

  • Batalha

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    The Hydraulics in Monumental Buildings

    The hydraulic system is an architectural subsystem that can only be understood in view of the dual constitution of its structure: one at ground level, that referrers to potable water (lower hydraulic subsystem), and other concerning rainwater (upper hydraulic subsystem). They both involve aspects of major importance for the functioning of any building: catchment, distribution and evacuation of the waters. In the last decade, research was carried out on the hydraulic component of historical architecture, either religious or civil, considering technical and artistic issues, not only in Portugal, but throughout Europe.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    African Ivories

    In the Atlantic World, 1400-1900

    Since April 2015, the international team working on the project “African Ivories in the Atlantic World: a reassessment of Luso-African ivories” (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia: PTDC/EPH-PAT/1810/2014), composed of 27 researchers from the University of Lisbon, the University of Évora and the Federal University of Minas Gerais in Brazil, has been researching the trade, circulation and production of raw and carved African ivory in the Atlantic area from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century. The team has identified and listed objects from Portuguese and Brazilian (Minas Gerais) collections, also collecting references and descriptions extant in written Portuguese sources. For the first time a selection of ivory pieces was subjected to lab tests with a view to helping establish their age and origin. The project research team has submitted proposals for re-interpreting material culture in the framework of its African contexts of production. 

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Insularities and enclaves in colonial and post-colonial circumstances

    Crossings, conflicts and identitarian constructions (15th - 21st centuries)

    Historically, archipelagos were considered as rehearsal spaces for new social constructions. Since colonization and, afterwards, colonialism and imperialism, many of them evolved in association with the strengthening of international networks, while others did not escape isolation and forced unequal integration in different spaces. On the other hand, enclaves were the outcome of historical circumstances, often externally decided, which prompted some degree of insularity regarding the immediate geographical surroundings. When those territories did not become independent, there were demands for autonomy or, at least, some underlying emancipatory and anti-colonialist feelings. Even when these feelings did not mobilize relevant segments of the population, they disclose the alterity – above all cultural – in regard to sovereignty.

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  • Santa Cruz de Ténérife

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Património cultural e arquivos de família nos arquipélagos da Macaronésia

    Na última década varias linhas de investigação em história e arquivística, têm promovido novas perspetivas de investigação sobre a construção dos arquivos e das fontes históricas. Estas novas correntes, no campo da arquivística histórica e da epistemologia da história, colocam a questão da revalorização dos arquivos de família, não só como repositórios de fontes documentais alternativas aos arquivos institucionais da Igreja e do Estado, mas também como objetos de estudo em si mesmos, devido ao contexto específico de criação e transmissão do arquivo familiar construído à margem dos espaços oficiais do poder político-institucional coevo. Isto faz dos arquivos de família um património comum cujo valor transcende a sua dimensão histórica envolvendo a toda a sociedade, uma vez que resultam especialmente interessantes como expressão de identidades, memórias e discursos históricos plurais. Precisamente porque integram um património cultural comum, a proposta que fazemos é a de aprofundar o conhecimento dos arquivos de família dos arquipélagos da Macaronésia.

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  • 2018

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  • Portugais

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  • Époque moderne

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