

  • Târgovişte

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Dynamics of Belonging: Exploring Home and Homeland in Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea Region

    The 15th Annual International Conference on Baltic and Nordic Studies

    In reflecting on the notion of home, individuals in both the Scandinavia and Baltic Sea Region engage in a multifaceted introspection. Whether one envisions home as a microregion, encapsulating the unique landscapes and cultural tapestries of Scandinavia or the Baltic Sea Region, or defines it on a national scale, the discourse expands to include the intricate layers of personal and collective identity. This contemplative journey involves both longstanding inhabitants and newcomers, prompting a profound meditation on the concepts of home, homeland, homelessness, or a state of being without a defined nation. This conference aims to delve into the nuanced dimensions of cultural identity, sustainability, connectivity, migration, security, education, innovation, and artistic expression within the captivating landscapes of Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea Region. 


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  • Constanţa

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Cooperation and Controversy. The 14th Annual International Conference on Baltic and Nordic Studies

    The purpose of the conference is to shed light on cooperation and controversy aspects in Scandinavia, the Baltic Sea Region, and beyond. It examines the two topics through the lens of cultural and literary studies (including arts such as drama, theater, cinema, etc.), history, economic and trade analysis, political science, military analysis, and international relations, among other multidisciplinary angles. We thus invite researchers from all of these fields to submit proposals for panels and individual papers, thereby facilitating inter-disciplinary dialogues at the conference.

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  • Târgovişte

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Hegemons, warlords, and refugees

    The 13th international conference on Baltic and Nordic studies

    What is the legacy of the hegemonic pursuits of warlords that were drafted from among the Viking raiders, the German knights, the Scandinavian and Polish kings, and the Russian tsars and leaders on Baltic Sea Region and Scandinavia? In what ways was the region redesigned on the political, ideological, geographical, and cultural levels? Whether hegemony is defined in terms of political assertion or influence, especially by one country over other nations, masculinity, international leadership, regional hegemony, ideological hegemony, or hegemonic contestation, the term always connotes control, hierarchy, and dependency. What traces of their attempts have been left in culture, art, and public monuments throughout the course of time, and how are they considered in modern times ?

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  • Montpellier

    Appel à contribution - Asie

    Fuir les nazis : les exils bénis de l’Asie ?

    Cette rencontre s'inscrit dans la continuité du colloque de l'université franco-allemande (UFA) Montpellier-Weimar organisé en 2014 à Berlin « Construction des mythes de héros de guerre (Allemagne, France, Japon) » publié en 2017 au Leipziger Universitätsverlag. Après avoir étudié les ambivalences dans la construction des « héros guerriers », ce nouveau colloque s'intéresse cette fois à deux autres ambivalences associées à la deuxième guerre mondiale : celles du positionnement de certains États d'accueil vis-à-vis des exilés fuyant le nazisme et de « l'éthique de survie » des exilés eux-mêmes.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Breaking boundaries: academia, activism and the arts

    The international conference Breaking Boundaries: Academia, Activism and the Arts proposes to bring into focus and critically question common grounds and boundaries between and within the Humanities, political activity and aesthetic production.​At a time when boundaries are simultaneously questioned and reinforced – for example between geographical territories, political states, public and private spheres, gendered bodies, creative media, theory and practice, local and global, human, non-human and post-human – the question of what such frontiers stand for, and how and why they might be transgressed offers itself for and, indeed, urges discussion.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Dissent Versus Conformism in the Nordic, Baltic and Black Sea Areas

    The tenth annual international conference on Nordic and Baltic Studies in Romania

    In the meanwhile, conformism seems to have pervaded larger categories of public in East-Central Europe and beyond and new “illiberal democracies” evolved. A composite of authoritarian leader and godfather have taken the reins of power in the area. Populist parties and movements are on the rise. Resurgent nationalisms are again offered as a substitute to solutions. The refugee crisis lingers on and no common decisions have been adopted within the EU to solve it on the basis of the European values. The EU institutions are in need of reform and decisions on the course of the organization and its future enlargement process are still pending. The conference aims at analyzing two often interrelated phenomena: dissent and conformism.

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  • Sibiu

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Instances of power and cultural discourse

    Intercultural exchange in the age of globalization, second edition

    In the context of today’s social, political and economic changes, power is one of the governing principles of culture. Power comes in many shapes and sizes and it manifests itself under various forms: it can be tyrannical or a combination of forces (Foucault); it can be charismatic, traditional and rational (Weber) or the opposite – manipulative; it can also appear as a system of diluted forces that spring from the “social field” (Bourdieu); it can remain in the unconscious or it can manifest itself in the speech act. However it may appear, it has become clear that power shapes the course of the creation, interpretation and analysis of literary texts and other cultural products.

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  • Gand

    Colloque - Représentations

    Comics and memory

    A Nordic networks for comics research (NNCORE) conference

    “Comics and memory” is an international Nordic networks for comics research (NNCORE) conference organized at the University of Ghent from April 19-21, 2017, in collaboration with the KU Leuven, UCLouvain (GRIT), and the ACME comics research group (University of Liège). This three-day conference examines the complex relationships between comics and memory through the prisms of personal, collective, and medial forms as well as practices of remembering.

