

  • Reims

    Appel à contribution - Économie

    Individual and Collective Issues in the History and Philosophy of Economics

    Workshop organized prior to the 7th “International Conference Economics and Philosophy”

    From the individual to the collective level, is there an insurmountable step ? The categories of “individual” and “collective” can be useful to shed light on the objects of study in economic methodology and the history of economic thought. Whether it is for policy-design or for scientific claims, can one start from the individual level to deduce policies or scientific claims at the collective level ? Can we explain macro-level phenomena simply by looking at their micro-foundations ? The aim of this workshop will be to analyze how these relations shape economics as a scientific field. We, thus, encourage proposals that aim to interrogate the individual among the collective – as in the micro-foundation of macroeconomics models for instance – and vice versa the collective among the individual – as in the performativity of economic theories to the individual for instance. The aim of this workshop is to bring together young researchers to question the lenses by which one can analyze economics, philosophy of economics and history of economic thought.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Époque contemporaine

    Touched: Transdisciplinary Perspectives

    Inauguration of the TACT network (Touch, Arts, Affects)

    This seminar proposes to explore the elusive experience of being touched from a transdisciplinary perspective. It will serve as the launch for the TACT network (Touch, Arts, Affects).

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Pensée

    Life and Mind. Aristotelian themes in contemporary philosophy

    Despite the interest in exploring Aristotelian themes in contemporary philosophy, there has been no coordinated attempt to survey or integrate the ways in which Aristotle’s approach to understanding life, mind, and the relation between them might inform and enrich our own. The objective of this workshop is to explore the way in which Aristotelian thought can brought to bear on contemporary research on the much-debated issue of the so-called mind-body problem and on its implications for the conceptualization of notions such as that of organism, animal and human perception and action, human moral agency, and the relation between mind and life.

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  • Paris

    Cycle de conférences - Pensée

    La notion de conscience

    À partir de William James

    Durant le mois de juin 2017, le labex TransferS et Mathias Girel (CAPHÉS) accueillent Alexander Klein, professeur de philosophie à l’université d’État de Californie, Long Beach (États-Unis)

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    La circulation des savoirs linguistiques et philologiques entre l'Allemagne et le monde (XVIe-XXe siècle)

    By all measures, Germany played an overwhelming role in the development of philology and linguistics during the 19th century. This ascendancy rests on the transmission to other national academies of theoretical constructs and views, methods and institutional practices. On the other hand, German philological and linguistic ideas, methods and institutions were not constituted in isolation from the rest of the world : Transfers to the German-speaking world must also be taken into account.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Pensée

    Abraham Ibn Ezra, un savant à la croisée des cultures arabe, hébraïque et latine du XIIe siècle

    In the middle of the eighth century, with the completion of the Islamic conquest of the eastern, northern and part of the western shores of the Mediterranean, Jews managed to successfully integrate into the ruling society without losing their religious and national identity. They willingly adopted the Arabic language, spoke Arabic fluently, wrote Arabic in Hebrew letters (Judeo-Arabic), and employed Arabic in the composition of their literary works. The twelfth century witnessed a cultural phenomenon that saw Jewish scholars gradually abandon the Arabic language and adopt Hebrew, previously used almost exclusively for religious and liturgical purposes, for the first time as a vehicle for the expression of secular and scientific ideas.

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  • Paris 05 Panthéon | Paris

    Journée d'étude - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Life between construction and destruction: Forms, rules and norms

    Aside from the biological processes to which it is subjected from birth to death, human existence is characterized by the permanent effort all individuals and groups make to influence and control these processes, in order to live together. Whether occurring during a rite of passage or whether part of the interactions of everyday life, this construction invites us to question the various manners forms are made – be them “Life Forms” or “Forms of Life” – by carefully looking at the diversity of processes through which norms and rules become established .

