

  • New Delhi

    Colloque - Économie

    The Globalization of Production Models and Innovation in Emerging Economies

    Comparative Research on Subnational Industrial Policies

    This seminar will bring together scholars examining research themes pertaining to the evolution of production models in regions of India and China, in relation to the progressive opening of these large economies to trade and FDI. Of particular interest are industrial and innovation policies emerging at the state or provincial level and the manner in which these public policies interact with firm-level strategies in pursuit of more broad-based development goals. Apart from the keynote session, five thematic sessions are planned: Upgrading Regional Industries in India and China; Subnational Industrial Policies in India and China; Social Dimensions of Regional Industrial Performance; Articulating industrial policies between central and local levels; Industrial Districts and Regional Policies.

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  • Nogent-sur-Marne

    Journée d'étude - Asie

    Autour de l'économie de l'Inde

    UMR Développement et Sociétés

    Quatre ouvrages récents traitant de divers aspects contemporains de l'économie indienne seront présentés par les auteurs et discutés par des chercheurs indianistes et non-indianistes: Barbara HARRISS WHITE (2007) Rural Commercial Capital. Agricultural Markets in West Bengal, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.Pierre LACHAIER et Catherine CLEMENTIN-OJHA (eds) (2008), Divines richesses, Religion et économie en monde marchand indien. EFEO [Etudes Thématiques 21], Paris. Véronique DUPONT et Frédéric LANDY (eds) (2010) Circulation et territoires dans le monde indien contemporain. Editions de l’EHESS, Collection Purushartha vol. 28, Paris, 340 p. Jan BREMAN, Isabelle GUÉRIN & Aseem PRAKASH (eds) (2009) India’s Unfree Workforce. Of Bondage Old and New. Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 399 p.

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  • 2010

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  • Développement économique

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  • Économie

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  • Monde indien

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