

  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Le christianisme aux frontières

    Quelques études de cas des périodes romaine et tardo-antique

    La collection d’études de cas qui a été présentée en 2018 et 2020 dans le cadre du projet DANUBIUS a donné lieu à une série de nouvelles questions historiques et de résultats inattendus. Certains des principaux éléments du dossier seront publiés dans un supplément à la revue Frontière·s. L’objectif de cet appel à communication est de compléter ce dossier par de nouvelles études de cas portant sur des régions qui n’étaient pas ou peu représentées lors des ateliers de 2018 et de 2020 : la Bretagne, la Gaule, la Germanie, le Caucase, le nord-est de l’Anatolie, le Moyen-Orient, ainsi que l’Égypte.

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  • Lausanne

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Swiss Mobility Conference

    L’objectif de la conférence est de proposer un lieu de discussion et de débat pour les chercheur·es en sciences humaines et sociales qui travaillent sur les différentes formes de mobilité. Les présentations aborderont les mobilités dans leur diversité. Elles peuvent s’inscrire dans les domaines de recherche suivants: les débats théoriques; les innovations méthodologiques; l’action publique et les processus de décision en matière de mobilité; la régulation de la mobilité et ses outils; les acteurs et leurs logiques d’action; les normes et valeurs sous-tendant les mobilités et les inégalités sociales; les temporalités et spatialités des mobilités; la prospective de la mobilité.

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  • Paris 04 Hôtel-de-Ville

    Journée d'étude - Psychisme

    Memory, Place, and Material Culture

    Si la mémoire et la sensibilité, la conception et la prise de décision sont des processus liés à l’espace et au corps, alors la cognition peut avoir des composantes matérielles et écologiques. Nos vies mentales peuvent être en partie constituées par des lieux - paysages, environnements bâtis, quartiers - et par des artefacts. Cet atelier examine les relations entre la mémoire, le lieu et la culture matérielle. Les thèmes abordés comprennent les cartes et la cognition spatiale, les outils et dispositifs d’orientation et de mémoire, la santé mentale et la ville, les lieux difficiles et le patrimoine historiquement chargé, ainsi que les perturbations spatiales de la mémoire. Les intervenants s’appuient sur des données issues de l’archéologie, de l’architecture, de l’art, des neurosciences, de la performance, de la philosophie et de la sociologie, et posent de nouvelles questions sur la nature de la perception corporelle et affective lorsque les gens naviguent ensemble dans des lieux et dans le passé.

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  • São Paulo

    Colloque - Études urbaines

    Urban Injustices: Normative Ideas and Practices

    Hosted by the Centre for Metropolitan Studies (CEM) at the University of São Paulo (USP), this event aims to create a forum for novel academic debates by combining reflections on concepts and theories in contemporary political philosophy with empirical claims by groups that suffer from such injustices, along with normative justifications that support fairer and more egalitarian cities.

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  • Coimbra

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Polarized Societies? Challenges for Sociology

    XII Portuguese Congress of Sociology

    The challenges that polarization brings to sociology now extend to crucial domains of social processes and action, reaching, among others, the arenas of consumption, religions, identities, sexuality, childhood, culture, and science. In this context, the digitization of society and the economy creates and emphasizes dynamics of polarization, while simultaneously opening up new possibilities. Beyond the general impact on social interactions and practices, to what extent are the new social media a factor that promotes expressions of polarization?

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  • Détroit

    Colloque - Études urbaines

    Reinventing Public Space in Business Improvement Districts

    Over the last two decades, public space renewal in downtown Detroit, as in other cities, has undergone phases of experimentation in response to emerging phenomena that put pressure on existing governance models. This includes most notably “metropolitanization,” referring to the increasing geographical scales of interdependence developing in response to the stalemate coming from increasing partisan bickering and shrinking subsidies that have negatively impacted the provision of public services at local levels. New public space governance models based on a large range of partnership forms have emerged in this context and in response to the need to reimagine urban identities, which are critical in ensuring global competitiveness.

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  • Barcelone

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Tourism 3.0. Intangible cultural heritage at the heart of the tourist experience

    Intangible Cultural Heritage. New experiences, new horizons

    Intangible heritage is becoming increasingly important in the proposal of tourism. This has been accentuated because of the pandemic, as it has provoked a movement towards local cultures and proximity tourism. In this sense, it is necessary to consider issues such as tourism management, the use of new technologies and the perception of authenticity, among others, to ensure a sustainable future for tourist destinations.

