined, not least as they intersect with religious templates for the planning and reform of urban space.

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  • Bruxelles (Ixelles)

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Sociologie

    Chercheur expérimenté pour deux projets de recherche sur la participation citoyenne à Bruxelles

    You will be part of a multidisciplinary team, investigating the potential of new approaches to  urban civic participation, such as by experimenting and developing new methodologies, design interventions and technological approaches. You will be mainly responsible for exploratory research and inquiries, in-depth field studies, and for evaluating and reporting of the action-research.

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