

  • Lille

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Représentations

    Contrat post-doctoral – Université de Lille

    Dans le cadre du projet WISE (Women Poets Inspired by the Sciences since the Romantic Era), l’Université de Lille recrutera un chercheur ou une chercheuse post-doctoral·e à partir du 2 septembre 2024. Le projet WISE vise à explorer les zones de contact entre écriture poétique et discours scientifique en Grande-Bretagne de la période romantique à nos jours, à travers la perspective des femmes, qui, bien que longtemps exclues de toute éducation scientifique formelle, ont fait preuve d’une créativité intense face aux objets, aux méthodes et au langage des sciences, et face à leurs implications philosophiques et politiques. Ce projet sera mené de septembre 2024 à août 2026, en vue d’un dépôt de candidature au financement Advanced du European Research Council en 2026. 

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  • Ariano Irpino

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    Les premières générations de la conquête – 2 : s’établir

    Troisième rencontre du programme « Pax Normanna. Conquérir, pacifier, gouverner dans les mondes normands, IXe-XIIe siècle »

    Ces journées envisageront les interrogations liées à l’établissement des conquérants, en confrontant les différentes situations rencontrées dans les mondes normands en Normandie, en Grande-Bretagne et en Irlande, en Italie méridionale et en Sicile, en Ifrîqiya et en Terre Sainte.




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  • Toulouse

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Reflections on 25 years of Devolution: Comparisons, Interactions and Cross-Influences

    As part of the research programme of the “WISE Connections (Wales-Ireland-Scotland-England)” network which brings together researchers concerned with the study of the relationship between the British and Irish Isles in a horizontal manner rather than through a centre-periphery perspective, a study day entitled “Reflections on 25 years of Devolution: Comparisons, Interactions and Cross-Influences” will take place at Toulouse-Jean Jaurès University on 4 October 2024. This study day will initiate a process of reflection that will culminate in the publication of a book. It will aim at taking stock of a quarter of a century of existence of devolution: not only of the way in which devolution has evolved by territory, but also and above all of the cooperation and mutual influences between Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish institutions, as well as of the relations between these institutions and the central institutions in London.

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    1715-1716: The Apex of Jacobitism?

    Origins, Representations, and Legacies: Essays in Honour of Daniel Szechi

    This collection of essays, entitled ’1715-16 : The Apex of Jacobitism ? Origins, Representations and Legacies’, in honour of the life work of Professor Daniel Szechi aims to re-evaluate the 1715 rising in its broader international context and within the heritage of the long eighteenth century. Contributors who have encountered the Jacobite rising in their respective fields, for example, while studying its industrial, intellectual, and scholarly impact from the Treaty of Union to the present, are invited to propose their contributions. As Jacobitism was a ubiquitous landmark of the eighteenth century, researchers are invited to question the military, political, literary, and/or cultural significance of the rising. The editors are particularly interested in consequential research on the rising through a comparative perspective in the interdisciplinary fields of literature, material culture, and travel or media studies.

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