

  • Padoue

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Histoire

    European Research Council project "The Dark Side of the Belle Époque" research grants

    The Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World of the University of Padua (Italy) is offering 4 postdoctoral positions within the frame of the ERC-project "The Dark Side of the Belle Époque".

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  • Kalamazoo

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    Walruses, Whales and Narwhals

    Maritime Ivories in Western Europe, 900-1500

    Dans l'histoire de la sculpture sur ivoire, les mammifères marins ont souvent été éclipsés par l'éléphant, vu comme un ivoire plus noble dont le morse ou la baleine ne seraient que des succédanés. Mais cette vision historiographique n'est pas sans faiblesses. Non seulement la chasse au morse joua un rôle significatif dans l'expansion européenne vers l'Ouest, mais le commerce de ces ivoires s'étendit jusqu'au monde islamique voire à l'Extrême-Orient. Cette session du 52e International Congress on Medieval Studies, sponsorisée par le National Museum of Scotland, vise à étudier les ivoires maritimes sous tous leurs aspects, collecte du matériau brut, commerce, ateliers et valeur symbolique.

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  • Nanterre

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Society, culture, community in the United Kingdom (1970-79)

    This two-day conference focusing on British society of the 1970s seeks to enlarge and to alter perspectives on the period. The intention is to examine the dynamic of contradiction, inventiveness and tensions that is at work. The intention of the conference-organizers is to circumvent and thus question any “teleological” or linear reading of the period in terms of the necessary “coming of Thatcherism” in the United Kingdom, where the politics and culture of the period are read as so many symptoms or omens of the 1979 election result. The aim is to focus on the plurality of conflicting possibilities evident in the period, and therefore on the contingency of outcomes.

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  • Rennes

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Art and the Environment in Britain 1700-today

    Whether one thinks of environment as context, setting, climate change, green spaces or sounds, today’s epistemology invites us to rethink man’s relation to the external world to the extent that the “inside” and “outside” coalesce, nature and culture merge, man and animal are reconfigured. How have British artists responded to these shifting perceptions of the world around them, of this great swirling circle of life and non life in which they found – or imagined – themselves diversely positioned, for a long time at the centre, then in a more undefined place – at the margin even? How has art itself positioned itself in this newly defined environment?

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Europe

    Copyright and the Circulation of Knowledge

    Industry Practices and Public Interests in Great Britain from the 18th Century to the Present

    This conference seeks to bring together specialists of Great Britain from the eighteenth century to the present to explore the complex relationship between copyright and the circulation of knowledge. We welcome case studies that focus on a particular time period as well as papers that show how attitudes and practices have changed over time.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Copyright and the Circulation of Knowledge

    Industry Practices and Public Interests in Great Britain from the 18th Century to the Present

    New combinations of technology, culture, and business practice are transforming relationships among authors, publishers, and audiences in many fields of knowledge, including journalism, science research, and academia. Self-publishing, open-access, open source, creative commons, crowd sourcing and copy left: these are a few of the key words associated with recent changes in how knowledge is produced and circulated. While being celebrated for their potential to democratize knowledge, many of these changes have been accompanied by heated debates on such questions as the appropriate role of experts and ‘gatekeepers’; how to ensure that such projects are both trustworthy and economically viable; and how best to balance the interests of authors, publishers, and the general public. Copyright is often at the centre of these discussions.

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  • Tours

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Représentations et figures de la maternité dans le monde anglophone

    L’ambition de ce colloque est d’interroger les discours liés à la maternité, les traductions des choix de société dans les représentations culturelles des mères comme icônes ou boucs-émissaires, et la réception ou la critique de ces représentations dans le contexte d’une quête de conformité ou de libération des conventions sociales.

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  • Londres

    Journée d'étude - Europe

    Creating the Europe 1600-1815 Galleries

    This conference celebrates the opening of the V&A’s new Europe 1600-1815 Galleries. It will introduce some of the new patterns of living that laid the foundations for our modern world. The papers will be presented according to the three main themes that create a narrative structure for the displays and interpretation in the galleries: first, that, for the first time ever, Europeans systematically explored, exploited, and collected resources from Africa, Asia and the Americas in their art and design; second, that France took over from Italy as leader of fashion and art in the second half of the 17th century; and third, that ways of living came to resemble those we know today.

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  • Reims

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    The circulation of popular culture between Ireland and the USA (18th-21st centuries)

    Dans le système de culture mondialisée qui caractérise les sociétés contemporaines, l'organisation d'un colloque international invite à concentrer l’attention sur un cas d’étude, la circulation des diverses formes de culture populaire entre Irlande et États-Unis. L’ancienneté, la constance et de l’intensité des échanges culturels entre les deux nations sont en effet largement antérieurs à la mondialisation culturelle ultra-contemporaine. Cette singularité inscrite dans la longue durée permet de mettre en perspective les phénomènes contemporains tout en les interrogeant.

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  • Paris

    Séminaire - Études urbaines

    Migrants in Global Metropolises

    Séminaire de recherche et doctoral MAGMET

    L'objectif de ce séminaire consiste à articuler transformations urbaines, migration et mondialisation pour mieux comprendre la fabrication des villes-mondes plurielles, marquées par de très forts taux d’immigration et de part de population étrangère. Partant des pratiques et des représentations des différents acteurs sociaux, économiques et politiques qui produisent et vivent dans ces villes, il s’intéresse aux modalités d’incarnation socio-spatiales de la diversité, ainsi qu’à sa gestion. En pensant simultanément les connexions et les ancrages, en jouant systématiquement sur l’articulation des échelles, l’enjeu du séminaire est d’élaborer un cadre analytique théorique comparatif afin de réfléchir aux modes de transformation des métropoles plurielles, engagées dans des dynamiques de mondialisation, en fonction de leur insertion dans les réseaux globalisés, de leur taille démographique et de leurs héritages et contextes politiques.

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  • Nantes

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Censorship: Creative contemporary constraints and dynamics in the representation of the British and American nations

    This 2016 workshop on contemporary US-UK photography will take on the notion of censorship. With photography as its starting point, this edition aims to extend the debate to include the contemporary image on the whole. It is interested in the intermedial forays of other artistic forms in the practice of photographers (art installations, video and/or audio productions, performance, urban art practices, text/image interactions). How does the very artistic form/medium become in itself a means of expression and commitment when confronted with censorship, a means to create unity against censorship, a tool for identity expression of a group or of a minority, to circumvent constraints, or thrive upon these limits and generate creative impetus from them?

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  • La Rochelle

    Colloque - Europe

    Travel in France and Ireland: Tourism, Sport and Culture

    11th AFIS Conference, University of La Rochelle

    Travel is one of Man’s main driving forces. The sea is an important feature of the geography of both Ireland and France, so it is perhaps unsurprising that waves of migration have been such an important aspect of the history of both countries. In ancient times and still today, we travel through necessity (wars, persecutions, economic, political and climatic reasons), by vocation (religious and humanitarian) and for pleasure (tourism, culture and sport).

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  • Îles irlandaises et britanniques

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