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  • Le Havre

    Chamada de trabalhos - Estudos urbanos

    Smart Port

    Intelligent Platform for Smart Port (IPaSPort)

    The development of ports and their environment (hinterland and logistic corridors) needs innovative technological solutions. These solutions concern the new technologies of highly communicating components (Captors, RFID, Internet of Things, etc.) as well as new information systems aimed to integrate the complexity of huge databases (Big Data intelligent management). The objective of this international conference is to join researchers and engineers interesting on the development of new spatial-temporal tools for port development, able to integrate the multiplicity of challenges for territorial development and efficiency, respecting environment and predictive impacts of climatic evolution.

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RSS Filtros selecionados

  • Desenvolvimento económico

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  • Ciências da informação

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  • Sistemas, modelização, geoestatística

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  • Europa

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