

  • Liège

    Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    De la tablette à l’écran : avancées technologiques dans les sciences de l’Antiquité

    Dans le cadre de l’édition 2021-2022 du Séminaire doctoral interuniversitaire SYNOIKISMOS, le groupe organisera sa journée thématique annuelle sur le thème des avancées technologiques dans l’étude des mondes antiques. À cette occasion, nous avons le plaisir de convier les doctorants et jeunes chercheurs d’universités belges ou étrangères dont le sujet de recherche s’inscrit dans cette thématique à venir présenter leur projet.

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  • San Antonio

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Encoding Data for Digital Collaboration (ASOR 2016)

    Data encoding entails an analog-to-digital conversion in which the characteristics of an object, text, or archaeological site can be represented in a specialized format for computer handling. Once encoded, data can be stored, sorted, and analyzed through a variety of computer-based techniques ranging from specialized data-mining algorithms to user-friendly mobile apps. Especially when encoded data is open-source, researchers around the world can collaborate on the collection, encoding, and analysis of data.

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  • Mayence

    Colloque - Histoire

    Views from inside the linked Open Data (LOD) cloud

    Linked pasts IV

    Linked Pasts is an annual symposium dedicated to facilitating practical and pragmatic developments in Linked Open Data (LOD) in History, Classics, Geography, and Archaeology. It brings together leading exponents of Linked Data from academia, the Cultural Heritage sector as well as providers of infrastructures and library services to address the obstacles to, and issues raised by, developing a digital ecosystem of projects dedicated to interlinking online resources about the past.

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  • Jérusalem

    École thématique - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Mapping Ancient Gods

    ERC Advanced Grant MAP project (Mapping Ancient Polytheisms. Cult Epithets as an Interface between Religious Systems and Human Agency)

    The ERC Advanced Grant MAP project (Mapping Ancient Polytheisms. Cult Epithets as an Interface between Religious Systems and Human Agency; 741182; http://map-polytheisms.huma-num.fr1) works on the naming systems for the divine in the Greek and Western Semitic worlds, from 1000 BCE to 400 CE and views them as testimonies to the way in which divine powers are constructed, arranged and involved within ritual. The analysis deals both with the structural aspects of the religious systems and with their contextual appropriation by social participants. Considered to be elements of a complex language, the onomastic channels are related to the gods, therefore providing access to a mapping process of the divine, to its ways of representation and to the communication strategies between men and gods.Within this framework, the MAP Team proposes a Summer School in collaboration with the French Research Centre in Jerusalem ( which covers the project’s themes and tools.

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