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  • Nantes

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Migrant Atmospheres

    Ambiances. Revue internationale sur l’environnement sensible, l’architecture et l’espace urbain

    This special issue of Ambiances explores the transfers and creation of atmospheres and materialities caused by migratory movements, and how urban and architectural spaces develop, emerge or are transformed when specific migrant spatial practices intersect with specific hosting environments in the globalised contemporary city.

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  • Tunis

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Climate change. Towards city’s sustainability

    Cette conférence est proposée dans le cadre des enjeux associés aux changements climatiques et à la durabilité des villes de demain. Il s’agit de traiter la double problématique de l’adaptation des villes aux changements climatiques et aux nouvelles solutions envisagées par les décideurs urbains. Le contexte urbain offre un angle d’observation important au vu du rôle du cadre bâti sur la durabilité des villes. Cette conférence internationale appelle à des contributions des disciplines traitant de l’urbanisme, de l’architecture, du patrimoine, de l’ingénierie, du droit de l’urbanisme et des matériaux de construction.

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  • Vienne

    Appel à contribution - Géographie

    Climate and ocean literacy

    Helping people to care ethically within planetary boundaries

    The 2020 EGU Declaration of the Significance of Geoscience highlights the need for massive and widespread action to help people around the world to become literate about the changes affecting their and their offsprings’ and communities’ lives. The more people are literate about these changes, the more they can make informed decisions, adapt and mitigate. Previous General Assemblies have addressed climate change literacy (CL). Ocean literacy (OL) has developed strongly in recent years, especially with impetus from the UN Ocean Decade. Ocean-climate literacy (OCL) is an imperative that needs to be addressed massively and urgently, both within and beyond the EGU. We invite colleagues to submit contributions on any aspects of OCL; this can, of course, include CL (without the ocean) and OL (without the climate).

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  • Appel à contribution - Langage

    Entre éthique et sémiotique. Signes et nature à l’ère de l’Anthropocène

    “Filosofi(e)Semiotiche” journal (Il Sileno Edizioni), volume 9, n. 1, 2022

    L’Anthropocène, contrairement à d’autres époques précédentes, est communément reconnu comme l’ère où l’impact des êtres humains est le plus incisif pour déterminer la dynamique du climat et de la planète dans laquelle nous vivons. Avec cet appel, nous entendons donc surligner quelques aspects de l’Anthropocène afin de proposer une refonte de la relation entre la nature humaine et l’environnement qui l’entoure ; cela nous permettra de préciser comment l’éthique et la sémiotique peuvent être utilisées pour repenser ces deux catégories, et, en général, le lien entre langage et nature, ce qui implique inévitablement la nécessité de revoir nos manières de « faire monde ».

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  • Saint-Martin-d'Hères

    Appel à contribution - Économie

    Digitalisation and creation of alternative monetary and financial spaces

    This workshop proposes to explore the intersection between digitalisation and alternative monetary spaces developed in response to the sustainable development objectives. The Covid 19 pandemic has accentuated the challenges posed by digitalisation and highlighted its contradictory characteristics. On the one hand, the phenomenon allows, thanks to its technical potential, the valorization of local initiatives; on the other hand, it can favor forms of dehumanization and predation, likely to undermine the collective trust on which these spaces are based. The workshop proposed to address the contradictory nature of digitalisation processes from the perspective of their potential to strenghten and/or challenge economic and social cohesion. 

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  • Appel à contribution - Représentations

    On Hinterlands and Homelands

    “Have not all races had their first unity from a mythology that marries them to rock and hill?” Yeats wonders rhetorically. The idea of the homeland is organically enmeshed in notions of territoriality and geography. The hinterland is most often seen as its configuration as well as figuration in literature. It is so because it represents an ideal sense of national identity, unity, and even “purity” in extreme nationalist ideologies. It is considered an ideal space insofar as it is imagined as a utopian place, a locus amoenus, where an unsullied form of national character is preserved in its local traditions, dialects, myths and legends. The city is often portrayed as a fallen space, a wound, a disease corrupting the national body. We seek to rethink all these rigid dichotomies. “On Hinterlands and Homelands” Conference invites multidisciplinary papers on these themes.

