

  • Erevan

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    The International Recognition of the Armenian Genocide

    Memorial, Political, and Geopolitical Stakes of a Decades-Long Unfinished Struggle

    The central aim of this international conference is to study how and why, since the end of the Second World War and more significantly since the 1960s, international actors have positioned themselves on the matter of the recognition of the Armenian Genocide—as well as how and why their respective positions have evolved over time. A principal concrete goal will be to analyze and compare the processes of recognizing (or refusing to recognize) the Armenian Genocide across a number of state governments, national and international stakeholders, and institutions at the local or provincial level, in order to understand when, why, and how some adopt clear positions in favor of recognition while others remain ambivalent. Diplomatic relations and geopolitical engagement with Turkey is often cited as a major determinant in navigating these processes; while this is an important factor, it should not mask or overshadow the recognition processes themselves, which are often deeply complex and balance the interests of a multiplicity of stakeholders on the issue. 

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  • Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Histoire et mémoire : réinterprétation épistémologique du passé de l’Afrique dans un contexte postcolonial

    “Práticas da História” journal

    This special issue of Práticas da História is interested in receiving contributions, referring to colonial and post-colonial African contexts. It is important to better understand what is happening in different African countries, at the level of the Academy but also in other spaces where social memory and history confront each other, and how political, ideological, economic and linguistic factors interfere in those situations. In the case of the former Portuguese colonies, which will soon celebrate 50 years of independence, there are additional factors, such as the later end of colonial rule and the delay in historiography about Africa that occurred until recent decades, both in Portugal and in Brazil.

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  • Brno

    Appel à contribution - Études des sciences

    Why Humanities?

    The Decline and Fall of the Role of Human Sciences in the Euro-Atlantic World

    The goal of this international conference is to analyze and describe the mechanisms at work in the last 120 years which led to a comprehensive and global decline of the role of the humanities, especially in Europe and the US. We are interested in papers questioning the capitalistic strategies of the main publishing houses, predatory attitudes to research results, issues of “academic colonialism,” such as peer-review practices excluding selected topics and scholars from non-Euro-Atlantic institutions (e.g. the Global South, Eastern Europe etc.), monolinguistic normalization, the loss of diversity in topics, and the ways in which politics and media are openly denigrating the agency of human sciences.

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  • Nice

    Colloque - Études du politique

    La démocratie numérique : promesses et illusions

    Une société stable et en paix se fonde sur une démocratie solide et forte. Le modèle démocratique est le futur de toute société qui respecte les droits de l’homme. Les nouvelles technologies de l’information et communication et l’avancée encore peu réglementée de l’Intelligence Artificielle ont impacté non seulement toute activité humaine, mais ont aussi contribué à redessiner le rapport au politique, la participation citoyenne, la communication politique et la politique nationale et internationale. La démocratie numérique (ou électronique, cyber, digitale) est un phénomène politico-social qui a commencé à émerger il y a environ une quinzaine d’années dans des contextes nationaux fort diversifiés. Aujourd’hui, c’est un outil qui est utilisé principalement pour l’expression électorale destinée à un nombre assez restreint de citoyens. La finalité de ce colloque international est d’interroger le phénomène de la démocratie électronique non seulement du point de vue instrumental (outil de é-vote), mais d’en interroger les conditions de possibilité et les limites éventuelles.

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  • Heidelberg

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Compensations and Reparative Politics: A View from the Nineteenth Century

    We are inviting scholars to apply for a conference on the intersecting regimes of postrevolutionary compensation in the first half of the nineteenth century.

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  • Vienne

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Iron Curtains or Artistic Gates?

    Communism and Cultural Diplomacy in the Global South (1945–1991 and Beyond)

    How did cultural interaction since 1945 unfold outside the realm of Western dominance, shaping omitted global narratives? This workshop will explore cultural interactions between state socialist countries in Europe and those in the Global South, with the aim of challenging and deconstructing traditional Cold War narratives.

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  • Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Le rôle des femmes dans les arts décoratifs et le design en France (1850 à nos jours)

    Les femmes ont joué un rôle déterminant dans l’histoire des arts décoratifs et du design. Des expositions récentes (Here We Are! Women in Design 1900 – Today au Vitra Museum en 2021 et Parall(elles): une autre histoire du design au Musée des Beaux-arts de Montréal en 2023) ont présenté une approche générale. Mais en France, quel est l’état de la question et comment leur contribution se situe-t-elle dans ce contexte global ? Ce colloque ambitionne de livrer un état des recherches sur la question mais également d’apporter un éclaircissement sur un pan méconnu de la création artistique. Il entend dresser une vue d’ensemble de l’évolution et de la situation des femmes dans les arts décoratifs et le design en France depuis le milieu du 19e siècle afin de compléter les connaissances actuelles concernant un phénomène qui se situe dans l’actualité de la recherche en histoire de l’art et de l’industrie. 

