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  • Mons

    Informations diverses - Europe

    Nodegoat Community Event

    Nodegoat is a web-based data management, network analysis and visualisation environment. The nodegoat community meeting will start with a general introduction on the current status of nodegoat and upcoming new features. Next, there will be four presentations of projects that make use of nodegoat.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Post-soviet dis-integration and dis-connections (1991-2016)

    25 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, this conference aims at investigating its transversal consequences from two original standpoints: patterns of integration/disintegration combined to logics of connection / disconnection. These issues have various expressions in societal, normative, linguistic, regional or international fields. The conference will hence tackle a general question: how do political choices, economic contingencies or social phenomena foster or disrupt all kinds of links throughout the post-soviet area?

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  • Zagreb

    Séminaire - Langage

    Sustainable access to digital cultural and scientific heritage: Thesauri and Authority Records

    The workshop is about sustainable access to digital cultural and scientific heritage. A normative database of names and the importance of normative control will be the subjects of Ana Kne?evi? Cerovski's presentation, who is the editor of the normative base of the National and University Library in Zagreb. As an introduction to the topic and the issue of creating a thesaurus, M. Sc. Irena Kolbas, senior curator and head of the library of the Ethnographic Museum will present the problem of terminology for a specific area of ethnology and cultural anthropology.

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  • Mons

    Colloque - Histoire

    Tracing mobilities and socio-political activism

    19th-20th centuries

    This doctoral workshop will explore to what extent the notion of “mobility” in current cultural and social theory (eg. Stephen Greenblatt, John Urry) can be fruitfully applied in historical research. Mobilities can be seen as cross-border movements of persons, objects, texts and ideas.

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  • Lausanne

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Les dynamiques des catégories tourisme et migration concernant l’inclusion et l’exclusion socio-politique

    The main theme of this meeting will be to place anthropology front and center in the face of emergent contemporary conflicts, dilemmas, and possibilities. And our panel will explore the following questions: How do politically and socially constructed categories such as migration and tourism affect the mobility of people and what strategies are employed by persons to deal with, and challenge, these competing definitions of travel? How does the nation-state interfere with peoples’ habits of travel? What are the experiences of persons with travel categories and how is the interplay with other categories such as nationality, gender, ethnicity, age, or sexuality?

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  • Londres

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Decolonizing Americas

    Radical Americas Symposium 2016

    The theme of this year’s Radical Americas symposium is “Decolonizing Americas”, acknowledging the long arc of struggle for freedom since the period of European colonization of the Western Hemisphere in the 15th century. Our collaborative effort will be to consider how histories within the US, Latin America, and the Caribbean converge and depart in relation to the experience of anti-colonial and decolonizing social movements, many of which continue today. We will also consider the ways that cultural efforts, collectives, art, and intellectual projects shape radical imaginaries of freedom.

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  • Madrid

    École thématique - Langage

    Digital technologies applied to the study of poetry

    The summer school offers an application of digital humanities to the study of poetry through practical learning of the latest technologies in this field.

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  • Tours

    Colloque - Sociologie

    Invisible pesticides, invisible workers, invisible hazards

    International Conference on pesticides and occupational health issues in agriculture

    The aim of the international conference Invisible pesticides, invisible workers, invisible hazards is to gather researchers in humanities and social sciences from various background in order to foster collective discussions on the links between social context, methodological approaches and theoretical frameworks when dealing with occupational health issues related to pesticides exposure in agriculture.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Moyen Âge

    Les mots

    La textualité médiévale et sa mise en œuvre

    L’International medieval society organise l’édition 2016 de son colloque parisien sur le thème des mots au Moyen Âge. Entre dématérialisation des supports et augmentation du nombre des corpus numérisés, les études médiévales cherchent à s’adapter à ces nouvelles façons de produire la connaissance sur le Moyen Âge, en même temps qu’elles définissent les enjeux méthodologiques et historiques du traitement de mots qui existent désormais simultanément sous la forme de sources primaires (dans le codex, le rouleau, la charte ou l’inscription) sous la forme de reproductions numériques grâce aux images, et sous la forme de données statistiques et lexicographiques au sein d’outils de stockage et d’analyse.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Japanese Primatology meets Anthropology of Life

    Science and Personal Experiences in Chimpanzee Research

    This workshop brings together Japanese primatology and anthropology of life, by presenting and discussing common points of scientific and philosophical interest in the study of chimpanzees, humans’ closest living relatives. What are the scientific and personal conceptions of chimpanzees’ lives held by primatologists? Conversely, are humans capable of accurately making inferences on how chimpanzees might perceive the lives of other beings around them?

