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  • Aubervilliers

    Colóquio - Ciências políticas

    Theories and Practices of Federalism

    Federalism Conference 2022

    The Federalism conference is an international and hybrid conference that seeks to explore one the one hand, normative and historical theories of federalism and, on the other hand, investigate federal practices based primarily on case studies from Asia. With many countries opting for a federal structure of the government, federalism has now become a popular research topic among political scientists and constitutional scholars, leading to the burgeoning of centers and research projects at the international level. Federal ideas and the reality of existing federal states cannot be sharply divided. A comprehensive analysis of institutional philosophical roots can thus help us to further a comprehensive understanding of federal institutions as well as design appropriate analytical tools for investigating elements of multilevel governance systems.

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  • Paris

    Jornadas - Ciências políticas

    Langues locales et décentralisation. Dire et traduire les pratiques démocratiques

    Les réformes de décentralisation dans de nombreux pays du monde, à la fin des années 1990, ont reposé, avec une acuité nouvelle, le problème de la fracture linguistique entre la langue des élites et de l'administration et celles des citoyens. Ces journées d'étude se proposent d'examiner de telles situations et d'analyser les réponses qui ont pu y être apportées par des associations, des ONG ou des pouvoirs publics.

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  • Ásia do sudeste

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  • Políticas e ações políticas

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  • Europa

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