

  • Montpellier

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Black Lives Matter: Political and artistic mobilization against systemic racism in the US and the UK

    Within the context of the Black Lives Matter movements in the United States and the United Kingdom in the 2010s and 2020s, this conference will examine antiracist mobilizations and their historical continuities, their transatlantic circulations, their political resonance, as well as the many responses they have elicited, particularly in the arts.

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  • Reims

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Retrophilia, Nostalgia, and the End of Pop Culture

    The purpose of this publication is to question and re-evaluate Simon Reynold’s 2011 statement that “We live in a pop age gone loco for retro and crazy for commemoration. […] Could it be that the greatest danger to the future of our music culture is … its past?” One decade after Reynolds’s thought-provoking analysis, one may wonder whether this assumption is still relevant today. Can it be extended to other objects of pop culture (films, series, music, video-games, tatoo art, etc.)? In the Post-pandemic age, is pop culture still fixated on its (and our) past? Is this “addiction” to the past a regressive trend or, on the contrary, an opportunity to reassess modern history and re-evaluate its legacy and its representation in popular mass media? In terms of forms and formats, can something “radically new” emerge from nostalgia?

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  • Grenoble

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Mobilizing Voters in the United States and the United Kingdom: political strategies from parties and grassroots organizations (1867 – 2017)

    Following two different and yet complementary approaches (one from the top down with parties and the other from the bottom up with grassroots organizations), we propose to compare how potential voters have been appealed to, through the use of different strategies and tools of communication”. Whether it be organizations or parties, it will be interesting to analyze how these groups either (re)connect citizens with politics or give birth to social movements which durably occupy the political landscape of the United States and the United Kingdom. Common features may be observed along with distinct approaches particularly adapted to the specificity of each country concerned.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Représentations

    Biological Perspectives in 21st century Literature and Performance

    New Scales

    In 2019 and 2020, the Sorbonne Nouvelle “science and literature” group will continue to explore the biological imagination in contemporary arts. We are delighted to invite you to two symposiums on Biological Perspectives in 21st-century Literature and Performance : “New Scales”, on June 7th 2019 “New Images”, on June 12th 2020.

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  • Nanterre

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    English journeys past and present, explorations of the condition of England

    The conference will address the following hypothesis: the illustration of a certain  way of being English, of a specific English way of inhabiting and making sense of the world, were given definition and cultural force through a series of writings which record the impressions of things seen in the course of a journey dedicated to the exploration of a territory, whether the land of England  in its national extension or the more local territory of a particular community. The organizers are calling for papers which will examine a corpus of writing  proposing a first-person observations of a condition of England at various moments in the history of a territory. 

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Europe

    Copyright and the Circulation of Knowledge

    Industry Practices and Public Interests in Great Britain from the 18th Century to the Present

    This conference seeks to bring together specialists of Great Britain from the eighteenth century to the present to explore the complex relationship between copyright and the circulation of knowledge. We welcome case studies that focus on a particular time period as well as papers that show how attitudes and practices have changed over time.

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  • Oxford

    Colloque - Histoire

    Rethinking Right-Wing Women

    Gender, Women and the Conservative Party, 1880s to the Present

    This two-day international conference explores the relationship between women and conservatism since the late 19th century. In the media frenzy and the re-enactment of the visceral political divisions of the 1980s that greeted the death of Margaret Thatcher in April, 2013, it soon became clear that Britain’s first woman Prime Minister was being portrayed as an aberrant figure who had emerged from a party of men.  It appeared that the media and the public had not been well enough served by academics in making sense of and contextualizing the Thatcher phenomenon and, more broadly, the paradoxical sexual politics of the Right.

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  • La Rochelle

    Colloque - Europe

    Travel in France and Ireland: Tourism, Sport and Culture

    11th AFIS Conference, University of La Rochelle

    Travel is one of Man’s main driving forces. The sea is an important feature of the geography of both Ireland and France, so it is perhaps unsurprising that waves of migration have been such an important aspect of the history of both countries. In ancient times and still today, we travel through necessity (wars, persecutions, economic, political and climatic reasons), by vocation (religious and humanitarian) and for pleasure (tourism, culture and sport).

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  • Nantes

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Representations of Power and Power of the Image in British and American Contemporary Photography

    Représentations du pouvoir et pouvoir de l’image dans la photographie contemporaine américaine et britannique

    From the power of images to images of power, this workshop will explore the representations of power and the power of representation in contemporary American and British photography. What is photography capable of doing? Whether in the form of a public person, the environment of power (emblematic places and explicit or underlying forms) or its symbolism, what is photography capable of revealing about power itself? Political, institutional, economic or social power all depend upon a system of relations or tensions between groups or individuals (accepted, rejected, questioned, expressed visually or internalized) participating in the construction of the identity, myths or memories of the American or British nations. In what manner does photography enhance or contribute to this construction or deconstruction of the notion of identity and nation?

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Sociologie

    La santé des familles monoparentales au Royaume-Uni

    Du Black Report au rapport Marmot (1990-2010)

    La durée de vie des Anglais a augmenté mais les disparités sanitaires se sont accentuées dans le même temps (Marmot, 2010). L’objectif de la journée d’études permettra de lever le voile sur ces phénomènes et de les analyser au regard d’enquêtes qualitatives et quantitatives par exemple. Il s’agira d’étudier les réalités de la vie quotidienne de ces parents, les inégalités sociales et géographiques en matière de santé, de comprendre les mécanismes et d’envisager les enjeux sanitaires sur les futures générations tout en sachant que la responsabilité de la santé publique est transférée du National Health Service aux collectivités locales, selon les propositions du gouvernement de coalition.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Études urbaines

    Tackling Urban Fragmentation

    Alternative Approaches to Urban Regeneration

    Les organisateurs de cette journée d’étude s'intéressent aux initiatives visant à introduire des projets innovants dans les villes, en particulier les villes ayant subi des transformations radicales ces vingt dernières années. Nous nous intéressons à des situations où les approches traditionnelles sont influencées par des stratégies nouvelles initiées par des groupes de pression composés d’architectes/designers, de groupes d’habitants ou des gouvernements locaux (municipalités ou autre). Cette journée d’étude souhaite explorer la question du recours à l’expertise des habitants ou des spécialistes du terrain dans le domaine de la rénovation urbaine : cette expertise est-elle intégrée dans des projets ? Comment ? Peut-elle servir à répondre au phénomène accru de fragmentation urbaine ?

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Le paysage comme lieu de transfert des pratiques artistiques entre l’Irlande, l’Irlande du Nord et la Grande-Bretagne

    De 1968 à nos jours

    Le paysage serait-il au cœur des échanges entre les artistes intéressés par la représentation de l’Irlande et le Royaume-Uni au-delà de la période 1968-1998 ? Comment les artistes, les galeristes, les institutions et les œuvres d’art contemporaines s’approprient et interrogent-ils la représentation du paysage au Royaume-Uni et en Irlande ?

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