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  • Appel à contribution - Pensée


    Issue 13 of On_Culture (Summer 2022)

    The editorial team of On_Culture, would like to draw your attention to the call for abstracts for issue #13 of On_Culture (Summer 2022) on “In_Visibilities”. This On_Culture issue will approach questions of in_visibility from a power-analytical and ideology-critical perspective. Avoiding a binary opposition, visibility and invisibility are conceptualized as two mutually entangled concepts. By using the underscore in the orthography (in_visibility), we want to highlight the processual continuum between the two concepts and create a space for ambiguities that put the visibility concept under re-negotiation.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Géographie

    Questioning heritage and tourism through gender

    The International Meeting of Young Researchers in Tourism (RIJCT) “Interrogating heritage and tourism processes through a gender perspective” will take place on 6, 7 and 8 September 2021. Their aim is to propose new reflections in the consideration of gender in tourism and heritage studies. The RIJCT proposes an overview of the latest studies which analyse gender through domination relationships and identities structure. The different lines of studies analyse gender through the methodological issues, intersectionality in touristic and heritage projects, and attractiveness policies.

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  • Bruxelles (Ixelles)

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Asie

    Bearing Witness to Traumatic Experiences: Cultural Productions of Uyghurs in Exile

    PhD position in Asian Studies

    This Ph.D. position is funded by a MIS (Mandat d’Impulsion Scientifique/ Incentive Grant for Scientific Research) project: “Bearing Witness to Traumatic Experiences: Cultural Productions of Uyghurs in Exile”. Uyghurs are a Turkic-speaking people based at the border of Central Asia and the north-western part of China. Massive internments and arrests of hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs have taken place in the region since 2016, including the Uyghur elite. In these conditions, centers of the cultural production of the Uyghurs have shifted from their native land to the diaspora spread across the world. This project looks at Uyghur diasporic cultural production that aims at drawing the world’s attention and bearing witness to the various abuses perpetrated at home by the Chinese government. The whole project analyses selected poems, short films, video clips, and dance and music performances to tackle new transmedial forms of testimonies in the Uyghur case.

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  • Padoue

    Colloque - Europe

    Crises and Infrastructures: Responses to Change Between Materiality and Immateriality

    A Dialogue Between Anthropology, Geography and History

    PhD students from the XXXIV cycle of the joint PhD Programme in Historical, Geographical, Anthropological Studies (University of Padova, Ca' Foscari Venice, Verona) are happy to invite you to their conference, titled "Crises and Infrastructures: Responses to Change Between Materiality and Immateriality. A Dialogue Between Anthropology, Geography and History". We will be exploring the interactions between various examples of Crises and Infrastructural response, trying to push for an interdisciplinary dialogue. We aim to reflect not only on the role of infrastructures as means of problem-solving, but also on the varied outcomes of critical moments. For more information, please see the detailed program attached.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Imaginary places, real territories

    Territorial imagery and the creation of a Dutch identity (1579-1702)

    This two-day symposium aims to shed light on the ways in which Dutch depictions of national and transnational territories participated in the formulation of a shared identity. Multidisciplinary discussions will allow us to examine the terms of territorial imagery in Dutch visual culture, and their links with the formation of a national myth in the Early Modern Dutch Republic.

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  • Split

    Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Images and Borderlands: Mediterranean basin between Christendom and Ottoman Empire in the Early Modern Age

    Following in the footsteps of Fernand Braudel, an increasing number of recent studies show that the Mediterranean basin might be considered as a “borderland”, “borderscape”  or “Frontier” suggesting that this area is not strictly a border between Christian and Muslim civilization, but a basin in which the two traditions and cultures meet and overlap, with an extraordinary variety of reactions to the hegemonic practices (acceptance, conflict, refusal, dissent). The aim of this conference is to bring together scholars who will discuss, from different perspectives and with a multidisciplinary approach, the variety of themes (topics) which revolve around the common issue of reflecting the problem of borderlands as a consequence of the encounter between Christendom and Ottoman Empire in the Early modern Mediterranean. The starting point of examination will be images, i.e. the usage of images (pictures, mental images, literary images and other visual representations …) as historical evidence.

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  • Lisbonne

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    The Illuminated Legal Manuscript: Production, Circulation and Use in Medieval Europe

    International Workshop of the research team Ius Illuminatum

    The workshop has the aim of giving an overview of the progress of research regarding illuminated legal manuscripts in Europe with the aim of carrying out a reflection on the methodological implications and on the practical and theoretical challenges that such research entails. During the Workshop, different case of study related to some regions of the European territory will be analyzed with a particular attention to what concerns the production, use and circulation of the different manuscripts examined. The Workshop also aims to question the potential offered by new technologies and the interdisciplinary approach in the study of the illuminated legal manuscript in order to overcome the limits and open up innovative and fruitful research paths.

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