

  • George Town

    Appel à contribution - Asie

    Social Changes in Contemporary Southeast Asia

    Exploring New Forms of Labour Regimes

    As social, ethnic or religious, identity or position in the political hierarchy is more often pronounced in Southeast Asian societies, labour is rarely at the centre. In particular, labour does not often appear to be at the root of the formation of inequalities. In reality, the labour factor - including migrant labour - clearly fuels the regional dynamics of growth, and enables trade specialisation just as its mobilisation has, in the colonial past, enabled insertion into the international division of labour. This conference seeks to bring labour back in at the centre of the analysis. Offering a rare opportunity to pay tribute to the main oeuvres and pioneering authors in the field in Southeast Asia, it will open space to recent ongoing research on social changes with respect to  labour relations, working conditions, labour norms, and wages.

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  • Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Coronavirus and migration. Discrimination, inequalities, resistance

    International Journal Dve domovini/Two Homelands

    The purpose of this call for papers of the Journal “Dve domovini/Two Homelands” is to critically analyze the relationship between Coronavirus and migration, with a particular attention to institutional discrimination, new inequalities, racism, but also to the forms of resistance put in place by migrants for the respect of their rights, their dignity, their health.

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  • Montréal

    Appel à contribution - Éducation

    La question du vivre-ensemble dans la  formation des enseignants. Des politiques aux pratiques

    Revue « Éthique en éducation et en formation »

    Ce numéro de la revue Éthique en éducation et en formation examinera les questions de formation des enseignants en lien avec les politiques nationales (neutralité, laïcité, multiculturalisme...), mais il pourrait aussi inclure des textes sur la formation à l'éducation au vivre-ensemble, de manière plus large, par exemple, la formation des enseignants au dialogue, au règlement de conflits, etc., ou encore à travers différentes disciplines. Dit autrement, ce numéro ne se limitera pas aux orientations politiques des différentes régions étudiées.

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  • Bruxelles

    Colloque - Europe

    In Search of Cultural Conformity

    The New Integration and Migration Policies in Europe

    MAM is a network of scholars from the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) who have been working together for almost ten years on Migrations, Asylum and Multiculturalism (MAM). This research tested the hypothesis that the citizenship regime mutated since the 2000s. While between the 1980s and 2000 integration policies followed the logic of establishing migrants’ rights through the granting of formal status, since the 2000s a new regime of probationary citizenship seems to focus on the principles of merit and of cultural conformity. The results of this research, which includes comparative analyses of the policies, analyses of the their origins and implementation, and analyses of the attitudes of different groups towards the policies, will be put in comparison with the researches of different international experts.

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  • Louvain-la-Neuve

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    La production des subjectivités en contexte de gouvernance néolibérale

    Neoliberal governance and its structures, and dispositifs, are at the core of contemporary debates in the human sciences. David Harvey (2006) considers neoliberalism a theory that places individual freedom as the final goal of all civilisations. Private property rights, free markets and liberal democracy are the means through which individual freedom is best protected and society flourishes, according to neo-liberal views. The primary role of the state is to enforce property rights, while market forces govern the economy. Neo-liberal ideas have shaped global and national policy for over three decades, introducing the primacy of private property and market rationality in all range of public life from education to healthcare, from land governance to environmental protection. Workers' rights in the global North as well as in the South are devalued in favour of individual responsibility.

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  • Bruxelles (Uccle) | Paris

    Colloque - Pensée

    Second International Conference on Uyghur Studies

    2e colloque international sur les études Ouïghoures

    The Uyghurs are one of the ten most populous stateless nations in the world. While they have a long history of cultural accomplishments and political influences, they have remained marginal in international scholarship given their ambiguous position both in regional studies and in geopolitics. This conference is the second attempt to bring together a broad spectrum of the international community of scholars whose research is focused on the Uyghur people’s history, culture, society.

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  • Louvain-la-Neuve

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Denationalization and territory

    Ph.d. workshop with Saskia Sassen

    Professor Saskia Sassen will take part in a half-a-day international doctoral workshop, which will be the concluding act of a two-day long seminar on denationalisation and territory (7-8 May 2014). Such doctoral seminar aims at providing Ph.D students who work on issues related to globalisation a dynamic and informal space to present their work, receive inputs from discussants and participants and have a chance to discuss with one of the major sociologists in the field. The participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their research questions, to receive informed opinions and to meet other academics working on similar issues in different regional context.

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  • Louvain

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Developing a sense of belonging in diverse societies

    Hui-Muslims in China and Muslims in Europe

    The aim of this workshop is to gather scholars who work on Hui-Muslims in China and Muslims in Europe to compare the similitudes and differences of identity practices. Hui are predominantly Chinese speaking Muslims in China’s vast territory. With a population of 10 million, they are also the most numerous recognized ethnic group in China. Muslims in Europe are hardly featured in international media, domestic politics, and scholarly discussions. Multiculturalism, radicalisation, immigration, integration, forced marriage are discussed through the Muslim visibility and presence in Europe. Recent debates on integration and secularism are focused on  the "Muslim question". In contrast to the focus on Muslims in Europe, there is a notable lack of interest in Muslims in China with the exception of the Uyghur community. In this workshop, we want to study the impact of ethnic-religious interactions, state integration positions and policies to grasp the increasing influence of religious-collective-national expression of Muslims in the public sphere. We would like to examine the new patterns of expression and visibility of the Muslims in China and Europe. Tracing Muslim’s interaction with non-Muslims, this workshop investigates how Muslims encounters, accommodates and negotiates into different socio political contexts in China and Europe.

