

  • Journée d'étude - Économie

    Transformations in food systems and agrifood value chains: How do work and employment come into play?

    International Association on Work in Agriculture’s Webinars

    Les transformations des chaînes de valeur agroalimentaires et des systèmes alimentaires, tant au Nord qu’au Sud et dans leur articulation Nord/Sud, impactent et questionnent les dynamiques du travail et de l’emploi en agriculture et tout au long de la chaîne. La recherche sur les systèmes alimentaires et les chaînes de valeur aborde les questions de travail et d’emploi de différentes manières. D’un point de vue global, elle est principalement liée aux normes sociales et au travail décent. D’un point de vue local, d’autres questions relatives au travail et à l’emploi sont soulevées. L’Association internationale sur le travail en agriculture (IAWA) vous invite à partager vos connaissances et vos recherches actuelles sur la question clé suivante : comment les stratégies et les mécanismes de transformation des chaînes de valeur et des systèmes alimentaires abordent-ils les différentes questions relatives au travail et à l’emploi ?

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  • Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    A game of states? Sport and international politics

    Eracle Call for Papers Vol. 6 (2023)

    In recent years, the increasing fragmentation of the international system, linked to rising China-US tensions, the emergence of populist movements, the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic and the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, casts further complexity and uncertainty on international sport, calling for renewed scholarly attention and inquiry. Against this backdrop, we invite scholars of sport as a social phenomenon and institution – historians, sociologists, political scientists, International Relations and Media and Communications scholars – to submit proposals addressing the multifaceted nexus between sport and international politics.


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  • Nicosie

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Inter-disciplinary Approaches and (to) Political Science

    PhD Symposium of the Cyprus Association of Political Science

    The Symposium aims at giving the opportunity to PhD students based in Cyprus as well as abroad who are interested in inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary approaches in the social sciences to present their work, critically discuss the work of their peers, as well as engage in a process of learning and developing further their ideas, skills and previous research. Particularly encouraged to attend are those who are motivated to integrate political science with other disciplines, such as sociology, anthropology, social geography, social psychology, economics and history or those whose work is relevant beyond their immediate discipline. Three questions drive the collective explorations that constitute the Symposium’s logic. Are there connections between political science and other social sciences that remain unexplored so far? In which ways can the doctoral and further study of politics benefit and be benefitted by inter-disciplinary approaches? How can debates around research design, methods and more broadly the organization of scientific study be cross-fertilized most efficiently across the social sciences?


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  • Princeton

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Sociologie

    Research Residential Program at Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies

    Fung Global Fellows Program “International Society: Institutions and Actors in Global Governance”

    Princeton University is pleased to announce the call for applications to the Fung Global Fellows Program at the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies (PIIRS).  Each year the program selects six scholars from around the world to be in residence at Princeton for an academic year and to engage in research and discussion around a common theme. During the academic year 2016/17, the theme for the Fung Global Fellows Program will be “International Society: Institutions and Actors in Global Governance.” The growth of international organizations and transnational actors has brought about the emergence of a dense international society above the nation-state. Under what circumstances do new international organizations or transnational associations emerge, and when do they expand in their membership and jurisdiction? Does international society function as a constraint on states? How do states and societal actors navigate the complex and overlapping jurisdictions of international organizations? In what ways do international organizations and associations function as distinct cultures or as bureaucracies with their own interests? 

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  • Montréal

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Hégémonie ou résistance ? Sur le pouvoir ambigu de la communication - Political Communication Research Section

    Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) 2015

    The Political Communication Section invites submissions for the IAMCR conference to be held in Montreal, Canada from 12-16 July 2015.

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  • Montréal

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Hégémonie ou résistance ? Sur le pouvoir ambigu de la communication - Communication Policy and Technology Section

    Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) 2015

    The Communication Policy and Technology (CP&T) Section of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) invites submissions for the IAMCR 2015 conference to be held from July 12-16, 2015 in Montreal (Canada). The deadline for submissions of abstracts for papers and panel proposals is February 9, 2015.

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  • Poitiers

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    La gouvernance territoriale de l'État nation

    Décentralisation, Devolution, Autonomy, (Con)Federation...

    International ConferenceUniversité de Poitiers (France), MSHS, MIMMOC, October 14-16, 2010

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