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  • Evora

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Histoire

    PhD Programme: History – change and continuity in a global world

    This is an international and inter-university PhD programme, with the participation of the most relevant History departments and research units of the University of Lisbon (Institute of Social Sciences and Faculty of Letters), ISCTE- Lisbon University Institute, Portuguese Catholic University and University of Évora.

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  • Journée d'étude - Sociologie

    Giving history its place in migration and refugee debates and research

    In the current debates concerning refugees, we observe, in some European countries, at least three ways in which history tends to “disappear”: the past is either absent because it is unknown (it thus looks as if we have never dealt with refugees before...); actual developments are put in a quasi-historical perspective, by claiming that certain countries have always known certain types of policies, resulting in a rather static and a-historical picture as well; migrants are urged to leave their histories home. This seminar will look into ways to do “justice” to history, both in the political debate and in scholarly work.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Études du politique

    The Left and nationalism in Europe

    The tragic attacks in Paris on 7 January and 13 November 2015 have engendered vivid debates about national identity and national culture in France, and accelerated the promotion of patriotism by the socialist government. At the European level, whereas the death of nations has been predicted along with the triumph of globalisation, nations and nationalism make a spectacular come back in public debates, and put most European left-wing parties in an embarrassing position.

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  • Gand

    Colloque - Représentations

    Tracing types

    Comparative analyses of nineteenth-century sketches

    A new wave of scholarship has emerged in recent years, which examines nineteenth-century sketches (sometimes referred to as “panoramic literature”) from a transnational perspective. The present international conference seeks to continue this comparative reflection by placing the spotlight on the comparative analysis of texts and images of specific types and by tracing how these representations vary across sketches from different places, media and editorial contexts.

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  • Milan

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    New Forms of Religious and Secular Female Participation in the Mediterranean Region

    The panel focuses on the everyday experiences of women engaged in movements, parties, NGOs, institutions in the Mediterranean region. It invites contributions that critically call into questions the forms and meanings of female engagement in the religious and secular public realm. 

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Politics from below in Turkey and beyond

    The Symposium on Politics from Below in Turkey and beyond seeks to identify and discuss, in comparative perspective, the dynamics, effects and modes of “politics from below”. We use the broad wording “politics from below” in a heuristic fashion, in order to question classical definitions of the “political”. This framing aims to suggest different understandings of politics. Political science on Turkey and the wider region has long been dominated by top-down and macro approaches, addressing mainly national institutions, political leaders, public discourses and legislative productions.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Pensée

    Abraham Ibn Ezra, un savant à la croisée des cultures arabe, hébraïque et latine du XIIe siècle

    In the middle of the eighth century, with the completion of the Islamic conquest of the eastern, northern and part of the western shores of the Mediterranean, Jews managed to successfully integrate into the ruling society without losing their religious and national identity. They willingly adopted the Arabic language, spoke Arabic fluently, wrote Arabic in Hebrew letters (Judeo-Arabic), and employed Arabic in the composition of their literary works. The twelfth century witnessed a cultural phenomenon that saw Jewish scholars gradually abandon the Arabic language and adopt Hebrew, previously used almost exclusively for religious and liturgical purposes, for the first time as a vehicle for the expression of secular and scientific ideas.

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  • Bologne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Actors and Vehicles of Architectural Criticism

    “Mapping Architectural Criticism” Second International Workshop Bologna

    This call for papers is for the second of three international workshops planned by the Mapping.Crit.Arch Project to foster scholarship on the history of architectural criticism and facilitate exchanges between scholars active in this field of research. Conceived as milestones of the research project, these workshops intend to go beyond somewhat widespread interpretations that invoke either the specificity of architectural criticism or its partial overlapping with other forms of writing. The workshops also want to challenge simplistic views that suggest the crisis of architectural criticism if not its entire demise. The second workshop will focus on the actors and “vehicles” of architectural criticism. 

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  • Madrid

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    En quête de S@voir : Lieux et reseaux de connaissance en Méditerranée

    This conference's aim is to deepen into the various insights of the construction of spaces and the production of works of art linked to knowledge in the Middle Ages, throughout different geographical, cultural, and social realms within the Mediterranean area.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Sociologie

    Sensibilities at the turn of the 21st century

    Characteristic of the the first sixteen years of the 21st Century has been the the emphasis that structuration processes have placed on the connections between emotions, bodies, and society as some of their central axes. At least since the end of the last century, the production, circulation, management, and reproduction of feeling practices have become some of the basic features of education, health care, knowledge production, the mass media, the entertainment industry, sexuality, politics, and the market - just to mention some of the most publicly “visible” ones. It is in this context that  we have considered it desirable to bring together researchers and academics dealing with various aspects relating to the topic of sensibilities.

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