

  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Iberian radical left, revolutionary process and democratic transition – rupture and consensus

    Comparative perspectives

    An ideological prejudice and a kind of tacit normativity have historically devalued the role played by radical leftists in the transition processes. This colloquium intends to be a contribution to the restoration of this balance.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Um século de Diáspora

    Reflection day about emigration public policies

    It is suggested a day of reflection about public policies linked to Portuguese diasporas in order to identify its characteristics, its influences and its evolution and from a comparative approach, between the different communities in the world.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Os media no Portugal contemporâneo

    Da ditadura à democracia

    O Congresso “Os media no Portugal Contemporâneo: da ditadura à democracia” pretende refletir sobre o papel dos meios de comunicação social – com ênfase na imprensa, rádio e televisão – no longo período da ditadura portuguesa e nos primeiros anos da democracia. Numa perspetiva interdisciplinar, procura-se também discutir metodologias e problemáticas ligadas ao estudo do passado dos media.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    In search for efficiency?

    Changes and continuities in contemporary Public Administration

    As pretext of commemorating the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Secretariat for Administrative Reform in Portugal (1967) is time to reflect on the national and international reforms that took place during the 20th century and aimed to make them more adapted to their objectives and needs. In this way, the meeting seeks to constitute a moment of reflection on these issues, considering its multiple dynamics at national and international level, in a multidisciplinary perspective.

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RSS Filtres sélectionnés

  • 2018

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  • Portugais

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  • Europe

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  • Études du politique

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    • Portugais

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