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  • Barcelone

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    The Transatlantic Embrace: Spanish Civil War in America’s Intimate Distance

    "Forma" Revista d'estudis comparatius. Art, literatura, pensament

    Spanish Civil War has been studied under its multiple angles. This can also be said about the literature concerning this topic: novels, poems, and all literary forms generated by this armed conflict (both by Spanish and foreign intellectuals) have been commented by academic criticism from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. However, fewer approaches have set the axis of their critical focus on the importance of the Spanish conflict in America and its decisive relevance as a part of a phenomenon that is also American. This special number of the FORMA journal sets out to give a voice to all types of contributions able to shed a new light on this fundamental aspect of the war, whose causes and consequences are clearly rooted in Spain, but whose horizon overflows the peninsular and continental borders and requires an inevitably transatlantic point of view.

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  • Oxford

    Colloque - Langage

    Comment écrire la Grande Guerre ?

    Poétiques francophones et anglophones

    L'objet de ce colloque international sera d'interroger, à travers des perspectives littéraires, historiques, stylistiques et linguistiques, les littératures de témoignage anglophones et francophones de la Grande Guerre, en éclairant les moyens que mobilisèrent les écrivains pour répondre aux bouleversements occasionnés par le conflit. Une attention particulière sera accordée aux évolutions de la langue, des genres ou encore du personnel romanesque, mais aussi à leurs permanences respectives, tout aussi instructives dans l'optique d'une saisie des enjeux éthiques, esthétiques et politiques de la période.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Mass media and the Genocide of the Armenians

    One Hundred Years of Uncertain Representation

    On the eve of the commemoration of the centenary of the Armenian genocide, it would be desirable to consider the place and role of the mass media (press, radio, TV, Internet) in the knowledge and recognition of the crime committed against the Armenian civilian population of the Ottoman Empire.

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  • Leeds

    Colloque - Représentations

    War, Memory Amnesia: Francophone Perspectives on postwar Lebanon

    This is the first conference in the UK to bring colleagues from across the globe to discuss francophone memory cultures and has been funded by the Leverhulme Trust, the Society for French Studies, the Institut français, SMLC and our own French subject area. Registration is open at the following site:

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Penser en France les révolutions britanniques au XVIIe siècle

    L’objectif de cette journée est de rassembler des philosophes, des historiens et des littéraires spécialistes des crises politiques du XVIIe siècle britannique. La thématique générale tourne autour des révolutions britanniques et de la manière dont les chercheurs français se sont saisis de cette question, dans les domaines de la philosophie politique, de l'histoire des sciences et du genre et de l'histoire sociale. Des discutants anglais et français viendront commenter ces effets de divergences et de convergence observés de part et d'autre de la Manche.

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  • Istanbul

    Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Le contrôle des foules à la Renaissance

    This seminar will discuss the notion of « crowd control » from various viewpoints, distinguishing « crowd controllers » and the « crowds controlled » in different loci : on the stage, in the Church, the royal entourage, urban / rural milieus, in the British Isles or elsewhere.

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  • Villeneuve-d'Ascq

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    La représentation de la guerre dans les conflits récents: enjeux esthétiques, éthiques et politiques

    Les vingt dernières années ont vu la dissolution de l’URSS, de la Yougoslavie et de nombreuses guerres et conflits ont agité la planète dans différentes régions du monde (Irak, Afghanistan, Tchétchénie, Israël, Palestine, Somalie, etc...). Le colloque propose de s’intéresser aux différents moyens esthétiques mis en œuvre pour représenter la guerre : films, romans, récits, bandes dessinées, photographie, reportages.

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  • Nanterre

    Journée d'étude - Époque moderne

    Apocryphes et anonymes : The Reign of King Edward III, c. 1593

    Le Groupe Quarto du Centre de recherches anglophones (CREA, EA 370) de l’Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense organise le vendredi 16 septembre 2011 une journée d'études consacrée à King Edward III, en collaboration avec l’IRCL (UMR 5186 – Montpellier III).

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  • Catane

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Vivre ensemble dans une société multiculturelle

    Dans le cadre de l’EMUNI, l’Université de Catane organise une « école d’été » sur les sociétés multiculturelles. La première semaine est consacrée au dialogue interculturel dans le bassin méditerranéen et aux relations politiques et économiques des pays de la Méditerranée. La deuxième semaine comprend deux séminaires de littérature, l’un sur l’histoire du genre et la littérature féminine, l’autre sur l’observation du territoire à partir de la mer.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    La France et la Nouvelle-Zélande pendant la Grande Guerre

    France and New Zealand during the Great War

    Le 4 novembre 1918, les troupes néo-zélandaises libérèrent la ville fortifiée du Quesnoy après une bataille décisive qui fut leur dernière offensive de la Grande Guerre pour les troupes neo-zelandaises. Des liens d’amitié se formèrent par la suite entre les soldats et les civils libérés et, jusqu’à ce jour, de nombreux Néo-Zélandais visitent le Quesnoy, la seule ville française à être jumelée avec une ville en Nouvelle-Zélande. Cette conférence fait partie des commémorations organisées autour du 90e anniversaire de la libération de la villa du Quesnoy. Cette conférence permettra de mieux comprendre quelle était la vie en France pendant l’occupation allemande et quel rôle jouèrent les Néo-Zélandais pendant le conflit.

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