

  • Lisbonne

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    A revolução de 25 de abril de 1974: historiografia e políticas de memória

    Caminhos da Historiografia: história e ciências sociais dos anos 40 à atualidade

    Mais do que uma data, o 25 de Abril é o nome por que ficou conhecido o processo que abriu a democratização e transformação da sociedade portuguesa e o fim do império colonial. Marca uma divisão da história do Portugal contemporâneo em duas eras, um "antes" e um "depois" do 25 de Abril. 50 anos passados sobre o evento, somos desafiados a explorar as diferentes formas de construir, conservar, interpretar e mobilizar a sua memória, com uma atenção particular às contribuições historiográficas e, de maneira mais ampla, das humanidades e ciências sociais nesse processo.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    History and polemics: historiographical debates and the public space

    Ever since history became an academic knowledge, historiographical debates have been exceptional moments of construction, condensation and dissensus, often resulting in historiographical turns. Controversies around specific themes have divided entire fields of knowledge production, bringing into light different, often contrasting conceptions, methodologies and practices of historical knowledge. Such debates were, at the same time, moments in which the description and interpretation of the past represented a public intervention in the present, in which the defense of a certain way of making sense of history was also a way of taking of sides in a specific contemporary political discussion. Historiographical polemics were therefore moments in which historiographical knowledge had to confront in the public space other approaches to the past, thus making visible, and challenging, the paradigms that rule the historical discipline and public history.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    The Liberal Revolution and the Constitutional Monarchy (1820-1910)

    Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal Nº14

    This issue of Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal and the next, want to create an open and multidisciplinary space that can creatively accommodate original and unique authors and texts on the most diverse themes related to the period between the eve of the revolution and the end of the monarchical regime.

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  • Lisbonne

    Colloque - Histoire

    História dos Media e do Jornalismo

    Génese do jornalismo no espaço ibero-americano

    Congresso Internacional de História dos Media e do Jornalismo 2011. O evento realiza-se nos dias 6 e 7 de Outubro de 2011 na FCSH-UNL.Tema central: Génese e evolução do Jornalismo no Espaço Ibero-Americano.

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  • Portugais

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  • Histoire politique

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  • Histoire culturelle

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