

  • Istanbul

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Queerness and Gender Diversity in/to Migration

    Norms, Discourses, Control Mechanisms

    This workshop will gather scholars, students, practitioners, and civil society actors working in the fields of gender, sexuality, migrations, queer studies and related fields, and aims at unraveling the role of surveillance in the production of sexualities during migration processes. Beyond the North/South divide, it intends to conduct a non-Eurocentric analysis of trans and queer migrations, while looking at surveillance in its social, institutional, legal and normative dimensions. To this end, the workshop will revolve around three themes associated with the surveillance of queer and trans migrations, exercise of surveillance, circumvention of surveillance, and the effects of surveillance.

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    A Different Perspective for the Atlantic Routes

    Impressions and Exchanges in Transoceanic Journeys from the 16th to the 19th Century

    After more than two years of a preparation that have been careful and laborious, but slowed down and hindered several times by the difficulties that have arisen due to the global pandemic, this project finally gets underway. It intends to go back once more to questioning issues that already count important in-depth studies, like the transoceanic relations between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries, but also has the ambition of wanting to integrate the results already obtained with new reflections and achievements, and above all with a different point of view.

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  • Séminaire - Études urbaines

    Urban MetaMapping Seminar Series, 2023/24

    The UrbanMetaMapping Research Consortium warmly invites you the third edition of our online, midday academic talks on issues connected to our research interests on mapping man-made and natural catastrophes, heritage, urban planning, and digital tools used for researching these.

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  • Saint-Martin-d'Hères

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Amériques

    International Excellence in the Humanities Programme - Post-doctoral fellowships 2023-2024

    Université Grenoble Alpes

    The Maison de la création et de l’innovation (MaCI), UGA’s Center for the Humanities, is launching its annual Post-doctoral Fellowship Programme funded by the France 2030 ANR project GATES (Grenoble ATtractiveness and ExcellenceS). The postdoctoral fellows will be hired on a fixed-term two-year contract. They will receive a gross salary of 2981 euros per month.

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  • Castelo de Vide

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    A networked urban world: small, medium, and large cities (from the Middle Ages to Contemporary Times)

    The interest of urban historiography on small towns has manifested itself, continuously, but not very intensely, since the 1980s, namely through the study of urban hierarchies, the spatial distribution of towns in a region, or city/city relations. Until now, however, the topic of the relationships established between small, medium and large cities, although not omitted, is far from being able to be considered consolidated as a research topic. Mainly, the place that small towns occupy/occupied in large-scale interconnection phenomena and what are the components, modalities, intensity, and relevance of their (eventual) involvement was little questioned.

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  • Montréal

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    The unresolved tensions of mass housing

    Session in the Society of Architectural Historians Conference 2023

    This session invites contributions that examine the diffusion and transformation of mass housing projects worldwide. It focuses on how the processes and outcome of housing projects relate to programs of social reform, restructuring or coercion, in various cultural and political contexts from the 1920s to recent years.

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  • Détroit

    Colloque - Études urbaines

    Reinventing Public Space in Business Improvement Districts

    Over the last two decades, public space renewal in downtown Detroit, as in other cities, has undergone phases of experimentation in response to emerging phenomena that put pressure on existing governance models. This includes most notably “metropolitanization,” referring to the increasing geographical scales of interdependence developing in response to the stalemate coming from increasing partisan bickering and shrinking subsidies that have negatively impacted the provision of public services at local levels. New public space governance models based on a large range of partnership forms have emerged in this context and in response to the need to reimagine urban identities, which are critical in ensuring global competitiveness.

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  • Grenoble

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Études urbaines

    Still on the Map!

    Les communautés du delta du Mississippi à l’épreuve de la disparition des sols

    « Still on the Map! » prend pour cadre d’étude le delta du Mississippi quinze années après le passage de l’ouragan Katrina et environ cinq ans après la mise en service des principales nouvelles infrastructures de protection contre le risque d’inondation « centennale ». Exprimé dès son titre – un énoncé de résistance / résilience scandé par nombre d’habitants lors des manifestations à caractère écologique en Louisiane –, ce projet de recherche ambitionne de décrire les liens et « attachements » (Latour, 2017) que différentes communautés du delta entretiennent avec leur milieu géographique en situation de forte bascule écologique, intégrant dans la définition des écosystèmes les infrastructures naturelles et artificielles du bassin hydrographique comme autant d’acteurs socio-politiques à part entière.

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  • São Leopoldo

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Institutions, Public Policies and Development in Times of Global

    Ciências Sociais Unisinos

    Ciências Sociais Unisinos is published three times a year by Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos/Brazil) and prints unpublished articles that contribute to the reflection and the interdisciplinar study of Social Sciences. 

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  • Caen

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Régions et régionalisme au Canada : construire et gérer l'espace politique, social et culturel

    Comment in fine appréhender la construction du territoire dans le contexte canadien ? Quels outils conceptuels pour penser l’ensemble des dimensions sociales, culturelles, politiques qui se cristallisent sur des échelles de référence spatiales ? Comment des notions spatiales de territoire, de région, de nations, etc., issues historiquement des contextes européens, ont-elles (ou doivent-elles être) reconstruites dans les contextes canadiens, notamment au prisme des appartenances (communautés, nations, etc.) ? Comment s’articulent les échelles de référence et notamment la région en fonction des provinces, de leur place dans le système canadien et des projets qui construisent le territoire (place du Québec, revendications autochtones) ?

