Página inicialCalendário2020

Página inicialCalendário2020

  • Paris

    Jornadas - Comunicação

    Publicité et transition écologique

    Séminaire « Académie des controverses et de la communication sensible »

    Depuis quelques mois, la question des rapports entre publicité et transition écologique est au cœur de l’actualité et de l’attention médiatique. Au mois de juin 2020, un collectif de vingt-cinq ONG a publié un rapport « Big Corpo » suivi d’un nouveau rapport émanant notamment de Greenpeace et réclamant une « Loi Évin pour le climat ». Tout dernièrement, la Convention citoyenne pour le climat a recommandé l’interdiction de la publicité des produits les plus polluants et demandé l’apposition d’une mention destinée à lutter contre la surconsommation « En avez-vous vraiment besoin ? ». Si des sujets comme le greenwashing ont pu être abordés par les sciences de l’information et de la communication, la question des rapports entre publicité et transition écologique a été peu étudiée dans le monde académique. C’est pourquoi l’Académie des controverses et de la communication sensible organise un séminaire en ligne.

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Chamada de trabalhos - Ciências políticas

    Artistic, Digital, and Political Creation in English-Speaking African Countries

    Africa 2020

    French President Emmanuel Macron announced on 3rd July 2018 in Lagos that a Special Season would be organized in France, from June to December 2020, to mark a renewed partnership with Africa, a “varied, strong and diverse continent that will play a part in our shared future”. Even if this cultural focus cannot be abstracted from a broader geopolitical agenda marred by controversial presidential declarations, it nevertheless has the potential to offer a somewhat different coverage of the continent. One can only hope that it avoids the temptation to officially “curate into being” “exceptional” artists (Dovey), tapping into the all-too-familiar image of Africa as “the supreme receptacle of the West’s obsession with, and circular discourse about, the facts of ‘absence,’ ‘lack,’ and ‘non-being,’ of identity and difference” (Mbembe).


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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Chamada de trabalhos - Ciências políticas

    Africa 2020: Artistic, digital, and political creation in english-speaking African countries

    French President Emmanuel Macron announced on 3rd July 2018 in Lagos that a Special Season would be organized in France, from June to December 2020, to mark a renewed partnership with Africa, a “varied, strong and diverse continent that will play a part in our shared future”. The peer-reviewed journal of Aix-Marseille Université research centre on Anglophone Studies (LERMA), E-rea, has decided to seize the opportunity of Africa 2020 to dedicate a special issue to contemporary artistic, digital, and political creation in English-speaking African countries. Heeding Kenyan political analyst Nanjala Nyabola’s advice to eschew the too reductive ‘Africa rising’ and ‘Africa failing’ narratives in favour of ‘Africa being’ stories, this special issue wishes to focus on “stories reflecting the ambivalence, complexity, challenges and opportunities of African societ[ies] in an increasingly connected world”.

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  • 2020

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  • Desenvolvimento económico

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  • Ciências da informação

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  • Europa

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