

  • Paris

    Séminaire - Études des sciences

    Séminaire de l'Institut des sciences de la communication (ISCC) (2016-2017)

    Lancé en 2010, le séminaire de l’ISCC est axé sur les sciences de la communication, les industries et l’ingénierie des connaissances, le développement des controverses et le rôle de l’expertise scientifique, l’épistémologie comparée et, plus largement, les rapports entre sciences, techniques et société. Cette rencontre est ouverte aux chercheurs, enseignants, étudiants, journalistes et professionnels que motivent les enjeux de la communication et vise à affûter les problématiques, à susciter le débat et à développer les échanges interdisciplinaires entre personnalités de formations et d’horizons différents.

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  • Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Recherche État, société, marché Europe (cahiers RESuME)

    ERASMUS+ Action Jean Monnet

    Le projet Ressources sur le modèle socio-économique européen (RESuME), cofinancé par le programme « ERASMUS+Action Jean Monnet institutions » et l’université du Luxembourg, a pour objectif de contribuer à l’étude du modèle socio-économique européen, de ses origines, de ses caractéristiques actuelles et de son développement à venir. Le projet se concentre sur l’interaction entre la société, les acteurs économiques et les autorités publiques, à travers le prisme de la notion de compétitivité européenne. Il mobilise à ce titre l’histoire contemporaine, le droit, l’économie, les sciences politiques, ainsi que la philosophie politique ou la sociologie.  Afin d’éclairer ce sujet, le projet RESuME crée une nouvelle série innovante de contributions scientifiques : les Cahiers de recherche Etat, Société, Marché, Europe (Cahiers RESuME).

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  • Montpellier

    Colloque - Amériques

    Traces et mémoires de l'esclavage dans l'espace atlantique

    Dans Cultural Trauma: Slavery and the Formation of African American Identity (2001), Ron Eyerman explore la formation de l'identité africaine-américaine à travers le traumatisme culturel de l'esclavage. Au-delà de son impact direct sur celles et ceux qui ont subi l'esclavage, Eyerman considère qu'en tant que processus culturel, le traumatisme est « transmis par l'intermédiaire de diverses formes de représentation et associé à la formation d'une identité et à la construction d'une mémoire collectives ». Cette conférence internationale cherche à examiner les fondements, les mécanismes et l'étendue de ces processus mémoriels.

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  • Faro

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Mediterranean Cultures and Societies

    Knowledge, Health and Tourism

    The Mediterranean is a complex combination of ideas, feelings, imageries, cultures, ways of life, cultivated for centuries and still cultivated in this “sea (not ocean) amongst lands”; which was called mare nostrum by Romans and which could still be called in such a way if we understand nostrum in a different way: as a reference to us, human beings. The aim of this conference is to increase awareness about the Mediterranean as a departure and arrival point for the construction of a pluralistic society.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Environmental changes in historical perspective

    II Meeting of REPORT(H)A - Portuguese Network of Environmental History

    The Center of History of the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon and the Institute of Contemporary History of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the NOVA University of Lisbon, are pleased to be hosting the II meeting of REPORT(H)A - Portuguese Network of Environmental History, in 2017 Spring. The cross cutting conference theme, Environmental Changes in Historical Perspective, is inscribed in transnational and transdisciplinary approaches, a challenge to the current academic research and debate in environmental sciences and humanities.

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  • Berlin

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Études du politique

    Study Foundation of the Berlin House of Representatives

    Grants for the academic year 2017-2018

    The Study Foundation of the Berlin House of Representatives is a grant programme for graduate students and scholars from France, Great Britain, the USA and the successor states of the Soviet Union who want to use research facilities in Berlin.


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  • Heidelberg

    Colloque - Histoire

    Order into Action

    How large-scale concepts of world-order determine practices in the premodern world?

    The conference “Order into Action” asks if political, geographical or religious large-scale concepts constituted the basic elements of systems of world order and how those concepts were translated into concrete actions or practices. In order to include a comparative view on regions and cultures, the confereince combines the perspectives of scholars in European, Arabic and Islamic and Asian Studies, as well as outlooks on premodern societies in (sub-saharan) Africa, the Americas and Australia.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Musicologica Olomucensia Journal

    Musicologica Olomucensia is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal founded in 1996 at Palacký University, one of the oldest Central European universities. The journal is intended for the musicological community. With historically, theoretically and analytically focused studies, the journal presents the results of fundamental scientific research conducted by members of Czech and international musicological institutions and high-level university students. In addition, the magazine brings news from academic conferences, reviews of musicological literature and information about ongoing research projects

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    The study and design of landscape as a methodological problem

    First Iberian Colloquium on Landscape

    Landscapes present themselves as sceneries we have inherited, where we live, and from where we draw the resources needed to subsist as a civilisation and as a species. The result of our actions on this heritage will be the legacy to our descendants. In the beginning of the third millennium, the interest in the topic of landscape is increasingly important, transforming this discipline in a research platform where several fields of knowledge intersect. The aim of this colloquium is to reflect about the diversity of multidisciplinary aspects, analytical methods, and intervention techniques related to the study of landscape, establishing a forum focused on the future relationship between humanity and landscape.