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  • Montpellier

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Echoes and remanence of 1968 in the arts of the united states

    What is the impact of 1968 on the politics of the arts in the years that followed in the United States ? 

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  • Londres

    Séminaire - Études urbaines

    Institute of advanced studies talking points seminar

    Taking her recently published book Ethnography of Urban Territories (2018) as a starting point for this Talking Points Seminar, Monika Streule invites exploration and discussion of the experimental, critical and self-reflective use of differing methods in today’s urban studies.

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  • Appel à contribution - Amériques

    « América Crítica » – Varia

    Issue 2(1) – 2018

    The editors are looking for articles, translations, interviews as well as book or performance reviews. América Crítica is a peer reviewed, biannual journal published by CISAP (Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi sull’America Pluriversale) at the University of Cagliari, Italy. It publishes unsolicited articles related to any area of American Studies, Latin American Studies and Hemispheric American Studies (literature, history, linguistics, arts, cultural studies, film studies, politics, social sciences and anthropology). It especially welcomes contributions focusing on a comparative approach, native and/or minority cultures in the Americas, American urban cultures, and marginal and contested cultures and identities in the Americas.

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  • Appel à contribution - Géographie

    Spatial (in)justices and latinamerican realities

    Under the concepts of justice and spatial injustices, Cuadernos de Geografía: Revista Colombiana de Geografía opens a call for contributions, research results and reflections framed in the following areas: Institutional and informal expressions of spatial (in)justices in recent and ancient contexts of violence and peace building; The new forms of economic production and its socio-environmental consequences: spatial (in)justices in political ecology debates; Spatial justice and struggles for recognition. The problem of territorial identities in the neo-liberal context; Inequalities, injustices and conflicts in the production of space, territorial planning and public policies.

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  • Champs-sur-Marne

    Journée d'étude - Études urbaines

    Comparing property markets on an international scale

    While many scholars compare property markets from the same urban area or compare the way these markets distinguish urban areas within a given country, very few propose an international comparison. And yet, this is a main scientific issue. Such comparisons would provide a new angle for studying metropolitan development as well as its internal trends relating to inequality and gentrification.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Études urbaines

    The Black Metropolis, between past and future

    Race, urban planning and African-American culture in Chicago

    The colloquium will celebrate the centenary of the “Great Migration” and explore the social and cultural life of Chicago South Side and West Side from the end of the Thirties, which were marked by the cultural zenith of Bronzeville neighborhood and a series of measures for the Black community inspired by the New Deal, to the present, which is characterized by numerous private and public initiatives in favor of an urban renewal. This international and multidisciplinary colloquium seeks to reevaluate the contribution of the South Side and the West Side to the definition and evolution of the African-American identity from the beginning of the XXth Century until the contemporary moment.

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  • Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Languages of urbanization and visions of the city

    This section will focus on the representations of urban spaces and urban lives in the Americas, with special regard to the languages and the social practices that convey – or that have conveyed in the past – the idea of “making the city”. We are especially interested both in grassroots movements of urban resistance and in counter-hegemonic representations of the urban space. We welcome contributions on practices of re-appropriation of the city, on the strategies of resistance to the processes of gentrification, on the relationship between urban space and subaltern groups (minorities and/or subcultures) and on the ways in which the urban space has been represented, reimagined or invented in literature, cinema, comics, music, photography, television, visual arts.

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  • Montpellier

    Colloque - Études du politique

    Neoliberalism in the Anglophone World

    This conference aims at presenting a critical overview of issues related to neoliberalism in the Anglophone world. It will be broad in scope by covering British, American and the other English-speaking areas, as well as the fields of civilisation, literature and linguistics, while maintaining a thematic focus on the concept of neoliberalism from international and interdisciplinary perspectives.

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  • Lviv

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    The Ins and Outs of Socialism

    Visions and Experiences of Urban Change in the Second World

    This conference examines socialist cities at their points of entry or exit from the socialist project. The theme of transition into and out of socialism and the (un-)making of socialist cities serves as entry points into broader discussions about the specificity of urban change in the Second World and its relationship to similar currents in the global North and South. The conference examines the content of the socialist city – its “ins and outs” – from power grids and housing stocks to museums and places of worship at these points of transition.

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  • Londres

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Radical Americas Symposium 2015

    The aim of the event is to bring a range of disciplinary and geographical perspectives to bear on radicalism throughout the Americas. Our definition of radicalism is a broad one, encompassing both political radicalism as an object of study, and radical analytical approaches to the societies and cultures of the Americas. We welcome proposals that deal with any aspect of radicalism, from the democratic and republican radicalisms of the nineteenth century; to the socialist, anarchist, communist, and populist radicalisms of the twentieth century; as well as contemporary identity politics, social movements, and twenty-first century radicalisms.

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