

  • Nanterre

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Picturing Tomorrow: Future-directed Imagination in American Art

    Comment comprenons-nous le concept d’avenir ? Est-il inévitable et formé par une longue séquence d’événements et occurrences accidentelles interconnectées ? Ou le concevons-nous comme quelque chose déterminé par nos actions et nos décisions présentes ? Est-il une pure potentialité, la promesse d’un monde radicalement différent et tout à la fois inimaginable ? Ou est-il considéré comme à jamais inaccessible, définissant notre expérience du présent comme un état perpétuel du sursis et de l’éphémère ?

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Identités désirées

    Métamorphoses et nouvelles technologies au Japon

    Au Japon le phénomène estampillé kyara-ka – « se transformer en personnage » – donne maintenant naissance à ce que Nozawa Shunsuke (2013) nomme « un art émergent de l’auto-modélisation ». Basé sur des techniques de déguisement élaborées, le phénomène kyara-ka recouvre une grande variété de stratégies et de pratiques liées à la présentation de soi : cosplay, kigurumi, V-tubing, banques de voix synthétiques, utilisation de filtres vocaux-graphiques pour mettre en ligne des vidéos où les humains ressemblent à des personnages… En explorant les différentes manifestations de ce processus social de « chosification de l’humain », le colloque entend questionner les raisons pour lesquelles un nombre croissant de personnes se customisent en personnages. L’objectif du colloque est de traiter dans leur complexité les questions que soulèvent ces actes volontaires, et peut-être ironiques, d’oblitération. Quel est le profil de ces hommes et ces femmes qui se métamorphosent en créatures produites par infographie ? Comment vivent-ils le fait d’être aimés non pas pour eux-mêmes mais pour leur alter-ego numérique ? Quels récits, petits ou grands, accompagnent la production de ces doubles fictifs ? Est-il toujours pertinent d’analyser le phénomène en termes d’authenticity (original) ou d’artificialité (copie) ? Quelles négociations, quels refus sous-tendent l’usage des personnages comme masques sociaux ?

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  • Palerme

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Cinema and the City

    Interdisciplinary perspectives

    The conference aims to explore the relationships established between cinema and urban areas. We want to stress the connections woven between cities and cinema, films, fiction and documentaries – important unconventional sources for the understanding of social and cultural contexts. We intend to focus on the modalities used in films to tell stories – through images and speech – concerning cities, territories, and places, residents’ lives in relation to spaces, to buildings, to landscapes, as well as to its urban culture as a whole. The perspective we have chosen for this conference is interdisciplinary and cinema will be considered as a medium to be understood and interpreted in several, possibly comparative, ways.

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  • Amman

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Puppets on screen

    In this symposium project, puppets are considered through their tangible links with a manipulator who could be visible, hidden by a classical stage device (curtain, base...) or acting off-camera, “between the frames” (stop motion). It excludes, at first glance, the 3D modeled figurines, even if they often are mentioned as “puppets”. These creatures, made of foam, wood, paper, and who can be realistic or abstract, are considered through a media existence (television, cinema, web) which has enriched the subgenres of post-war fiction, deals with subjects that could not be filmed in real capture, or offers the opportunity to experiment a great variety of tones and points of view in video practice, without geographical or temporal restrictions. Thus, the symposium will provide the opportunity to explore fields on the margins of research as well as to present the current knowledge on the topic, eventually opening new perspectives in the studies.

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  • Pessac

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Artistic activism and the globalization of the art scene

    Theory, practice, paradigm and circulation

    This conference explores the theory, practices, paradigms and circulation of artistic activism in international perspective. It aims at examining the resurgence and development of artistic productions which revive agitational practices. Artistic activism or "artivism" questions consensual discourses on the neutrality of art and aesthetics. Taking into account the need for a global approach to the phenomenon, and the exploration of its most diverse forms and concepts, this conference aims to contribute to the study of arts activism since the 1990s. 

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  • Prague

    Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Visual culture in the classical world

    8th international postgraduate conference Pecla 2019

    Cette année, la conférence a pour thème « Visual Culture in the Classical World » elle vise principalement les doctorants, qui en tant que participants peuvent présenter les résultats de leurs recherches devant un publique international. Les articles de cet événement peuvent être publiés dans le journal de notre faculté « Studia Hercynia » et qui se trouveront aussi dans la database générale ERIH+.  Nous sommes également très ravis de vous annoncer qu’un de nos principal discutant sera Francois Lissarrague, directeur d’études à l’EHESS émérite.

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  • Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Arts and cultural institutions: reflections on whiteness and racism

    The journal PerCursos - Faed / Udesc will receive for analysis articles, reviews, interviews and translations of unpublished articles in Portuguese related to the theme of the dossier “Arts and cultural institutions: reflections on whiteness and racism”.

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    “Muta poesis, pictura loquens” – Mute poetry, speaking picture

    12th international conference of the Society for Emblem Studies

    Taking as motto “Muta poesis, pictura loquens” (Mute poetry, speaking picture), the Latin version of “Muda Poesia 1, Pintura que fala”, the 12th International Conference of the Society for emblem Studies will take place in Coimbra (Portugal), from Monday 22 June to Saturday 27 June, 2020. The conference will cover the entire universe of emblem studies and papers on every aspect of emblematics are welcome.

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  • Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    The Materiality of Festivity

    Special issue of the Journal of Festive Studies

    In previous issues, the Journal of Festive Studies explored the emerging academic sub-field of festive studies (broadly defined) and the politics of carnival. For this issue, we follow Peter-Paul Verbeek’s advice and look at “the things themselves,” i.e. at the material culture in which carnivals and other festivities are rooted (Verbeek, 2005).