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Ecological Grief and Mourning in the Literature and the Arts in the Anglophone World (18th – 21st c.)

    This conference proposes to explore the concept of ecological grief and the fast-growing body of theoretical work that is developing around it against the background of the ongoing sixth-mass extinction and biodiversity loss. With this conference, we also wish to think about the longer history of ecological grief from the eighteenth century onwards, including by exploring some of the consequences of the Industrial Revolution. Is nature grievable? How do we grieve for it? What is the role of writers and artists in this individual and collective process? While to some, environmental grief gives way to desolation or an irredeemable sense of melancholy, others view it as a form of resilience or even a spur to action, a source of activism in art.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Microscopic Life in 20th and 21st Century Performance

    This symposium will ask how 20th and 21st century performance has engaged with invisible microscopic life. We define performance as a broad spectrum of artistic work that includes living exhibits and installations, as well as the staging of dramatic or post-dramatic work. Building on recent conceptualizations of microperformativity (Hauser & Strecker, 2020), this symposium will focus specifically on artworks that involve forms of microscopic life, such as microbes and microbiomes, or living microscopic processes, such as DNA transcription, as actors and collaborators. We ask how these actors affect agency, which shifts away from the human actor towards multi-species and multi-scalar collectives; temporality, which extends over new timescales and requires new forms of stage management and curatorial work; and relationality, where artworks involving microscopic living entities raise new ethical and biopolitical issues.

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  • Budapest

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Violence and Conflict in Hegel’s Philosophy

    Special Edition of the Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence

    Guest-edited by Tomáš Korda, this special issue of the Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence will be devoted to reappraisals as well as critical perspectives on Hegel’s thoughts on violence and conflict.

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  • Journée d'étude - Europe

    Legal Issues in Textual Scholarship

    Through the practice of editing culturally and historically relevant documents, textual scholars are regularly faced with legal restrictions to their scholarly endeavours – including both copyright and non-copyright restrictions such as the privacy and moral rights of authors. In practice, these added difficulties and legal uncertainties cause funding agencies, libraries, and archives to prioritise the digitisation and publication of less legally problematic materials – which threatens to cause a bias in our output as a research field. In an effort to move forward as a research community, the European Society for Textual Scholarship (ESTS) is organising an online symposium on Legal Issues in Textual Scholarship to address these obstacles, and reflect on the legal restrictions that may affect textual scholarship in the analog and digital paradigms.

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  • Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    The Contribution of Women to International Law and International Relations: between War and Peace

    Third Global Online Congress on International Relations and International Law of the European University of Valencia

    More than 20 years ago, UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) underlined the fact that women play a key role in promoting peace, security, development, and human rights. States were invited to ensure that women are better represented at all levels of decision-making processes in national, regional, and international institutions and mechanisms for the prevention, management, and resolution of conflicts. The aim of the congress is the analyze of women’s contributions to the areas of international relations and international law in the context of war and peace processes, both from a general approach and illustrated in specific political and legal areas.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    New Monuments

    Iconoclasm, Reenactments, and Alternative Commemorations in the United States since 2000

    As demonstrated by Wendy Bellion’s scholarship, iconoclasm lies at the foundation of the United States. Yet Bellion also shows us that, rather than being sealed in the past, iconoclastic projects continue into the present. Iconoclastic destruction invariably entails creation—whether it is the construction of new monuments to replace the toppled ones, or the coalescence of a new community, movement, or nation. This conference seeks to bring together scholars interested in monuments and their destruction, public history and public art, historical reenactments, memory studies, and artistic practices across diverse media. We invite papers that evaluate recent commemorative projects, examine acts of iconoclasm and their aftermath, and study or propose novel approaches to representing historic events. 

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    The Afterlives of Revolutions

    A Special Issue of “Práticas da História”

    Political and social revolutions are events frequently studied by the discipline of History. However, contributions by historians to the study of the posthumous lives of these events are rarer. This call aims to elicit proposals for articles and essays that focus on the memorialistic trajectories of revolutions. Case studies, historical comparisons, or theory-based approaches may be proposed. The journal Práticas da História also encourages the submission of proposals for articles and essays that focus on how political discourse, commemorative politics, and historical staging have dealt and are dealing with past revolutions, as well as the discussion of issues such as the mobilization of examples, icons, or concepts of past revolutions by revolutionary action. The problem of the inscription (or not) of revolutions in the organics of the regimes that succeed them or, finally, the identification of the beginning/end of a revolution, may also be addressed.