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  • Barcelone

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    The Transatlantic Embrace: Spanish Civil War in America’s Intimate Distance

    "Forma" Revista d'estudis comparatius. Art, literatura, pensament

    Spanish Civil War has been studied under its multiple angles. This can also be said about the literature concerning this topic: novels, poems, and all literary forms generated by this armed conflict (both by Spanish and foreign intellectuals) have been commented by academic criticism from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. However, fewer approaches have set the axis of their critical focus on the importance of the Spanish conflict in America and its decisive relevance as a part of a phenomenon that is also American. This special number of the FORMA journal sets out to give a voice to all types of contributions able to shed a new light on this fundamental aspect of the war, whose causes and consequences are clearly rooted in Spain, but whose horizon overflows the peninsular and continental borders and requires an inevitably transatlantic point of view.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Études urbaines

    Cosmopolitanismes urbains : questions méthodologiques et théoriques

    This worshop seeks to investigate cosmopolitanism through an urban lens. It aims to provide a situated approach to cosmopolitanism, using the analytical framework of urban and social theory alongside social geography and building upon empirical research. Our purpose is to frame a grounded theory of urban cosmopolitanism that would take the paradigms and empirical findings of various social sciences into account. Our interest lies in a cosmopolitanism of encounters incarnated in contacts, mobilities and cultural consumption and the spatial dimension of the social and power relations that are at stake in cosmopolitan encounters. We shall focus on cities as sites, but also actors in processes of cosmopolitanisation.

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  • Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Transmortality International

    Materiality and Spatiality of Death, Burial and Commemoration

    The conference « Transmortality International: Materiality and Spatiality of Death, Burial and Commemoration »conference seeks to explore the interplay of artefacts, spatial practices and social actors.We invite papers from all disciplines, from academics and professionals alike, to reflect on the materiality and spatiality of death, burial and commemoration – for example, concerning cemeteries and other spaces of remembrance.

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  • Oxford

    Colloque - Droit

    The Commons, plant breeding and agricultural research

    How to face the challenges of an increasing world population ant the preservation of agrobiodiversity

    The joint challenges of food safety and conservation of agrobiodiversity are making us rethink the issue of agricultural production. We have to produce more, but especially better in order to sustain biological diversity, mitigate climate change and adapt to it. This prospect urgently calls for the development of a sustainable crop production system that relies less on natural resources (soils, wateraquifer), fertilizers and protection products. There are probably many ways to address these challenges, and it is undisputed that science and technology have a major role to play in this respect.

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  • Ljubljana

    Colloque - Pensée

    Repetition/s: Performance and Philosophy in Ljubljana

    Contemporary developments in the increasingly intertwined fields of philosophy and performance call for a renewed inquiry into the question of repetition. With its unique critique of ideology arising from a synthesis of German Idealism and Lacanian psychoanalysis, the Ljubljana School (Dolar, Zupančič, Žižek et al.) continues to furnish important theorisations of repetition and performance as they pertain to subjectivity and the political. One of the primary aims of “Repetition/s” will be to investigate and develop the usefulness of the Ljubljana School’s theorisations for the emerging field of Performance Philosophy. 

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  • Bruxelles

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    PhD position in Chinese studies and cultural studies

    This project will explore how young Chinese cosplayers engage with the public at large to express new identities in spaces that are heavily regulated by social and political censoring mechanisms. On the one hand, this doctoral research will explore the structural organisation of Chinese cosplay (associations, conventions); on the other hand, it will look into specific bodily performances in public spaces.

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  • La Defense

    Appel à contribution - Géographie

    Avant et après le tourisme

    Trajectoires post-touristiques et société civile

    Cet appel à communications vise à recueillir des expériences et/ou des analyses d’une mise en tourisme débutante ou finissante, ainsi que des interprétations de la dédifférenciation entre le touristique et l’ordinaire à laquelle nous assistons aujourd’hui. Les comparaisons et les essais de modélisation seront les bienvenus. Les propositions de communication, pouvant émaner de chercheurs, de praticiens ou d’associations, avec la possibilité de textes cosignés, s’inscriront dans un des trois thèmes suivants, abordés dans le cadre de trois colloques successifs.

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  • Rennes

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Art and the Environment in Britain 1700-today

    Whether one thinks of environment as context, setting, climate change, green spaces or sounds, today’s epistemology invites us to rethink man’s relation to the external world to the extent that the “inside” and “outside” coalesce, nature and culture merge, man and animal are reconfigured. How have British artists responded to these shifting perceptions of the world around them, of this great swirling circle of life and non life in which they found – or imagined – themselves diversely positioned, for a long time at the centre, then in a more undefined place – at the margin even? How has art itself positioned itself in this newly defined environment?

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  • Yaoundé

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Insecurity and migration in Central Africa

    Management of Social Transformations Programme (MOST) of UNESCO

    The current crises in the Central Africa and the Great Lakes sub-regions have caused the movement of persons in an unprecedented scale. The most recent case studies of insecurity in these sub-regions are quite revealing on the impact of insecurity and migration in Central Africa, in human societies and particularly on women and youths.

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  • Nantes

    Colloque - Droit

    Challenge économique et maîtrise des nouveaux risques maritimes : quelle croissance bleue ?

    Ve colloque international Human Sea - Marisk

    New energies to forage at sea, deeper drillings further and further from the coast, increasingly bigger ships, these are the challenges that man must overcome to accomplish “blue growth”. There are economic opportunities to grab, but also new risks concerning safety and security, and marine environmental protection. These new challenges will be at the heart of the 5th edition of the Human Sea – Marisk symposium, a major event bringing together the best international experts and taking into account the latest scientific and technological advances in the maritime and port sector.

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  • Issy-les-Moulineaux

    Séminaire - Information

    Structure and Dynamics of Media Flows

    This workshop is the closing event of the ANR Corpus Géomédia project, which has had geographs, media specialists and computer scientists working together since the end of 2012. It reflects the aims of the project, ie. to create a tool to capture RSS feeds concerned with international news for a number of newspapers in the world (French-, English- and Spanish-speaking), before using it to answer some research issues: what is an event? how to explain the sub/over-representation of some spaces or actors? can the flow of information be modelised at global scale?

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