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  • Bruxelles (Ixelles)

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    PhD in Anthropology of youth and public space in Laos, Thailand or Vietnam

    EASt, centre for East Asian Studies, invites applications for 1 PhD in Anthropology of Youth and Public Space in Laos, Thailand or Vietnam - deadline: 27 June 2019. EASt is a research unit within the Maison des sciences humaines of the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium.

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  • Palerme

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    In/visible: representation, discourse, practices, “dispositifs”

    Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference

    How is the materiality of the visible world inscribed in its cultural representations? What are the more or less visible actors and mechanisms in the genesis of a cultural artefact? Should the visible / invisible binomial be considered as an anthropological constant or as the effect of a certain epistemological constellation? To what extent does visibility coincide with power and, therefore, how should one represent the in/visible? These are just some of the questions that cultural studies, in their innate interdisciplinarity and methodological heterogeneity can formulate with respect to the issue.

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  • La Haye

    Colloque - Époque contemporaine

    Frictions and friendships

    Cultural encounters in the nineteenth century

    The exhibition The Dutch in Paris, which was on show in the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam and in the Petit Palais, Paris during the fall of 2017 and spring of 2018 respectively, aimed to visualize the artistic exchange between Dutch and French artists between 1789 and 1914. As part of a larger research project, set up by the RKD – Netherlands Institute for Art History, the exhibition generated so much response that ESNA, in collaboration with the RKD and NWO, decided to organize an international conference on the subject, focusing specifically on international as well as national and local points of encounter and how they facilitated artistic exchange.

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  • Turin

    École thématique - Histoire

    Rethinking the Baroque (XVII and XVIII centuries)

    New historical and critical perspectives

    The Fondazione 1563 per l'Arte e la Cultura della Compagnia di San Paolo invites scholars who are younger than 40, active in the disciplines of history, art history, architecture and literature and who hold a Ph.D., a certificate of specialization, a 2nd level master’s, or are enrolled in the second year of such study courses to apply to participate in the Summer School Rethinking the Baroque (XVII and XVIII centuries). New historical andcritical perspectives. The courses of the Summer School will all be taught in Italian. The participation in the Summer School is free.

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  • Dublin

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Europe inside-out

    Europe and Europeanness exposed to plural observers (9th Edition)

    The 9th International Conference ‘Europe Inside-Out: Europe and Europeanness Exposed to Plural Observers’ aims exactly to refresh a broader approach and understanding of Europe by enlarging the platform of regular conferences and workshops for a wider arena of participants and disciplinary backgrounds in order to put on stage a worldwide monadology for such concerns. The conference aims also to enable critical alternatives to the disciplinary orthodoxies by creating a framework for interaction and dissemination of diversity that has to become once more a European trademark.

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Journée d'étude - Représentations

    La mise à l'épreuve du corps

    Les Chantiers de la Création

    Journée d'étude annuelle de la revue doctorante Les Chantiers de la Création (Aix Marseille Université). La revue Les Chantiers de la Création s'intéresse spécifiquement aux dynamiques poïétiques en revisitant des notions problématiques susceptibles d'être fécondes. Elle questionne l'art et l'histoire, les événements et les œuvres, et les œuvres en tant qu'événements. Elle se consacre particulièrement à l’étude des déclencheurs inattendus de l’acte créatif ; elle interroge ses moteurs, ses détours, ses écarts.

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  • Appel à contribution - Représentations

    The Founding and Refounding of the Nation

    How do we think about the idea of the nation in today’s art? Is the idea of the nation still valid and relevant within art history? What definitions of national art do art historiography and art theory call into question? These ideas are the starting points for the next issue of BOA. Boletín de arte, which will be looking at how the nation has been conceived of in the modern world and how these understandings are being revised today.

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  • Appel à contribution - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Les rushes pour

    Sonorités, Bulletin de l'Association française des archives sonores (AFAS)

    Cet appel pour la revue Sonorités Bulletin de l’AFAS a vocation à alimenter un futur numéro sur les rushes issus des films documentaires (cinéma ou télévision), leur transformation en archives et leur exploitation par les chercheurs en sciences humaines et sociales. 

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  • Londres

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    The creative process in portuguese film: materialities

    The term “materialities”, when applied to cinema, convokes the different areas that interact in the materialisation of a film project: choice of recording support, art direction, costumes, sound, light (amongst many others). The aim of this conference is to promote debate around the communicative and expressive powers inscribed in the many elements that comprise an oeuvre, apprehending filmmaking as a complex process apportioned between different teams; a process which culminates in a final work that is inevitably “inter-artistic”, since a wide range of arts and crafts have collaborated in the construction of the cinematic object.

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  • Oxford

    Colloque - Histoire

    The British, American and French Photobook: Commitment, Memory, Materiality and the Art Market (1900-2019)

    Three-day international conference on the Photobook

    This conference is on the social history of the photobook, whether photographer-driven, writer-driven, editor-driven, or publisher-driven. Papers will address: commitment or explicit political engagement; memory, commemoration and the writing of history; materiality (whether real or virtual), and how material form affects circulation, handling, critical responses and the social life of the photobook. Contributors will analyse these topics with respect to the growth of the market for the photobook as a commodity and an object of bibliophilic attention.

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  • Londres

    Colloque - Histoire

    Tele(visualising) health: TV, public health, its enthusiasts and its publics

    Televisions began to appear in the homes of large numbers of the public in Europe and North America after World War II. This coincided with a period in which ideas about the public’s health, the problems that it faced and the solutions that could be offered, were changing. The threat posed by infectious diseases was receding, to be replaced by chronic conditions linked to lifestyle and individual behaviour. Public health professionals were enthusiastic about how this new technology. TV offered a way to reach large numbers of people with public health messages; it symbolised the post war optimism about new directions in public health. But it could also act as a contributory factor to those new public health problems.

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