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  • Aubervilliers

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Diaspora(s) arménienne(s) en mouvement : espaces, acteurs et pratiques au XXIe siècle

    Depuis l’émergence du champ des Diaspora studies à partir des années 1980, la dispersion arménienne occupe une place de choix dans les entreprises taxinomiques des spécialistes. Or, 40 ans après le début de l’essor des Diaspora studies, force est de constater que, loin d’offrir un paradigme stable, la diaspora arménienne (expression qu’il conviendrait davantage d’employer au pluriel) a connu de nombreuses transformations. L’objectif de ce colloque sera de réfléchir à ces reconfigurations contemporaines de la ou des diaspora(s) arménienne(s), en faisant apparaître leur diversité et les nouvelles dynamiques qui les traversent.

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  • Paris 04 Hôtel-de-Ville

    Journée d'étude - Psychisme

    Memory, Place, and Material Culture

    Si la mémoire et la sensibilité, la conception et la prise de décision sont des processus liés à l’espace et au corps, alors la cognition peut avoir des composantes matérielles et écologiques. Nos vies mentales peuvent être en partie constituées par des lieux - paysages, environnements bâtis, quartiers - et par des artefacts. Cet atelier examine les relations entre la mémoire, le lieu et la culture matérielle. Les thèmes abordés comprennent les cartes et la cognition spatiale, les outils et dispositifs d’orientation et de mémoire, la santé mentale et la ville, les lieux difficiles et le patrimoine historiquement chargé, ainsi que les perturbations spatiales de la mémoire. Les intervenants s’appuient sur des données issues de l’archéologie, de l’architecture, de l’art, des neurosciences, de la performance, de la philosophie et de la sociologie, et posent de nouvelles questions sur la nature de la perception corporelle et affective lorsque les gens naviguent ensemble dans des lieux et dans le passé.

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  • Auckland

    Appel à contribution - Océanie

    The Role of Popular Dance in Higher Education in Australasia and the Asia Pacific Region

    In this localised / regionalised in-person special topics symposium, we are seeking to think and move through the role that popular, social, and vernacular dance plays (or does not play or only marginally plays or should ideally play) in higher education institutions in the Australasian as well as the broader Asia Pacific region, and to further reflect (on) the reality of how our dance communities interact as well as how our dance scholars interact in between and across these areas.

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Heritages Cities and Destruction

    JADH | Journal of Architectural Design and History

    The second issue of the journal JADH is dedicated to the theme of “destruction”, its perceptions, as well as its implications that can be perceived in several fields of architectural heritage as positive and negative at the same time (destruction/construction, absence/loss, memory/oblivion, etc.). Destruction refers to the process and outcome of an event: every destruction, regardless of whether being voluntary or involuntary in nature, imposes a reflection on losses, things that have existed but ceased to exist, and forces us to make a value judgment about what we recognized as being part of our history and identity. 

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  • Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    « Postcolonial Cultures Journal. Studies and Essays » - Varia

    Call for papers on historical, social or political issues in Commonwealth societies for issue no.2 of Postcolonial Cultures Studies and Essays. The journal Postcolonial Cultures Studies and Essays is a peer-reviewed journal showcasing research on Commonwealth and postcolonial societies. Using an inter-disciplinary approach (history, sociology, political science, cultural studies, economics, cultural history), the idea is to compare social issues across the English-speaking world. These issues include indigenous rights, settler, postcolonial et decolonising identities, gender and sexuality, social class, minority rights, republicanism and monarchy, ecology and the shifting frontiers of globalisation.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Études des sciences

    Science, Technology and Nationalism in India

    Although the question of nationalism in India has been of interest to many social science scholars, the relationship between science and nationalism has seldom been discussed in an in-depth manner. STS perspectives and debates allow a framework that investigates the pivotal role and position of science and technology in the realization of state policies in India through several technoscientific projects and illustrates how deeply it is enmeshed within the larger political and social goals of national growth and development. Therefore, we would like to investigate the role science and technology play in these imbrications, the challenges they pose, and how these new assemblages reconfigure power relations between the Global North and the Global South within India, between States and markets. 

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