

  • Baia Mare

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Discours idéologique et discours publicitaire dans les médias et les universités

    Can we distinguish in the current discourses of the media and universities their roles in our societies? This distinction is important because it refers to the knowledge that journalists and professors put forward through their communications and actions. Do they participate objectively developing the autonomous and enlightened thinking of the citizens of today and tomorrow by democratically supporting their quest for understanding? Or have they become the spokesmen of a single, and therefore partial and partial, way of thinking? What is its legitimacy and relevance when it organizes the information transmitted according to ideological interests, such as a promotional or advertising campaign?

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Deciphering censorship

    From regulation to the production of invisibilities, from the archive to the Internet: an interdisciplinary approach

    We invite all parties interested in the theme of censorship to participate in the conference across any of the four axes detailed below. Nevertheless, there is an openness to other proposals that set out new paths and, hence, the framework below is in no way exhaustive: Analytical models and methodologies; Framework for the factor of international circulation; Meta-analysis; Implications of censorship.

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  • Genève

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    La justice sociale en temps d'incertitude

    The 2021 Congress of the Swiss Sociological Association (SSA)

    Social Justice in Times of Uncertainty takes as a starting point the health pandemic that erupted in 2020, which led societies across the world to cope with disruptions in the provisioning of goods and services, means of livelihood, and fundamental freedom – not least, that of movement. The crisis also revealed global and local inequalities, translated into who has the right to live or not, and raised new questions around (in)justice in the contemporary world. In light of the turmoil experienced, as a globalized society and within our communities, this congress emphasizes the relevance of social and environmental justice in the making of a fair society, asking the question: in times of uncertainty, what does it mean to live a good life in a just society?

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Race in the marketplace (RIM)

    Crossing Critical Boundaries

    Race in the Marketplace (RIM) is an international multidisciplinary research network dedicated to innovatively advancing knowledge and critically understanding the role of race and how it intersects with class, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexuality and disability in global marketplaces. Building on our successful inaugural RIM Research Forum held in Washington D.C in spring 2017, we have decided to broaden the movement across the Atlantic and hold the second biannual RIM Research Forum in Paris (France) from June 25 to June 27, 2019. The broad objective of this second Forum is to continue the dialogue across domains, disciplines and geographical boundaries to contribute to an integrated understanding of race in markets.

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  • Angoulême

    Appel à contribution - Économie

    Industries culturelles et créatives de l'enfance et de la jeunesse

    VIIIe Colloque international « Child and Teen Consumption »

    Le colloque interdisciplinaire « Child and Teen Consumption » vise à faciliter un dialogue approfondi entre chercheurs de diverses disciplines : gestion, psychologie, sociologie, information et communication, anthropologie, histoire, sciences de l’éducation, droit, etc. La 8e édition centrée sur le thème « Youth and Creative Industries » vise à mettre en valeur les recherches dans ce domaine et invite les producteurs de contenus culturels à apporter leur point de vue aux débats.

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  • Faro

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Portugal, le territoire de territoires

    IXe Congrès portugais de sociologie

    Hoje, mais do que nunca, importa estudar as variáveis territoriais das formações sociais, uma vez que o espaço atua cada vez mais, a várias escalas, como força de integração, mas também de exclusão, segregação e relegação, contribuindo ativamente para a criação e recomposição de injustiças, de diferenças e de desigualdades. O território não é um mero cenário onde se projetam os atores sociais. Dotado de especificidades, resiste ou favorece as dinâmicas sociais, pela mediação das práticas, pela sua historicidade, pela sua configuração própria, influenciando quer a distribuição dos grupos sociais no espaço, quer as tipologias das formas de habitação, quer mesmo o planeamento e o urbanismo.

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  • Nantes

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    L'automédication en question

    Un bricolage socialement et territorialement situé

    Se soigner par soi-même est une pratique controversée : vilipendée au nom des risques sanitaires ainsi courus, cette pratique peut aussi être exaltée au nom de l’autonomie ainsi déployée. Les messages des pouvoirs publics sont au cœur de la controverse, insistant selon les périodes tantôt sur les risques, et tantôt sur la responsabilité des patients qui pourrait ainsi s’exercer. De telles injonctions contradictoires affectent également les pratiques des professionnels du soin. Le choix du colloque est de permettre des comparaisons et des confrontations entre ces différentes approches disciplinaires mais aussi ces terrains de recherche distincts (Nord / Sud, Nord / Nord et Sud / Sud). Il nous faut analyser et cartographier plus finement ces pratiques et leurs déterminants pour mettre en perspective ces analyses par définition toujours partielles, situées théoriquement, historiquement et géographiquement.

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  • Montréal

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Hégémonie ou résistance ? Sur le pouvoir ambigu de la communication – Crisis Communication Working Group

    Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) 2015

    The Crisis Communication Working Group aims to provide a forum for scholars researching the mediation of political and economic crisis, wars and terrorism, disasters, catastrophes and risks, combining global and local perspectives. We adopt a broad understanding of crisis communication with theoretical contributions from different perspectives and disciplines and hope to stimulate fruitful discussions about threat-image constructions and the consequences for democracy and civil rights.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Food Security and the Contemporary World

    Contemporanea, revue italienne d'histoire, vient de lancer un appel à contribution en prévision d’'un numéro thématique sur les multiples enjeux de la ‘sécurité alimentaire’ à l'époque contemporaine. La revue publie des textes en italiens et en anglais. Le thème est envisagé sous ses multiples facettes et l'appel est susceptibles d'intéresser des chercheurs et chercheuses travaillant sur des situations européennes, coloniales et post-coloniales, ou transnationales.

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  • Evora

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    40 ans de démocratie(s) : progrès, contradictions et prospectives

    VIIIème congrès portugais de sociologie

    La singularité portugaise présente de nouveaux ponts de communication comparative avec d’autres réalités territoriales et s’offre comme un rare laboratoire d’analyse sociologique. Des phénomènes de régression (structurelle et dispositionnelle), d’articulation de rythmes asynchrones, de changement social, de prolifération du risque et de l’incertitude, de conciliation conflictuelle de modernités multiples dans une modernité inachevée, nous défient de regarder sociologiquement ces 40 dernières années et, dans le même temps, de réfléchir prospectivement sur les tendances et défis du futur.

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  • Genève

    Appel à contribution - Information

    L'information-people, un oxymore?

    In recent years, celebrity news has spread throughout Western media, and particularly in media aimed at the general public. The aim of the Conference is to study and discuss the spreading of celebrity news across the media and to consider the various issues at stake.

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