

  • São Paulo

    Beitragsaufruf - Frühe Neuzeit

    Intermediate Groups in the Portuguese Dominions, 16th-18th century

    Revista de História (Universidade de São Paulo)

    The Revista de História of the University of São Paulo (Brazil) invites interested scholars to submit proposals for articles to be published as part of a ‘dossier’ concerning intermediate groups in the Portuguese dominions on the Early Modern Age. Throughout that period, ‘middle people’ strove to assert themselves in rural areas and helped to shape old and new urban centers in the Portuguese World, corresponding to an increased demand for specialized services and ensuring the necessary extensions of royal representation functions and Church activities. Even though almost non-existent in juridical or normative terms, those groups were recognized both by nationals and foreigners as a complex and vibrant intermediate social layer. Time has come to try and distinguish its specificities, trends of formation and effective roles in social dynamics.

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