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  • París

    Coloquio - Psiquismo

    The Brains that pull the Triggers

    Paris Conference on Syndrome E

    The transformation of groups of previously nonviolent individuals into repetitive killers of defenseless members of society has been a recurring phenomenon throughout history. This apparent transition of large numbers of so called “psychologically intact”, “ordinary” individuals, to perpetrators of extreme atrocities is one of the most striking variants of human behavior, but often appear incomprehensible to victims and bystanders and in retrospect even to the perpetrators themselves and to society in general. This transition is characterized by a set of symptoms and signs for which a common syndrome has been proposed, Syndrome E (Fried, Lancet, 1997). The purpose of such designation is not to medicalize this form of human behavior, but to provide a framework for future discussion and multidisciplinary discourse and for potential insights that might lead to early detection and prevention. The Brains that Pull the Triggers, a special conference under the auspices of the Paris Institute for Advanced Studies, will bring together scientists and scholars from the human, social and brain sciences along with guests from literature, politics, and law to bear upon this tragic invariant of the human condition.

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  • Montpellier

    Coloquio - Sociología

    Éducation et transformation sociale

    Le colloque annuel du séminaire « Penser la transformation » sera consacré en 2015 aux rapports entre École et société dans une perspective de transformation sociale. Une fois la société comprise comme processus rassemblant des parties différentes, la composition ou recomposition de la totalité sociale doit être envisagée à partir de chacune des parties, du social par exemple, et non plus seulement du politique. L’institution éducative, au cœur de ces articulations, sera abordée tant du point de vue historique (rapport entre lois et mœurs au XVIIIe, principes philosophiques des pédagogies novatrices, engagement politique de l’École républicaine) que du point de vue philosophique (fondements moraux ou politiques de ces approches, statut de l’enfance, limites de l’École) ou d’une synthèse de ces points de vue, dans la formation des acteurs sociaux.

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  • 2015 - Abril - 28

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