

  • Champs-sur-Marne

    Journée d'étude - Asie

    Rural transformation under the process of urbanization

    Mixing methodological approaches in the field of urban studies

    Created in 2008 to open up new venues for a dialogue between France and China on planning issues, the Sino-French Centre for Urban, Regional and Planning Studies has been actively involved in organizing exchange seminars in France and China. The Centre is supported by University Paris East-Créteil and Nanjing University. This year seminar will raise two issues: "rural transformation under the process of urbanization" and "mixing methodological approaches in the field of urban studies".

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RSS Filtres sélectionnés

  • Géographie urbaine

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  • Méthodes de traitement et de représentation

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  • Sociétés

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  • Asie

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    Langues secondaires




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