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Shaping the Brain

    In the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Period

    The brain has, throughout history, been considered an important achievement in the creation of man, although often secondary to the soul and the heart. Our knowledge about how the brain has been conceived in the past is, however, very fractional, especially for the late Medieval and early modern periods. This conference looks to re-situate the question of knowing the brain anew in a dialogue between medicine (anatomy, physiology and pathology) and natural philosophy (inter alia physics, biology and psychology). 

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Electricity and Imagination

    Seminar Machines and Imagination, 2012-2013

    Throughout the nineteenth century the astonishing technical success of electricity had a great impact on the contemporary imagination. The Volta’s battery which impressed Napoleon, the telegraph system that linked Europe and United States and later the electric light and the x-rays fascinated not only physicists but also artists, men of letters and eclectic intellectuals. The lightning  that gives life to the doctor Frankenstein’s creature in the Mary Shelley novel is the most known case. But also the photographs representing Duchenne de Boulogne’s studies of human facial expressions produced via electrical stimulation and the ‘futuristic’ arc lamp painted by Giacomo Balla are emblematic examples of reactions and interactions between technical development and artistic creativity. The aim of the seminar is to explore how, in a period that was later defined the age of electricity, both science and arts contribute to the representation of electrical technologies.

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  • Grenoble

    Colloque - Pensée

    Débats, polémiques et controverses dans la philosophie moderne

    Troisième conférence internationale de la Société européenne pour la philosophie moderne

    La troisième conférence internationale de l'ESEMP aura lieu à Grenoble, du 30 janvier (matin) au 1er février (soir). Le thème de cette conférence est « Débats, polémiques et controverses dans la philosophie moderne ».

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  • Paris | Paris

    Colloque - Études des sciences

    Spaces, Knots and Bonds: at the crossroads between early modern "magic" and "science"

    Nous avons pour objectif principal une exploration de l’influence des auteurs, des idées et des domaines de connaissance dits « occultes » ou « hétérodoxes » sur le développement des conceptions de l’espace à la Renaissance et à l’âge classique. Ainsi, nous tiendrons à réévaluer l’histoire des définitions canoniques de l’espace, particulièrement celles du XVIIe siècle. Nos intervenants traiteront des manières dont l’espace est impliqué dans diverses discussions concernant les liens entre lieux et choses, entre ce qui est en haut et ce qui est en bas, entre ce qui est éloigné et ce qui est proche, entre ce qui est théologique ou métaphysique et ce qui est physique. Nous explorerons également les représentations visuelles, géométriques et causales des espaces cosmologiques, géographiques, matériaux, imaginatifs, et mentaux.

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  • Paris

    Cycle de conférences - Études du politique

    Conférences de Charles Edquist sur les politiques de l’innovation

    L’IFRIS a le plaisir de vous convier au cycle de trois conférences que donnera Charles Edquist sur le thème des politiques d’innovation. Ces conférences sont conçues de façon à intéresser un large public, parmi les membres de l’IFRIS et au-delà. Charles Edquist, spécialiste de l’analyse des systèmes d’innovation, discutera des politiques d’innovation en faisant référence à la fois aux STS et aux études de l’innovation.

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  • Paris

    Séminaire - Études des sciences

    Machines et imaginations

    Nous organisons un séminaire sur le thème "machines et imagination", visant à étudier les différents sens, historiques et contemporains, que peut prendre l'image de la machine.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Époque moderne

    Le pouvoir de l'imagination, du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle

    Le pouvoir de l’imagination, du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle. Le 6 décembre 2010 à l'Auditorium du Château de Versailles (Château de Versailles, Place d'armes, 78000 Versailles) et les 7-8 décembre 2010 à Institut des Sciences de la Communication du CNRS (20, rue Berbier-du-Mets, 75013 Paris, Métro Gobelins).

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  • Paris

    Séminaire - Pensée

    Culture and Disease

    "Methodological Issues in Framing Culture/Framing Disease before 1900." The workshop will involve a round table discussion of short abstracts on the theme of the framing of disease in the cultural history of medicine prior to 1900

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