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  • Abu Dhabi

    Colloque - Études urbaines

    Boom Cities: Urban Development in the Arabian Peninsula

    Cities in the Arabian Peninsula are at the intersection of global energy markets, local and regional politics, international investment, religious networks, and labor migrations. This conference convenes international specialists of urban studies to map the latest evolutions in the field.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Sociologie

    Médias et migrations dans l’espace euro-méditerranéen

    Colloque international à l'Institut national de l'audiovisuel, « médias et migrations dans l’espace euro-méditerranéen », les 17 et 18 novembre 2011, organisé dans le cadre du projet ANR Médiamigraterra, porté par le Cemti, Université Paris 8.

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  • Le Havre

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Multicultularisme et genre en France, Grande-Bretagne, Canada et USA

    Les débats français, britanniques, canadiens et nord-américains sur les tensions entre universalisme et particularisme sont au centre des questions relatives à l’immigration et à la diversité ethno-raciale, religieuse et de genre. Ce colloque se propose tout d’abord d’explorer les manières dont chacun des quatre pays gère les tensions entre multiculturalisme et genre. Ensuite, face aux réponses institutionnelles et aux pressions du groupe, de quelle manière les personnes les plus vulnérables des groupes réagissent-elles ? Enfin, dans quelle mesure les mouvements antiracistes sont-ils les alliés des mouvements féministes ?

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  • Montréal

    Appel à contribution - Géographie

    Barrières, murs et frontières : état d’insécurité ou insécurité de l’État ?

    Plus de vingt ans après la chute du Mur, ce colloque international permettra de poser la question du retour du mur/barrière en relations internationales et, le cas échéant, d'analyser les facteurs qui ont conduit à cette résurgence, sinon dans les faits, du moins dans les discours. L'événement, organisé par la Chaire Raoul-Dandurand en études stratégiques et diplomatiques en collaboration avec l’Association for Borderlands Studies, aura lieu à l'université du Québec à Montréal, Québec, Canada les 19 et 20 mai 2011.Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the question still remains “Do good fences still make good neighbours”? Since the Great Wall of China, construction of which began under the Qin dynasty, the Antonine Wall, built in Scotland to support Hadrian's Wall, the Roman "Limes" or the Danevirk fence, the "wall" has been a constant in the protection of defined entities claiming sovereignty, East and West. But is the wall more than an historical relict for the management of borders? In recent years the wall has been given renewed vigour in North America, particularly along the U.S.-Mexico border, and in Israel, where the old Green line has been transformed into a wall separating Arab from Israeli. But the success of these new walls in the development of friendly and orderly relations between nations (or indeed, within nations) remains unclear. What role does the wall play in the development of security and insecurity? Do walls contribute to a sense of insecurity as much as they assuage fears and create a sense of security for those ‘behind the line’? Exactly what kind of security is associated with border walls?

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Asie

    Les communautés tamoules et le conflit sri lankais

    Cette conférence sur « les communautés tamoules et le conflit sri lankais » sera l'occasion de réunir, sous l'égide du laboratoire ENeC (UMR 8185 - Université Paris-Sorbonne et Université de Saint Denis), des chercheurs de disciplines et nationalités différentes afin d'approfondir la réflexion sur des sujets d'une grande actualité scientifique tels que les migrations, le transnationalisme, l'analyse et la résolution de conflit... à travers l'exemple de Sri Lanka et sa diaspora.

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  • Paris

    Séminaire - Études du politique

    Politiques antidiscriminatoires

    Séminaire, Paris, 15 et 22 juin 2009

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Sociologie

    Pluralism, Politics and Religion Initiative

    Second American-French Workshop

    Pluralism, Politics and Religion InitiativeSecond American-French WorkshopEcole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (GSRL), ParisWashington University, Saint-Louis, Missouri (USA)

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  • Poitiers

    Appel à contribution - Géographie

    La migration des mineurs non accompagnés en Europe

    Unaccompanied Minors in Europe

    Ce colloque prétend pouvoir générer un espace d’échanges et de discussions sur cette question qui demeure peu traitée. Ses principaux objectifs sont : d’une part, installer un dialogue entre les chercheurs et les professionnels afin de proposer un traitement social et juridique cohérent et respectant la prééminence des droits de protection de l’enfance devant les règles de contrôle des flux migratoires ; d’autre part, fédérer l’effort de recherche sur cette nouvelle question afin de mieux appréhender les dynamiques migratoires aujourd’hui à l’oeuvre et ainsi développer une réflexion méthodologique visant à accroître la connaissance des contextes sociaux d’origine de ces mineurs et saisir la pluralité des dimensions de ce depart d’un nombre croissant d'enfants quittant seuls leur pays.

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